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/vsg/ - /v/scape General
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Estonia.
First for retards breaking quests
>tfw you have a cuddle buddy for your fishing grinds
First for let the thread die
7th for remove yell
seriously the server's dying and people are just letting it happen
9th for please end my misery
Sell me Magic Logs pls
The server basically peaked from late 2014 - early/mid 2016 and after that the main playerbase quit because they maxed, just face the fact that runescape is beyond dead as a game and the nostalgic autistic NEETs we once had have moved on for the most part and aren't coming back. The crew that grinded circa 2015 was extremely autistic and a bunch of young people with no responsibility in life that grew older, and at this point they have grown tired of the game because it literally has nothing to offer us because we've basically maxed and done everything there is to do here, and nothing interesting here happens as far as the social aspect or anything anymore either which did keep people around no matter how annoying that shit was. The game will never, ever return to the greatness it used to be. It was an extremely rare occurrence for that era to happen in the first place honestly if you think about it, but I think the right things all aligned, it was perfect timing in post-modern history as far as being a few years removed from the movement of irony and shit that started in 2011 but now we're living in an age where those idiots have hopped off that trend and grew up a little bit and moved on and realized how hollow that is. Basically the server is dead because it isn't new anymore, and runescape isn't even worth playing for nostalgia anymore, that nostalgic rs craving has gone away for most people and it's just considered old news, not even worth reliving, we've done it a million times, runescape will basically fade into oblivion over the next 3 years i can guarantee that. Everyone that got anything out of /v/scape has maxed by now, all the autists that maxed have moved on in life, the main playerbase that played every day of the week is gone right now, oldfags have dropped like flies. We literally just have newfags that will quit in a week and a small handful of the most autistic/dedicated oldfags. tl;dr all of our main playerbase has quit
nigga the whole point of why yell needs to be removed is for more thread activity aka bumps and exposure to draw newfags
fuck ur tldr bullshit
I'm extremely serious about this question, so here me out.
What if in 2016, when Hubcap was being made a player mod, for carrying Pickles and Odel in Dota 2, instead he turned into a snake?
In this scenario: on our server, Hubcap doesn't show up in game to play dota 2. Hubcap is sitting at home alone, when suddenly he feels off.
Always ready with a keyboard, he documents his experience:
>his skin discolors
>it becomes rougher
>his tongue forks
>eyes goes black, it becomes hard to write
>legs shrink into body
>arms shrink into bodies, Hubcap can no longer type
The rest of the transformation takes place; what was once a human of normal stature is now a slender creature of significant girth.
This scenario assumes that Hubcap retains his intelligence. What happens next? The first obstacle would be him to survive until his family got back home. Then the next challenge is convincing them who he is. Best case is that he does, but what about everyone else? Is he able to continue his job? How is he treated by peers, the general public, and enemies?
those niggas will only stay for a week and then quit. /v/scape is dead forever, because our main autists quit, and runescape is just falling out of fashion to the point of rotting in the cemetery, this time it's for good. niggas don't give a fuck about runescape or /v/scape anymore and our biggest autists quit because they moved up in life. /v/scape will never be as good as it used to, part of this fact is the fact that the server's only getting older, it's not new anymore, we don't even get new holiday events anymore, nothing is special about /v/scape and it's a server where you literally just grind skills and circlejerk with your autistic friends, there is nothing fun about this server and again, the main group of autists that played consistently the last year or two have quit completely because they maxed and there is nothing to offer them here anymore. i've been playing 2 and a half years and this server is at the most dead i've ever seen it the past few months
What the actual fuck?
tl;dr as FUCK to your posts but yes I agree the bulk of the dedicated autists have left and mods do very little to communicate with the playerbase to see what to improve or how to bring in players to the server
its kinda stagnated when theres very little involvement from players or mods on what we would want. It'll probably hover around 20 players average and never improve
>literally no arguments: the post
newfags will look at this shit and continue playing. why do you think OSRS is still in business? people love runescape. they will love vscape. it is free and fun. we just need more exposure
stop being a bitch and giving up
Depends if he leaves a personal message that only his family would understand, so that his family doesn't think he's been kidnapped and replaced by a snake.
