Previous Thread: >A special message from DONTNOD Entertainment: ''...we've been working, since the release of the box version last year, on a new Life is Strange game, with the Life is Strange team.''
Life is Strange is an episodic interactive drama from DONTNOD Entertainment. Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time. At the prestigious Blackwell Academy, Max must prepare with Chloe Price for the incoming storm of returning to her hometown after five years. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.
BFFs, Pirates, Wonder Twins, Partners in Time & Crime & Love, Fellow Dorks, GFs, Wives. OTP.
Robert Torres
Blake Murphy
Noah Hill
Max is #1
Jonathan Rodriguez
Logan Miller
Alice is excited!
Logan Adams
Alles für Chloe
Jaxson Roberts
Before Episode 5's release: >Lol Mari's theories're shitty.It's way more than shitty to become true >Chloe has to die thing doesn't make sense.Don't worry they will come with unpredictable story >We're gonna learn everything about Max's powers,Rachel and Prescotts even Nathan,spirit animals.. >Jefferson knows about Max's powers >Nathan,Frank,David or Samuel's gonna save us >Victoria's with Max,she'll save her >(After seeing Cemetery scene from leaks) I'm sure it'll be Williams,Rachel's or Kate's grave. >Rachel's the doe and Butterfly and probably we'll see her in Max's dream >Blue Jay's Chloe
After Episode 5's release: >Mari's shitty cliche theory became right >We visited the SF art gallery for 3 seconds. FOR 3 DAMN SECONDS >Jefferson became a silly bad guy from Disney >David came to save us.He's a former-soldier but he can't even fight,just listens teenager's orders. Even he doesn't know she has some time travel powers. >Victoria's with us in the dark room.Laying there and we can talk her or not.Just it. >Nathan get killed,Victoria too >Nathan knew something about the storm but they cut it. >Warren explained Max's powers(!)(thanks warryn) We found out her power causes/related with Chaos Theory and storm.It's not like we didn't know or something. >Storm is only coming for Bay because Chloe lives in there but Max's the one who keep changes the time >Prescotts story erased.Nobody even mention their name. >Rachel's story fucked too.She isn't or butterfly,bluejay just spiritualdoe >Spirit animals thing died.Blue Butterfly's storm summoner just it. >Chloe dies again in one of endings (unpredictable) It gives you a lesson: You shouldn't have used your power.And you shouldn't play this game.Now erase your choices and cry like a bitch. >Chloe has to die thing comes true, Cemetery scene explained with that. >The other ending's short but it's less cliché than other.We saved Chloe,storm's hit the town and gone.That's it