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Bloo edition





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First for Mercy is bad and easy

Mercy is the most fun character to play and everyone is salty about it general

How do we make sombra viable? Tbqh I think bumping her damage by 2% and letting her slip in and out of invis instantly would give her the edge she needs to actually carry in solo que

I want to ____ Mercy

>play ctf and my ms is always 19
>play comp and it jumps to 30 or more
seriously wtf

>boop soldier and junkrat RIGHT NEXT TO LEDGE anubis
>they probably don't even notice and just keep pressing their directional buttons as usual
>neither fall down
how do you use this piece of shit skill



None of you people are actually excited for this anniversary shit, are you?

>More fun than anyone

Junkrat is the most fun character objectively

Well, the girl with the daddy kink likes him.


I can't wait for the new lore. But no one else seems to really care about that. I think all the LOL MEMES kind of spoiled that hype.

>new lore
For what fucking purpose?

>concussion mine soldier off a ledge
>he just sprints in midair back to where he was


>Playing placements looking for better match quality
>Some kid is acting, well, like a kid, but just a little bit more obnoxious than normal
>Mid match, he types "My parents divorced today"

God bless, little dude...

just stalled the first point on numbani as sombra by running around on the point invisible and throwing my translocator onto the highgrounds until our symmetra put down a teleporter. I didn't know this actually worked


And I'd say you're just salty. Here's the screenshot of my promotion. My assessment of how matchmaker works is based on first hand experience of 3000SR diamonds in my GM games, general consensus of the players in those games, on the OW forums and other sources.

>potential positioning around him thanks to being close quarters built, its also good know when and who to engage because he has to make fight in
>his favor while also entering into enemy territory where anything could go wrong for him. He's high risk/high reward,


i'm sure Mercy is a bullet sponge in grandmaster considering she has little to no damage output and essentially asks to be killed by any good flanker
maybe that's why the other three healers are more popular, because they can actually damage AND heal and the same time

>be high Master (3840)
>play in the morning
>get three (3) diamonds on my team
>think it's no big deal because they may have decayed or just had a win streak
>check their career profiles
>all of them are low diamond and have never ever sniffed Master
>all but one of them were plat last season
>all three instalock DPS
>we lose
Ah yes

God damn I love his beak skins

Sombra's room m8.
Mystery home/base in Egypt.

Be dommed and orgasmed denyed

What? Does blizzard not understand the aussumption behind elo equations?

Mercy is extremely popular now because of her ult buff. Now she has a super high pick/winrate whereas before she was a niche pick.

These skins are a disgrace. it looks like they asked a kindergarten class to draw their favourite heroes with crayons and used that as the base for the designs.

Blizzard is shit, more at 11

How does that make them any different from their other skins?

Those fucking ankles man, why. I would've been fine with the akin but the ankles make him look like an amputee

>look like

>Our fates are entwined

user, i have bad news for you...

How did Blizzard craft such perfection?

>No reaper/trombone/cowboy/spamrat buffs
>no soldier/ana nerfs
>Mercy not being reworked from a shit class with a broken Q to something more balanced

They do and the ELO equations are partially used; however you CANNOT use those equations for a 12 player game such as OW including the various factors and variables. Blizzard tries to give each team a 50% chance of winning, which the ELO equations alone cannot produce.

They've explained a very high level (simplistic explanation) of how their MMR system works; and it isn't perfect however no multiplayer game is. They've done some modifications to it within this season because some people have learned how to exploit it; such as the previous example of the 6-stack Brazilians playing at 3am where the only possible teams were a mix of bronze through plat. They only got 1-2SR per win but it was still an exploit. Blizz made it so the matchmaker would keep teams within something like 500SR at the GM level, or 1000 at diamond and below including a flat out inability to find a game.

Jamison Fawkes!

Its working as intended, user!

she was the 4th or 5th most picked before the ult buff. She's popular now because she can actually survive using her ult instead of guaranteeing a death.

If you played in S1-3, she could fly in, rez, then dead. Now your team rezzed has no healer when trying to cap a point and you likely lost the fight again. Oh boy!

that's probably the point. blizzard are making a point to be inclusive to all walks of life so showing a character with prosthetic feet is a way to include another class of disability to the game.

>hanamura attack
>beat team in 1 min 50 sec
>POTG is hanzo killing mcree one time then being rezzed by mercy so hanzo kills him a second time

her damage is good where it is, an overpowered Sombra would be an absolute fucking nightmare, I do agree with you on toggling invis though. Reaper's wraith mode should be toggled as well imo.

>Jeff still thinks Reaper is a good place
>Can't flank because that's literally a death wish move
>Can't escape with Wraith because people can just chase you and kill you
>McCree is a sitting duck during ult and is super easy to disrupt or kill
I just wish Jeff would play and understand the problems some heroes have. Having only half the roster be viable is stupid.

They should change the hero categories:
Assault: Everyone who is there now, but Sombra
Defense: Everyone who is there now, but Torb
Tank: Fine as is
Rename Support to Healer: Remove Symm
New Support: Sombra, Torb and Symm

He really is best boy

How is Torb and Sym not defense? Especially Torb.

