Fighting Games General /fgg/
What do you faggots want for the Injustice 2 guild?
>Guild Name
>Guild Tag: fgg, most likely
Play harley.
What are Josie's ten desires?
If you're playing something other than sfv, your game literally doesn't matter
Enjoy your non-existent playerbase
best boy
>dodged by a tripfag
nice general
Is Tekken 7 going to be the biggest fighting game in terms of tournaments? SFV players are gonna get left behind.
>tfw you get back into old hobby and forget about fighting game and know you'll be even worse when you play again
play Bane
Combos in KoF are really weird desu.
>pad players
>Mortal counter
>opponent is still alive
how do I learn to hit confirm? pretty tough
I'm angry
Angry about fighting games!
Play touhou
>/fgg/ CapGod !!VjEidadxd1e
>/fgg/ CapGod !!VjEidadxd1e
>/fgg/ CapGod !!VjEidadxd1e
don't be scared little baby
>Used to forget stuff all the time even playing just 1 character no matter what game
>Can switch between Fate and Robin with ease without thinking and i've only played for 3 days
I've unlocked the gene
Usually there's some type of bright flash, effect, or animation in the game you're playing which lets you know you've landed a hit. This is what blockstrings are for. The blockstring lets you land ~2 hits to know whether the opponent blocked your move and then you can go into your full combo or be at advantage on block either with frame advantage or spacing.
No koakuma no buy.
the best way is to go into training mode, set your dummy to random block, now try to only convert IF the dummy does not block your button, hit confirming takes a long time to be comfortable with, so don't feel bad about not getting it quickly
what did he mean by this?
>using a stick for an NRS game
Seriously who does this
>Instant kill
>30 second cutscene
Do YOU play Bane? You seem like a Flash / Captain Cold guy to me
So I haven't played IJ2 yet but can anyone tell me how good the animations are?
>pointing him out the seat
who thought a newspaper comic could encapsulate /fgg/s stupidity so lucidly
nice dodge
dont let me catch you on the streets little nigga
They're better overall but there are still some really weird ones
Robin has really good animations and so does Black Canary
Does anyone know how you get the Capcom Pro Tour 2017 title?
I play Bane
kk pal
>you dodged me
>give someone 7 minutes to invite you
>invite them
>they don't accept
>I'm the dodger
typical anonydodgers..
tfw just beat Persona 5 and need to remove my fighting game rust
i asked your fucking name 5 times, gave you 9 minutes to challenge me and you didnt
just play each other right now desu
he wont give me his fuckin name and he wont challenge me its NDL
pussy ass nigga
Post harleys.
>if the dummy does not block your button
I think that was part of the issue. I was trying to convert if the dummy didn't block the second button. I should probably work on what you said before that.
pretty sure his name is yiffking
>there are people who don't know who I am
>pretending when you get a challenge FROM someone you don't know their name
I'll give you one chance to not dodge again
Just 2-0'd a master rank Bison. Got almost 400 lol. Siiiiick
Official /fgg/ Injustice 2 PS4 guild
you just robbed a man of a weeks progress good thing it was a bison theres like 20 other master bisons anyway
He's so much fun.
GAME: 0-1
GAME: ggs, don't waste my time anymore kk palarino? I have tourneys to get ready for
So you're Harambe too? That explains a lot.
>there are people who don't know who I am
Holy shit this guy actually thinks he's famous or something and you all enable him.
Master Bisons are almost all frauds, good work.
So are the different traits for the characters in Injustice banned in ranked and tournaments too?
It seems like they put a lot of work into the gear and loadout shit for it to never be used
its where I've been for the last 3 days
WWE fightan game when?
Is she sad because there's no arkham city harley in the game yet?
please put this little nigga on suicide watch
holy shit
Is this ingame or just a PS4 community
It was Hiro
Alright fuck this general, I thought to come here since i'm getting into fighters but all these fucking disgusting tripfags derail actual discussion. Have fun wallowing in your own shit
Nobody cares bruh
stay in /v/
You have more power than me user
I'm stuck here
is it worth using ibuki air grab online?
seems hard to react to their jump and it seems like the bad guy always has an attack before I can grab them
>has a trip
>dodges for 20 minutes
>finally plays me
>stands still in game
>says he has tournaments to practice for
>Announcing yourself leaving
No one wanted you here anyway
sorry you can't streamboar posts anymore amigo :((((((
you cannot use air grabs on reaction like most aa methods, it's not a good idea to rely on them too much but if you're confident in your read you can use it, I recommend sticking to grounded aa tho
See you in 5 minutes fgt
I use it sometimes to catch dumb bisons with their devil's meme
Depends on how many people are willing to work at getting into tekken
3D works quite differently than 2D and a lot of knowledge does not transfer
And since Tekken is a legacy game where skill translates from each iteration there is a lot of catch up to do if you plan to get competitive
I'll definitely try to get into it and at least get decent though
Y'know playing TTT2 and being stuck in green ranks is kinda useful for learning how to defend since these fucks always attack. Like holy shit they want to be on the offensive.
you have to react relatively early and it's only really useful to stop shallow jumps/crossup attempts
really good at stopping people from jumping out of the corner too, but otherwise just stick to normal aa stuff
how do you have time to shitpost and practice for your tournament?
see min in GunZ faggot 17'er
>Walk a guile to the corner
>Lose half my life doing it
>V triggers and pushes me back
>I lose
... Maybe I should just learn Urien
same way I have time to afk idle vs kusoge beggars
just play rog
what is that garbage lmao
Hugs for Powergirl!
give me a week to learn tekken ill rape you in that shit too faggot boy
1-0 never forge
post it
Stop posting this, it isn't funny.
t. triggered kusobeggars
I want this with Injustass
She looks deceptively old
>Robin has really good animations
I love how he twirls his sword. can he use a stick as well?
removed your trip already?
1-0 never forget
special moves are alright, but normal moves are mostly weird, janky garbage. It's like they mocapped someone who has never thrown a punch in their life then mapped that shitty punch to a literal god of combat, making it even more dumb.
Yeah its an ability/trait I think, you switch weapons mid fight and get new strings and shit
Doesnt work in comp mode though
Duck and Roll
tag is Daff
Motto: Do the the thing
I leave for a week to post the entire Injustice comic on /co/ and the ticks latch on to my general.
are you the same diaper who dodged me in alpha 3?
>tfw we still have to wait 12 days till we can play Tekken 7