/fog/ - Fallout General

Veeky Forums waifus edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:

>Fallout 4
>General Information etc:
>Collection of Nexus Weapon Links:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Mods & Rips etc:

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

Pre-War thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>No one will ever make Expanded cities mod for Fallout4
>because there arent any cities to expand

So i'm trying to change Curie by using slm on her, but I can't see to change her hair color or style. What is up with that?

didn't that break people saves/games just like freeside open and that mod for 3 that made skyscrapers taller in downtown dc

So what you're saying is we gotta mod in cities, and then expand them

did that artist from a couple threads ago just make one piece and then fuck off? was going to ask him to do my guy

New thread, new adventure


Need more testers for this, mainly right now I'm looking to see if the steam meter works

What, no. Not unless you have other mods occupying the same world space.

Holy shit, I somehow did it!! I changed the animation of the Grease Gun to the rifle one, after numerous hours of fiddling around. Although the magazine is out of place and when aiming at 1st person, the sights are not aligned. If some kind user would lend a tip on how it can be somehow fixed, it would be greatly appreciated

On my way to fuck the Brotherhood up.


What a slut!

Still nothing with the new files.

Also, couldn't manage to get a log to generate from F4SE, but that's probably just me too stupid to get it generate correctly.

If you manage to get it work share it with the rest of us.

Why did you mod FO4 to look like modded FNV

Really? HUDFramework's author himself reported that it worked just fine.

Which bit, the log generation or the steam counter?

it's more about busecombinedobjects = 0 killing fps in packed areas. you can open up buildings, but the more you add, the greater the performance hit.

I suppose you could get around that by completely rebuilding central Boston. Good luck with that.

Both. The log messages are output to f4se.log by the way.

Well then I really am lost here.


In your documents/my games/Fallout 4/F4SE folder, there's an F4SE.ini, and if there isn't make one with those statements, which will turn on logging for HUDFramework. The log will be in the same folder.

Fuck, I was putting it in the data folder because that's what was used to with Skyrim.

I will, if I somehow figure out what to do next.

If what you meant is how it looks, I'm currently messing around with enb.

And still no log file.

Fuck me.

Do you have F4SE actually installed?

Anyone know what causes quite big black pixels shimmering in screen, usually over front sight of a gun? Usually happens when hit or under drug effect.

Yep, there's some other files in there being generated, but no actual .log file

F4se.log generates even without scaleform logging though.

>encounter Art and his synth counterpart
>for whatever reason they're both hostile to me and open fire on sight
>kill them in self defense
>Piper disliked that

isn't this from Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for PS2?

>Guy complains about Bethesdas vaults just being dumb and evil for the sake of being dumb and evil
>Show him the wiki where it shows how dumb and bad all of the vaults are
>Resorts to just yelling SHAWN

Bethesdas vaults are shit because they're fucking tiny and have no means of even pretending to support a population, not because of their experiments, which are just as stupid as the previous games.

Eh, I hated them in 4(besides being tiny loot pinatas as you said) because Cait just goes "Oh Vault-Tec" like it's some 60's TV SOL comedy. Half expected a laugh track to come up.


I don't know if you have some sort of conflict somewhere, but I gave it to several interface devs and it worked without issue, I'm not sure what problems you guys are having.

You could stick your dick into that hole between deathclaw teeth and it would not be able to do a thing to stop you.

You say that like that's an unintentional part of its design

I'm half expecting a todd face to peek from the mouth asking I'f I bought the season pass.

Are there any settlement locations with some kind of big hole (or even a little hole) so that I can build a comfy fox hole?

I think the problem with Bethesda vaults is the way they're written. The diary logs and information left in computers just makes everyone seem retarded and incompetent, as if all the Vaults were built and designed by the three stooges. Very little effort seems to be put into keeping the secret a secret too.

I wonder if the means myself and Niero both have the same mod that's causing the issue, or maybe we;re both just retarded?

I don't know. Niero didn't have the latest patch so the steam meter might be included, but I can't recreate your issue so I can't really solve it, and i'm not really sure if my mod is the one causing it.

You need to remember that Chads arent very good at connecting subtle hooks of whats really happening in the vault. Though I doubt they read the journal entries either. Maybe thats why FO4 has so many voiced holotapes.


I'm sorry I couldn't be of more (or any) help.

Hope the next steps go a bit smoother for you.

Well I do know it's the reason they dumbed-down dialog. I've actually seen normies praising the FO4 style choices because they hated having to read the lines in 3 and NV. It's easier for them to just see two or three words.

Anyone know what causes these weird black squares? They just randomly flicker around front sights of weapons. Most often when hit by radroach and the visual effect from radiation kicks in.

Particle effect with a missing texture perhaps?

I've been using the full dialogue mod since it was released and I still hate having just 4 options for every conversation and every single convo ending the exact same. I'm still waiting on that mod that brings skills and skill related dialogue back. Hell, I'd be happy right now with some skill checks like the USS Constitution had.


I get those when it rains on my corn fields. black boxes all over the corn, only during foggy rain, not storms or radstorms. It's a texture not loading properly.

It is kinda sad the way it reveals how meaningless your choices are.

IIRC one of the devs mentioned once how utterly nightmarish it was trying to come up with four dialogue options for every single conversation branch.