>we don't even get new holiday events anymore
Nigga we just had an Easter Event. Or do you mean new as in "100% new from scratch"?
The easter event was a clone from an old event and the items were also reused.
what the flying fuck else did you expect
custom easter items? get real, kid, go code it yourself
Nearly nonexistent mod involvement lads, i'm telling you this is a big reason why its stagnating and dying.
Either they bring in some new blood willing to do community management type of work that nobody ever does, or they start talking with players to see what's worth adding in the future. You can't get the game exposure when all of the people working on the game aren't doing anything besides fixing bugs and every few months adding a random quest. And before you say that we shouldn't force them to do stuff they don't wanna do - hey you're right! That is why it wouldn't hurt to bring in a person or two who would be willing to bring some life back into the game and in turn bring exposure/players/whatever else.
mods aren't active because all the active players are faggots
aren't a faggot? then the admins probably interact with you outside of the game and let you know you aren't one of the faggots
>talking with players to see what's worth adding in the future.
But this (for the most part) isn't a custom content server. The only things they'll add in are 2007-era Runescape shit. They're not going to add in anything that people ask for that they don't already plan on adding from 2007-era Runescape.
how about we stop depending on the mods altogether as the excuse for why this game is dying and just delete yell so thread activity nets us newfriends?
>Hubcap retains his intelligence
so he's still a total retard?
big if true
>stop depending on mods altogether
who has the power to delete yell?
who do you talk to when you want something like that done? h m m m m . . . .
>reading comprehension
we stop depending on mods as an ongoing solution. they remove yell. that's it. they can then focus on updates or whatever the hell they do (dota)
compare this to:
>Nearly nonexistent mod involvement lads
>community management
>talking with players
one involves a quick command, the other is about muh involvement and muh community for how to deal with the ded gaem problem
if big = true
well we know this post wasn't hubcap because he can't code!
The game itself is fine even if there is some core content imo (frem isles, sea slug for example) that would greatly help keep people playing just because of how useful the rewards are throughout the entire game. The server works fine and doesn't get much lag in comparison to your average private server out there.
We just don't get much exposure, mods don't really promote the server or give us much help or leads on how to do it either. I'm not saying I have all the solutions but it would be good if at least one guy gave some attention to this matter.
Where do players even hear about /v/scape from? One random player making shill threads will not go very far compared to a centralized effort by the mods giving us all a direction to push towards. Just my opinion and that is why I suggested earlier about either mods focusing more on this or bringing someone in who will.
Kek you can't stop me starlight
this isn't about me u mong, I'm not complaining about yell. I'm saying it should be removed so the thread gets activity. NOTHING about filtering/hiding yell. I shitpost there all the time myself baka
stop thinking about yourself and think about the server
>We just don't get much exposure, mods don't really promote the server or give us much help or leads on how to do it either. I'm not saying I have all the solutions but it would be good if at least one guy gave some attention to this matter.
Why do you need the mods to tell you how to promote the server? Take initiative. Post flyers outside your local middle school. Tell your irl friends (if you have any). Rent one of those Airplane banner advertisements. Be the change you want to see in the world.
>I'm not complaining about yell, I'm just complaining that it should be removed
but why bother with that when the EASIEST solution is to jute delete fucking yell and let the thread do it for us
y'all making this so much harder than it needs to be
yes, you can complain about the existence of something, not its content. just like you can complain about the cock in ur ass being there in the first place, instead of just saying more lube needs to be applied so u don't feel it
>Why can't we just do it the easy way :(((
This is what is wrong with America, and /v/scape
Everyone (you) just wants someone else (the Mods) to do everything for you the easy way (delet yell).
