Destiny General - /dg/
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first for delicious flat hunter chests
Have you ever hated someone just because of the way they write? I'm like that with DeeJ.
I don't know why but whenever I read a TWAB or an update written by him I get seething mad by his phrasing and vocabulary.
nth for best girl
>doing the new raid
>do the mechanics of the fight that opens the boss for damage
>everyone jumps in to DPS the boss
>Titans pop walls in front of everyone to keep them safe
>Warlocks throw down healing and damage buffs
So what are Hunters supposed to contribute exactly? Clear adds to give everyone Chain of Woe x3? Don't tell me they're going to be useless again like in Y1.
The other subclass will probably have something useful
/dg/'s face when Scorpio and PC have crossplay
Who /forevertitan/ here?
Spam golden gun for damage!!
>yfw Arcstriders can throw their staff at the boss, stunning it and making it take more damage
I wish I had WoW gold for this DLC
I'm really jealous of the hunters spear/staff super but I'll probably stay titan.
Instant reload sniper for more dps
I do wish it was more team oriented, but chains of woe is nice
Think we'll get the option to hide helmets during gameplay?
New Awoken sitting pose?
>controller vs m+k
my dick
Are all the original exotics gonna get carried over or just some select few?
Boner shit?
Precision hits increase duration and damage. This could mean anywhere between 3 to 6 extra shots. You could have the best long-range super for bosses with weak spots.
Titans Lead The Way
Duration =/= extra shots.
Ah, shit, you're right. I guess I was being a bit too hopeful. It'd still pair up well with the 6 shots perk.
I really wanted to punch this guy while he was on stage
He called Luke Smith a manchild, thats ok in my book.
So I liked quite a bit of what I saw at the reveal
But i'm still quite worried about the launch, for some reason I just feel like we're gonna have another Destiny 1 launch on our hands
So what specs do you think will be required for this on PC?
Destiny 1 had a bad launch due to months worth of internal issues, hopefully everyone gets along this time around.
same thing everyone is worried about.
Anybody want to play Trials? got 2 already
I think I read somewhere the event pcs had a 1080ti for 60fps on 4k
Will a GTX 980 Strix be enough to run Destiny at 4k and 60fps or is it time for an upgrade?
I hope so to, but I feel they know they can take a giant shit on the launch and sell shit down the line and make guaranteed money
he has a little point. which set up will do more damage? 3 well aimed shots or 6 spam cannons?
remember, nighthawk does 6x damage as it is right now.
now kiss
Pretty much, they have learned a little since vanilla on business with players, what they want vs what producers want. Even the microtransactions were forgiving because of how easy it is to get them for free.
This completely depends on the damage boost you get from hitting 3 headshots in a row. 6 GG shots is just straight up 6 GG shots. Combined with a Warlock DPS pool I could see that out-damaging the 3 consecutive headshots, even if those are combined with the DPS pool.
But does that mean the 1080ti will be the minimum required card or were they only using for the most consistent 4k performance?
I bet 6 precision shots do the most damage.
>tfw somebody saves your OC
They're not gonna show the game at any less than max settings.
They're not gonna use hardware that isn't enough to run the game at a minimum of constant 60 fps.
They're not gonna pay more than is necessary to achieve 1 and 2.
You should be able to figure it out from here.
No word on if those 6 shots can even deal precision damage though.
I believe the PC footage they showed was medium settings at 4k, 60FPS.
>ywn cum on Zavala face as he's on the ground
>medium settings
I very much doubt that
Anyone up for some crucible?
why is the ps4 player base so unskilled
>locks are now shamans
Get ready for the golden age of usefulness, suckit dodgefags
breddy gud
>xshitter having room to talk
Here's what they were running on at the event.
>GPU: NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1080 Ti
>CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2Ghz
>16GB Ram/500GB SSD/Windows 10
>Monitor: Predator XB1 27” 4K IPS with NVidia G-Sync [XB271HK]
Yes! We need more hunter lewd in skin tight suits
Finally Strikers have become High-Enery Power-Bulls
Now all we need are a few hunters and warlocks to breed
never played Destiny, can someone explain to me why does this game needs face customization if literally in every screenshot and video I saw of Destiny and Destiny 2 the characters have helmets on?
Are there some mysterious social hubs I dont know of where people take their helmets off?
>never played Destiny, can someone explain to me why does this game needs face customization if literally in every screenshot and video I saw of Destiny and Destiny 2 the characters have helmets on?
you can take your helmet off in all social spaces and some people like customizing their character even if they never see the face.
There are several, also your helmet can come off in cutscenes.
Right here!
Honesty time /dg/
Is there a class or type of mode you struggle with?
I never got the hang of their movement.
I hesitate too much and my timing is way off with
suppressor grenades
Me, but I'm switching to PC because fuck 30 FPS. Also because I don't feel like walking into my living room and turning on my xbone to play pretty much only Destiny at this point.
Ya, it sounds like everyone's getting better jump boosts. I'm kinda used to evading on their drop more, it's useful for only some enemies can properly track you
Shit looks fun as fuck
I started Warlock, but I took the Titanpill and haven't looked back since. Going full Cap America in D2.
>forced to run specific elemental weapons in PvP now to counteract supers
I fucking hate Warlocks. I really, really ,REALLY hate Warlocks.
It might not be as bad as you think.
The people who played D2 reported that your super builds up MUCH slower in PvP this time around. They usually had their super once per match, twice at most.
looking for one extra for a trials card
if the difference between killing a striker is me using a solar gun vs an arc one then its already a big deal.
making supers build slower just means they're more valuable, which in turns making the act of shutting one down even more valuable.
It's a pretty great way to let you play what you want rather than what's meta, and prevents any super build meta from becoming op because everyone can shut it down with just a gun. I'd rather shotguns and snipers just be the kind of OP they feel good at and have a cqc scout rifle perfect for shutting down star wars kid spaz supers online.
Official gameplay trailer confirming Sparrows (duh) and TANKS
Is it possible to get all 90k in one or two runs of CoE?
if a single subclass for Hunters or Titans or Warlock is PvP meta then that just rules the meta for picking power/energy weapons in turn.
you can do it in 2.
How's that?
>when you have 600 hours in a game and are in a clan with MCLOVIN STEROID AND THHHHHEEEEE REDDIT PREMIERE POSTER EXTRAORDINAIRE MATT GORDON and haven't played the game at all since before new years last year and haven't maxed out any characters or deleted any to start over and you have done 10 raids across all three characters but the last raid you did was 2 years ago and got a DNF but you still namefag to let everyone know you are going to PC because of frame rate and not because you are trash at this game
the entire point of picking weapons in PvP is to reduce your TtK to the lowest point, or at the very least, the lowest, most reasonable point.
if Golden Gun is the PvP meta for Hunters, there is zero reason to use an Arc/Void whatever in PvP because they don't shut down GG the easiest.
> 4.2Ghz
Fur what purpose?
Nah I was asking bout the CoE part. Sorry, wrong user
its possible to get 45k per run of CoE, but not possible to get 90k in a single run as they messed with the way the negative points come from the timer and also limited add spawns so they only show up every so often based on boss health and not based on time.
fuck off steroid
>I don't like non-Blizzard games on b.net because it might BTFO Blizzard game
>and I like Blizzard games more than you
what the hell
Oh okay. See I got 40k just now on the run so didn't know if thst was low or not.
Too bad shes zavalas.
doujin when
You just double tap jump and that's it.
Do the civilians have the extended life spans?
depends on the modifiers involved. some weeks its quite easy to get over 45k, even solo, other weeks its a pain, but it should always be possible.