I guess that kind of shit is what he was talking about.

It works now. The text is garbled because its on top of the HF sample mod. Also some raiders followed me through the train ride lol.

Well that's what I imagined, they put themselves into a position where they're going to have to limit or make filler choices. Why the fuck did they go with four choices in the first place, who thought that was a good idea?

I saw something a modder had done which inserted a timed option on the menu. It was for a porn mod, but in principle should work for other shit. It replaced one of the dialogue choices with an option for sex, but only for a few seconds, then it would revert to the normal dialogue options. It was for inserting 'fucking your way past problems' options for a larger pron overhaul.

No reason you could not substitute 'skill' or perk triggers instead.

Great, those are a joy to find and fix.

If it's vanilla Fallout 4, you can just verify files. If it's a mod, happy hunting...

to be fair there, that's the joke in the dialogue with the handy

its easy to flick your console joystick into the choise you want.

Apparently the system HAS to have four options on screen for every branch, or the game just fucking crashes.

I guess they added the wheel early on in development, then got far enough in before they realised what a huge mistake they'd made.

they should have just done the dialogue wheel, or kept the old menu format. I like that you're able to walk out of conversations, I also like the different attitudes and drunk speech when skipping through conversation. 4 is such an arbitrary number though.

It would be nice if some dev spilled the beans of the developement process of the game. I bet it was a mess.

Yeah, it's based off the killcount mod so they're in the same place.

Okay, but the problem is prevalent all throughout the game.

That's ridiculous, how can Bethesda be large a large company with immense budget, but still be so god damn incompetent?

There'd be some juicy stories I'm sure. Also didn't Avellone or one of the NV crew reveal that Betheda just refer to the fan Wiki for lore?

>People legit think Bethesda is incompetent
Getting millions of dollars and high regards from critics every time you pop a turd isn't incompetency.


How can American ship industry get billions of defense budget dollars and come out with ships that dont work and infuriate Pentagon so much that they are now looking for European shipmanufacturers for new ships?


The thing that I find the funniest about the wheel, is that it basically means they tried to cater as hard they possibly could to the console audience, and got completely burned as a result.

A smart animal would be able to learn from this, but I wonder about Bethesda.


They're good at marketing and knowing their fanbase, but they're undeniably incompetent when it comes to various aspects of game development, at least for a AAA company that size. That or they just know they can get away with it, which returns as back to knowing their audience.


>pick up holotape instead of playing it
>didnt see its name

Good design.

Oh and why didnt they add searching by name to inventories? Oh wait, cant do that on consoles.

Does Fallout 4 even have throwable weapons like New Vegas did?

Gopher gets so autistic he has to put a warning on his video. Funny episode tho. The ending is brilliant.


Har Farbor was going to add in a few (knives, hatchets, spears) but they were cut.

Trainpez modded them back in tho.

not without mods.

can you rename the general to "fallout 4 general"
Everyone that talks about other fallouts gets viciously attacked or doesnt get a response so no point in talking about it


Things that aren't true for 1000.

Fallout 4 can suck the big one tbqh


Coastal Cottage, duh. Clear out the mirelurks first.

confirmed for /v/eddit tourist

people still ask about shit from games and theres daily lore related shitposting

Coastal Cottage is the only one with a hole to build shit in.

Also was it really necessary to frog post with such an extreme frog?


>automatrons i've built came to rescue me from a hopeless battle against 5 mechanist tanks
this happen to anyone else? it was super flattering for them to turn the tide like that but i was miles away from any settlement they''ve could've been stationed in

I really hate how I cannot be anyone I want to be in Fallout 4.
I HAVE to be some parent looking for their lost child.
I cannot be my own character. That and the dialogue.

I'm not at home. Someone plz ease my troubled mind and tell me what the thing is called when your character is hiding behind a tree and the crosshair is dead center on the tree and everything behind it is blurry as fuck. Is that called depth of vision?

I just installed fallout 4 and installed photorealistic enb and it looks great to me apart from that blurry vision crap. Probably one of the worst feature i have ever experienced in a shooter. Literally what the fuck was the person who okayed that thinking?

Do i just go into the ini files and ctrl f blur and set it all to zero?

Goddamn the companion pathfinding in fallout4 blows ass. They dont even want to start combat sometimes even when enemy is already shooting at you.

hud works fine for me. I've got DEF_UI, Val item sort, Full dialogue, and HUDFramework installed for reference
As for the armour, the upper arm pieces seem to pop in and out of existence (the same thing happens t jetpacks if I install them on PA that doesn't usually have it), and the model stretches when it's opened to get in which is probably a rigging issue.
Haven't gone through all the armour mods yet

Recommended FO4 mods?

>waifu loves you so much that she follows you into the glowing sea, a place that is near certain death as far as she knows
>because she wants to protect me and help me on my quest
I'm blessed to have met her. I thank Atom every day that she's part of my life and that I'm a part of hers.

Uninstall wizard.


Longfellow's Cabin has a 'trench' you can build in. Otherwise you need mods to add rocks and trash piles to build up an area.

This mod might be useful, too:


depth of field? should be an option to turn it off in the enb hud.

kid i have been here longer than you
is this english?