Take initiative. Be the change you want to see in the world. Don't rely on other's for your happiness. If you don't like that cock in your cock, take it out, don't ask and wait for the bull to take it out for you.
i already tell my friends u assumptive sperglord. why do you think the server is so shitty? :^)
we've got to be practical and be real. Word of mouth isn't efficient. removing yell is
maybe it's because i hate starlight but every time he makes the same "hubcrap cant code" joke i think it makes him look even more like a drooling proto pygmy slouched over his keyboard snickering to himself over how witty he is
maybe you think that because you are hubcap lol
my point still stands
hubcap! hubcap! hubcap!
by opening this spoiler text you admit that i invented this btw
I liked Hubshit before he was a mod. The muting people and arrogance is too much now.
fuck off starlight
>muting people
starlight and dairychoco are not people
i am the same as i have always been my man
>no suggestions/ideas/criticism on how to make our server better, just childish memes
I'll just go drink and forget about it all then
Here's a question for a real autist, what magic level do you think I could get with this?
>calling fellow long term players 'not people'
>thinks he's not arrogant
Bet you think you're better at Dota2 than me as well
post mmr i guess latent
maybe between 95-97. Higher if you barrage huge shit.
also i'll wait for you to point out where i disagreed with you on the arrogance point
can someone host some minecraft
message raltz
Hi! I played runescape between 2005-2012 and i'm here trying to have fun if something that a newplayer should know pls tell to me.
Fuck off fagget, don't think anyone's forgotten how you unironically muted Starlight for 2 days for making a joke about rape that nobody else would turn their head at. I don't get where this 'bully the #5 player on the server because his life's a mess and he's a fag' meme is coming from but it's stupid. This is how bullying mentality works, even newfriends who have no idea are joining in on making fun of him. It's okay for everyone in the group to make fun of and abuse the socially accepted bully target and it's getting sad. As for Dairychoco, yeah he's a faggot, but how about you be a man like me and just roast his ass at every turn you get? Needing to mute someone is sad and makes nobody like you. And no this isn't Starlight, he wouldn't stand up for himself like this.
fresh lol
fuck off fresh you've used that same reaction image before
Is Fresh even online, Hubshitter? Learn your lesson.
>This is how bullying mentality works, even newfriends who have no idea are joining in on making fun of him. It's okay for everyone in the group to make fun of and abuse the socially accepted bully target and it's getting sad
you mean the exact shit i get every time i log on or what
massage raltz
>They aren't online on /v/scape, that means they can't post in the thread!
>Everyone who disagrees with me is Hubcap!
Who the fuck doesn't have that reaction image saved?
this desu
hubcap cant bant for shit but still catches feelings when people call him out, his only option really is to mute
im sure ive posted this before but,
>someone says some shit to me, or "bantz" (epic use of that retarded buzzword btw)
and it's either i say nothing and it's
>lmao hubcrap cant even come up with a comeback!!!!
i say something back and it's
>more like hubcrap lol you don't even code haha!!!
i mute someone (i dont even remember what i muted starlight for)
>wtf mod abuse this shit mod just mutes for no reason
i cant wait for the inevitable "this was bait all along" post, but honestly the obsession is getting old, you're only outing yourself as a colossal hypocrite, as i stated earlier. have fun
You muted Starlight for saying that if he could teleport anywhere in the world the first thing he would do was rape a bunch of kids.
oh yeah, i remember now. alright i'd mute him again for the same amount of time and then forget i did it 10 minutes later, just like i did already.
id also like to clarify that the situation isnt always what starlight says, or what anyone says specifically for that matter, that's pretty rare that id mute anyone for that. it's a sever on Veeky Forums after all, i dont really care to filter yell for any reason. id rather have yell gone all the way. believe it or not people ask for other people to be muted most of the time, so it's not exactly on a whim like you seem to think it is.
