Gui1d Wars 2
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Reminder that you're supposed to farm special weapons like scrolls, boomerangs and ninja stars, designating items to corresponding turtles, like the triple stars for Donatello so he can hit low targets, or scrolls for Rafael because he sucks.
I lust for this lyn.
That sounds like Armored Warriors to me, its not a genesis game though.
thanks anons, I guess I'll wait for a sale and grab shoung, also, should I get vanilla or FotS?
For future reference, you might want to take certain stuff Drak0n says about modding with grain of salt(such as proper hot glue usage etc). Nice to hear you managed to work it out though!
I'll give you several paragraphs to venture detailed guesses.
Nope, unfortunately. But he seems to be fishing for new ideas though, so there's probably be some news soon.
Good god, why would you want to play with mods?
Top 5k, which when you think about it is pretty high compared to the million players
If you enjoy fart noises, your problem mate.
It seems a little bit odd to go with suck bright d pad and buttons with a subdued translucent case but it is distinctive. It's really about whether or not YOU like it.
haha dyde epic
Blame Valve. Everyone is copying them and it got more easy to abuse shown through mobile games. Right now this is the copout for studios to bring in extra cash.
newfags are funny
>not liking Yusuke
That just a bilinear filter you dummy
>caring about the Master Sword
>don't mind that Hyrule's map changes around(Lake Hylia, deserts, Death Mountain, Kakariko Village) like it has climate change on steroids
Where is Snowpeak in ALttP?!!!!
Rhodok is the reddit faction though
always looking for new people to erp with
L O N D O N Alice a best
Top 5k, which when you think about it is pretty high compared to the million players
I'm sure you could design them to accommodate submarines
So, I guess it was a mistake having Loque included in multiplayer with NW3 considering the fucker is a deadshot with almost everything.
Can I have it back?
Are nords a good race?
I will give him a TI
Not him, but fuck hyper metal raths.
It's not time to bed until you start to hallucinate.
Nekketsu is shit on the PSX. Play the superior Saturn version instead.
Speaking of holes and cum, I want a Baron to destroy my virgin ass with his massive demon horse cock
Is this the type of reply that you were hoping for?
Mr gimmick
Der langrisser
Panzer dragoon zwei
seems that was jeremy bentham righy crooked crypto
>Cernunnos on the team
Every single time, how can you be so shit with a god like that?
Have you ever hated someone just because of the way they write? I'm like that with DeeJ.
I don't know why but whenever I read a TWAB or an update written by him I get seething mad by his phrasing and vocabulary.
Any difficulty is fine as long as you don't play on Easy mode
Delet this!
Mana Khemia is also an Atelier game, and it makes no sense for them to revisit a subseries that's been dead for almost a decade now.
i do, nadia was great.
i still dont know why we think the 'evil' trees need to be murdered constantly
I got this. I took a German class in Elementary School.
Der heist und cloudy her bitter?
Lies. Deception.
The MSU-1 is awesome and I love it.
no you dont
This game's "fanbase" is actually a fucking cult nowdays, it's fucking scary.
I'm running Arch unfortunately, and the AUR port hasnt been maintained and doesnt work
thanks for trying to help though
Look around for a way in.
can we stop the "bloodborne is a good game" meme?
Who is best faction?
I've played a bit of that game it was good, but what are you trying to say?
Read the fucking readme.
Why wouldn't it be?
Doesn't China's political class have a shitload of engineers?
pretty sure his name is yiffking
Eden from Sweden
Hotline Miami 2 will only take you the rest of the afternoon unless you're shit.
Can't play any Star Wars game, can't play Gauntlet, can't play Pokemon Snap
so was this thing a proper platform in its own right or just a companion/minigame thing like the Dreamcast's one?
would you really rather have her over Fio or Eri though?
Sony always wins baby
I don't understand the point of that. Just buy a flash cart and play the ROM. There's literally 0 point in "collecting" physical copies of rom hacks.
Well if they have a bath naked together and fool around it blushing and faggotrying noone would think theyre homo
Nice tileset, where did you get that?
Naotara is a character from Tecmos other game Dynasty Warriors. Shes pretty half assed as far as movesets go
I wish that were me
>Gwent open beta out in 4 days
>the current state of gwent UI
lmao, I thought they would get rid of the console faggotry before open beta.
Lifecoach is the only thing keeping that game alive.
Because it provides premium quality content to an amazing game?
if 4 had 1 thing it was the characters imo.
>tfw senpai notices you
Don't confuse me telling you to fuckoff with getting what you want. Maybe the game was too hard because you're stupid, because your giving me that vibe.
The fuck is that wriggler so happy about he's gonna get ran the fuck over
>entire base of giant robots can get blown the fuck out by a single armed attack chopper
why the fuck use giant robots then?
So then they can sell the currency in lots of 500 and items in 600s so you need to buy more lots of currency and have some left over.
Sorry, I prefer staying alive.
Emulation is not the same, though
Since you already have an NES, the Hi-Def-NES mod probably isn't any more expensive than an AVS but I agree that in a special situation it's better to just emulate
I'm playing WotLK on Dalaran server atm.
How good is WotLK on Warmane and what is the population like?
Will join, thanks.
yes it is
and don't forget the hero lance
Did they ever fix the apartment glitch where you couldn't capture it?
>this guy
Not an alternative.
dgvoodoo2 can play other lithtech games fine so it should work for this.
yeah especially for a dollar its a good game, not amazing but a good single player experience
it's great in M+
kind of depends on having wrists for good raid ST though
xanadu 1 and 2 are due to be released soon. I think anearth fantasy stories will be next after that. emerald dragon is pretty far along as well
>where do you think you are.jpg
Sign, kayleth, that lazu fag
The funny thing is that we'll see Sony or Microsoft stop producing consoles before Nintendo will.
I have Drang!
What's a good map setting for a beginner?
I just played the tutorial with the empire for a few hours.
thank you for these
>im downs
I guess that makes sense, I've just never heard of it. I play or care about very few JRPGs or RPGs in general, in most cases would prefer eastern ones but in this case I think I'd rather play the Elder Scrolls Arena