What culture has had the ugliest "beauty" customs?
What culture has had the ugliest "beauty" customs?
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These and the ones that let cows piss on their heads to dye their hair.
+ the redicilously big ass now
What are you, gay?
Being attracted to fat is unhealthy.
how so, friendo?
Leading cause of death
Every cultural standard that I do not adhere to is weird, but every part of my culture is only natural.
I actually think crooked teeth are adorable. The Japs got that right.
The flathead Indians
Almost as ugly as the Mayans who thought crossed eyes were cute
There's a difference between a big ass/nice thighs that develop on a healthier woman (say a volleyball player or other athlete) vs. what Veeky Forums defines as "HIGH TEST T H I C C" i.e. obese women.
Footbinding is the reason foot fetishists should never be allowed power
modern foot fetishests would probably hate footbinding because it makes the uncovered foot fucking hideous and atrophied.
The modern western fads of tattoos, unkempt beards, and short hair
this image is going to give me nightmares
i dunno i can kinda see the appeal of small feet, its when you see the horrible naked foot is when you actually get turned off
so being attracted to this is fine?
I kinda like the dark teeth
Retard with lowtest detected
For most of human history this was considered sexy
post-war western and niggas
This, and I'm not even against any of those things individually (maybe except some kinds of unkempt beards). It's an awful combo.
Being attracted to fat does not cause death.
Yep, until gay fashion designers defined boyish girls as "sexy".
Seriously, "sexy" is the adjective of the noun "sex". Therefore, if a person is of male sex, "sexy" means "male". If a person is of female sex, "sexy" means "feminine".
A woman which looks like a 12yo boy is neither feminine nor sexy - that's just a perverted beauty ideal.
This triggers the fatty
Fat is only attractive as long as it is beneficial for childbirth. When it becomes detrimental for childbirth, like , it is not attractive.
>mega qt
Isn't this pretty similar to what the Huns did?
Fat is the leading cause of death the way Living is the leading cause of Dying. Obesity is a leading cause of death but Obesity is not itself fat, it is an amount of fat. Not only is fatty tissue capable of being built onto the body in healthy (and damn sexy) fashion, but quite obviously a person with 0% fat in their body has just about a 0% chance of living.
Wasn't it considered a sign of prosperity more than that of sexual desire?
Fat=lots of food with little effort.
The fact European women are naturally slim means they are sexy in the brains of European men where as fat women are disgusting. Blacks are primitive its no surprise they are turned on by big butts.
Out of your mind
Short hair on girls is nice but holy fuck tattoos never look anything but trashy. I've seen many otherwise nice looking girls ruined because they thought having trashy half-sleeves or giant tattoos on their thigh was a great idea. Usually combined with danger hair and lots of ugly piercings.
Short hair is for pedophiles, long hair for sane men.
Cross eyed girls are cute.
I'd say 99.9%+ of tattoos look trashy as fuck on women, but once in a while one clicks
Do you have an example of a woman with a tattoo that wouldn't be better if she didn't have it?
Off-hand? No, absolutely not. I've only ever seen one in person and seen an image of another.
OK, because I have a hard time imagining it.
Yeah, I never thought I'd see one either.
that statue is called "Venus of Willendorf".
Willendorf being in Austria. It's an ancient idea of European beauty. Fat body=fat titties= milk for your kids + hips to bear to have more kids, spreading your seed further.
It's theorized that those statues represent the body from a pregnant womans perspective. And not fat=sexy. May have been used as a visual teaching aid for young girls.
>not liking traps
I think he means Rubens. He deffinately had a chubby fetish.
I agree... I would say girls made out of plastic are equally as ugly as this. Its just a modern version of the same thing.
Low test beta detected.
I bet you think the williams sisters are fat.
There's a reason why she's a fertility goddess and not a beauty goddess.
>Actual slopeheads
Haha, I know a Guatemalan girl who is cross eyed