Not Ahri Edition
Not Ahri Edition
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First for best snake.
Which league girl would you send nudes too?
fluffy tails
What are your secrets to winning games?
what's this chance that this guy will be a well mannered player
>How old are you? :)
>What happens if I remove the blanket?
>Have you ever been fucked in the ass?
Imagine this manlet weirdo who commentates on a videogame for a living sending this shit to your teenage daughter
hi krepo
Fizz main here, I have noticed that yasuos always forget to use windwall against my ult when their tornado is up for some reason, i am in plat 5 though.
He sounds like a Vayne player but I could see him picking Lucian too.
Full pic
I've never had a good experience with a player named some variation of nigger. I got an Ivern named niglet once who never shielded and afk'd for 5 min under an outer tower.
Prepare to get carried moron
Better chance than picking a league player at random, /pol/ is full of well mannered young men.
If 5 EU loses 0-3 to SKT and their team all dies in a plane crash on the way back home.
>Aurelion got nerfed after his release multiple times, even though only dedicated players could pull him off
>Fast forward a few months later
>Hey I need to play mid even though I don't main it
>Hold on a second, I know exactly what to do
>Let's first time that champ RIGHT NOW
we lost and he dealt 7k damage to champs in 26 mins
he picked tristana.
We haven't done one of these in a while.
I'm gonna need some things from you user. I'm going to need you to tell me your:
Season you started
Country of residence
Profession/area of study
so it begins again
Is Leona not wearing a shirt?
Krepo: irredeemable pervert or innocent victim of perverse young succubi?
yo it's not even once a month
I'm counting on you, niggers. Carry me!
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on what happened to Tobias Fate?
Wait... did Krepo do something?
wtf happened to Krepo? What the hell is he talking about?
barely 21
furry, being dominated, cum play
Asol got nerfed because he was freelo
It was all over REDDIt about low dia players abusing the shit out of asol and reaching high master some even challenger. As soon as the nerfs happened most dropped back to challenger. I recall he had like far into 60ish winrate for players with more than 50 games on him
Decayed to plat 5
>Season you started
late 1
sure haha
2d pics involving a cute anime girl flashing her tits in a selfie
Purple hair (Morgana, Shantae, Sucy)
he sent snapchat nudes to a 16 year old. he's 27.
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
Damn,this felt good.
Why do we love Lulu so much /lolg/?
sometimes I dont even know anymore
is it the backstory? The cute artwork of her?
>he sent snapchat nudes to a 16 year old
yeah but what did he do?????
I will never understand why people in public life do this shit, someone's going to find out. Is it so hard to just not send nude pictures to 16 year old girls? I was just hearing about a congressman or something that did the same thing and pleaded guilty.
>Play Wukong
>Jump on a Yasuo
>He windwalls
I don't know man.
Someone leaked about 30 Snapchat convos and pics, nudes were included and a gif of him busting a nut. Rumor is the girl might have been underage, mainly because he asks the girl what her age is in one of the pics. If it's true she was underage, then GrossGore, potentially, was unjustly banned from Twitch.
I played a game a few days ago where our Draven was named "women rites lol"
Its a perfect Draven name
>Season you started
Late 5 or early 6, I don't remember exactly
>Country of residence
>Profession/area of study
irrumatio, hardvore, traps
also sauce?
Where were you when Rammuschan went full sellout?
that's all what happened,nothing else
lets be real here tho
it all depends how hot the girl is at this point
thats the difference between redemption and going into hiding in peru with reese
she's pretty fun to play
especially back when she was a better solo laner
its probably the cute artwork
>2d pics involving a cute anime girl flashing her tits in a selfie
That sounds oddly specific.
>likes Sucy
mah nigga
Why do people keep sending nudes to others even though that shit happens all the fucking time
Krepo was most likely making a fuckton of money and this happens
What a complete waste
Roast me. I'm taking a break, but I would like to know how to improve.
>in b4 Urgot teaser this/next week
You...I know who you are
Pulsefure Cait release date prediction anyone?
One of my favorite things about being Bronze is that youll play against combo champs like Riven and Yasuo who will just do their combo over and over regardless of the situation
In one game the Yasuo I was laning against did that thing where he dashes from minion to minion to harass, except he took two tower shots and I killed him for FB
And ive lost count of the number of times a riven has done her Q combo in a huge clump of my minions
I swear these people are fucking robots
cant really say all that much from just an OPgg on how to improve
overall good scores, high KP for a toplane main, which is nice
cancelled fuck that skin and fuck youyeah true
her backstory is neat too, hope they expand on it without ruining it
she is fucking fat now
Man, those meme sweaters suck.
I get it's suppose to be cute/sexy but I don't see it. I prefer a full uncut sweater because the modest look drives me crazy.
just me tu-cents
>tell myself im not gay
>still get charmed by Rakan
Yeah but where the nudes though
The Rune system was a fucking mistake, they just cost too much. I may not even buy them on my smurf at this point and just use Tier2s until I try to play ranked.
Have you ever been fucked in the ass?
Whatever I feel like banging one out to
Preseason 4
Vore, Anal, Monster Girls
They're bad and/or learning. Put it this way, in fighting games a lot of people when trying to learn will drill out combos but overlook the basics and just playing the neutral game.
Rakan activates my almonds when he speaks in his low tone.
Yes, yes it is. Prone bone is also a fetish I guess if you can call a position preference a fetish.
Best girl
Hi hello friend it's mE!1
Terrible face but everything else is good so I'll save it ty!
Who's ready for 3-0 tommorow?
how many subs do you need to make streaming your job? ive seen some titty streamers with 60 viewers. are they doing skype shows on the side?
3 tier2 ap quins give a total of roughly 11ap
3tier1 ap runes give a total of roughly 14.5ap
honestly you can climb just fine with t2 runes. My smurf is currently resting at gold 4 right now.
did you at least like the kitty lingerie meme
I'm so close /lolg/
I can almost fucking taste it
Play Blitz for a couple of games to work on your hooks. You're going to need it when NUrgot is released.
Krepo leaks where?
i believe in you user!
hoping for a 3-1 at least, but I'm having doubts
Never could choose one. Highest is Jayce and Braum
it would be Karma if she looked like that ionian camp r34, but now it's Vi
No ranked since 2 season, where I peaked in gold1
5 years ago
Male (male)
restoration of work of art, specialised in monuments
Everything once I guess
>wanting to see dicks
you are fucking gay dude
I think i know how G2 feels. You know that feeling of ecstasy, when you know what everything is done, you can't change anything now, nukes already on their way, but you just sit on the roof and watch everything go down with the glass of wine in your palm.
>wanting to taste d5
your suffering will echo through the ages
you can do it!
Gross Gore tried to warn us
>lol doesn't have a day/night cycle
He has a pretty good dick desu, althought it's a bit hard to judge since he's manlet. Also, this amount of cum.
it's a dress with sleeves user. look at her left elbow
>An ally has been slain!
>we cant change ahri's orb color, cause it's too disctracing and we need skillshot clarity
same reason probably
There's no real point. How would it service the gameplay? That said Night Stalker is fun as hell.
>meanwhile, elementalist lux
>no first blood quote for each champion
what gives, LoLbabbs?
Estados Unidos
Social work administration
d/s with love, bdsm, whatever my partner likes
I wish it did. and magma chamber. and 1v1/2v2 ques like it did for one christmas a long time ago.
Plat 2
Season 1
what's the strongest nuke in lol
with equal ap/ad of course
Does any pros browse /lolg/ :3?
veigar r
i dont think they have nuclear technology in runeterra, user
late xth for breast metal waifu