>Hubcap is anti-yell
Wtf I love Hubcap now
reminder that this is a CHRISTIAN server
ITT: Hubcap destroys a projecting spongeposter and no one else has anything to say.
Anyone want to buy a whip?
shut it down
Do you think God stays in heaven because he too, lives in fear of what he's created?
brb fap
You realize you're responding to about 3 different people who are calling you shit, right? Everybody thinks you are a gigantic faggot who can only get off by muting people.
>its pretty rare that id mute anyone for that
>i dont really care to filter yell for any reason
Speak for yourself bud
Sorry I just meant the majority of the posters in this thread
>pic related its you
>id rather have yell gone all the way
Coming from someone who goes crazy in yell all the time and sets retarded unfunny server status messages? And who exactly are you calling a hypocrite?
The servermsgs are bitterness you dolt. Hubcap doesn't have that much power
Okay so about this remove yell thing
Why not we just shut down yell for... say about 5 days or so. We take notes and monitor the changes! Check and see what changes, or doesn't change and then review afterwards what it does for the server and the general.
If removing yell during that time doesn't benefit us then remove yell faggots can be permanently cast aside and never given a chance to voice their opinions ever again BUT if removing yell does benefit the server we can consider the newly given options instead. Thoughts?
just use your rock cake to get out :^)
This already happened
>the server is dying
Logging in and not seeing a hundred players does not equal dead server.
Fucking admins saying "guys we're running out of funds" equals dead server.
You fucks need to learn the difference between ded gaem and actually dead games.
The fact that anyone makes a new thread when the old one dies should show this isn't dead. Dead games don't have people making threads about them and bumping them.
Removing yell would be the final nail in the coffin. /v/scape would assuredly die for good after it.
tfw so nonnormie all your normie friends take you out clubbing and you sneak away to drink coffee
Okay so about this experimental global embargo
Why not we just not even trade with eachother except with pre-arranged agreements and prices with autism levels comparable to forum posts oh wait the grand exchange is just that with some smartphone technology kthnxbi l2p
Is giant mole in? Doesn't seem to be letting me dig into the hills.
get a light source
>Word of mouth isn't efficient. removing yell is
I do wonder how a person can be as stupid as you. Nobody browses Veeky Forums to find a new game to play, they all just go to the general's of the games they're already playing.
The best way to get players to join would be to advertise the server irl with flyers or on forums. Even making threads on /v/ would be better than bumping this thread.
We did shut down yell for 2 days and lost nearly 40% of the player base because of it.
>Veeky Forums rs2007 server starts
>people start playing
>people get far, stop playing
>people starting literary today
>midgame fags everywhere
>normal server population dynamics, old mid and new fags
>waah my oldfag friends are gone
>waah everyone that matters is maxed
>waah server is dying
>waah golden era over
>waah low player count
>waah RS is shit and will die
>waah server is pointless now, nothing to do
Just because you have no reason to play doesn't mean everyone else is the same.
>those niggas will only stay for a week and then quit.
>everyone is either a major oldfag or fresh off tut island
What kind of delusion is this? Seriously, this is the easiest point to refute in the history of mankind. There are people online RIGHT NOW between 500 and 1500 total level.
>/v/scape is dead forever, because our main autists quit
>someone who just created an account can`t experience the "peak" of vscape because they won't see epik q ps by randydandy
>vscape is not about rs grinding but rather watching specific autists yell
>this applies to everyone not just me
>someone actually believes this
>and this server is at the most dead i've ever seen it the past few months
>a year ago
>50 online at peak hours, less than 20 during mornings
>40 online at peak hours less than 10 during mornings
>this is being alive vs dead
>a clone
>holy shit why aren't seasonal events renewed every year
Why do I even bother arguing with retards.
Who the fuck is this?
yell talk has been going on for days, do you think that devs don't check thread at least once/day? if they wanted a trial run it would be on by now
>red not black dhide
>verac plateskirt
@gre@dude lmao