>Join qp
>two kids roleplaying Mercy/Genji
>they're both male

Tank mains are gods amongst men

I wouldn't say he's best but he's All Right, even as a lefty.

>keep teams within something like 500SR
But why?
Also how do they deal with deflation in the points with so many new players coming into the system, and how many tiers of k values do they use, and what do they set k to?
I agree solo qued team games are much harder to rate, but the apsouktely only way to deal with that is to aussme everyone on the team equally earned the win.
I just have a problem with decay mentioned in that post' is your real MRR different from the public one? I thought they had switched to a non hidden mmr like they did with sc2

she is outdamaged by supports m8, at the very least her right click hack should make you deal more damage to that hacked target

how many more times is Blizz going to rip off RULES OF NATURE?

Torb, Symm and Sombra all are about their utility to their team in the form of armor packs, shield gen and teleport and hacked health packs.

Should I get this week's lootboxes tomorrow when they reset, and they reset for the event, or wait for the event?

You're the Junkmetra user, right? Symmetra's very pretty, you have good taste!

Please stop, user!!

When is Hana gonna get the Ghost in the shell treatment

Torbjorn's armor is all fine and all but it hardly relegates him to "support". He can lock down areas with his turret and tilt bad Pharah players like nobodies business

Wait for event

>Join qp
>Widow, Hanzo and Genji are instalocked always

>watch a pro game out of curiosity
>identical team comps on both sides on almost every map

So fun.

>Lock down areas with the turret

Almost every 200 hp character in the game can walk in a straight line at the turret and destroy it 1v1. It's fucking trash.

Wouldn't the Nexus event be over?

>join comp
>widow, hanzo, genji are instalocked always

It never changes bro.

you're in the objective and this dude slaps your teammate's ass

What shitty turret placement do you have?

>she is outdamaged by supports m8
Maybe if you can't track. or are trying to shoot at people from across a map.

Thats why you support your turret and dont just go afk. If you can't steal 90% of POTGs with hammering your turret then you should just not play Torb at all

Sleep dart his huge ass and kill him with my team.

I think they keep them within 500SR across the team; meaning the lowest rated person to the highest can't be 500 apart at the higher ranks. that 500 number may be inaccurate; its just what I remember from a blue post.

But essentially the SR is the visible portion of your MMR rating which is the long, convoluted number that is unreadable to anyone but the blizzard matchmaker. Jeff said it was some silly long string of numbers that has no real rhyme or reason. So if you decayed from 4500 to 3000, your SR may have changed but the regular MMR number did not change.

Nobody can figure out the MMR and SR system because its so complicated and Blizzard purposefully will not explain how it works or what it factors in.

Reminder Hana is completely straight and submissive.She's Wife material and adorable as fuck

I hate hate hate when there is a widow AND hanzo.

ask him to slap mine

You could say the same about Symm and she is support, she can do some damage to people close range.

>join qp
>first person to pick decides to be Ana
>I figured cool, choose Genji for warm up practice
>everyone else chooses and the two stack automatically chooses Widow and Hanzo even though it was on attack
>see that the team has no tank
>switched off of Genji and went Reinhardt

If someone can take out your turret by walking up from a distance while getting shot from it, 1v1 it and kill it you have shitty turret placement

well I mean, she is his fiance.

>when the autistic junkrat main on your team doesn't change while enemy pharah is shitting on us

yea straight up gay

I guess Im one of them. Haven't really been posting over the last couple of weeks. How you been Trashmouse user?

Was, senpai, was.

This is surprisingly cute.

I think I genuinely ship them now.

>no hitscan on team
>enemy team has pharah
>switch to cowboy of the afternoon
>enemy pharah is pocketed by Mercy and Zenyatta

Having two snipers on defence means all attack has to do to win is Reinhardt shield the payload through every checkpoint because you are now 6vs 4 in every fight

Look at this faggot

Buff wraith form to make you move a little bit faster and have anyone in its smol area/trail get a poisoned effect like widows trap, so its a better escape/finishing tool and make enemies judge if its worth chase. The teleports loud call to arms is dumb too, I honestly feel bad for enemy Reapers who try to flank but you can hear "REAPOSITIONING" despite being distant, so you know where to look.

Assuming his hand didn't get stopped mid-reach.


>Ping suddenly goes up to 700

I'll just keep waiting then.

Which OW girl is the best Dom and why is it Widowmaker?

I've been great! Mostly just been playing Bloodborne and dealing with real life, so it hasn't been eventful, but I don't think that's a bad thing. How about you?

Should we have another builder hero? And what should they build?

>get stomped, nobody changes, whatever its quickplay
>junkrat that shot shields for 4 minutes has brain aneurysm and starts sreaming at everyone
>remind him that just because he has gold damage doesnt mean he has done anything
>quiet for 15 seconds
>"sure whatever, enjoy plat faggot, you'll be there forever"
>check his profile
>season high 3001 sr

It's the big guy, little girl thing. Those set ups always look cute.


>Should we have another hero?

No, we should have more and better maps.

>search says estimated time to find a game should only be 23 seconds
>had to wait over 7 minutes until I got in a match
>match was almost already over because filled in leavers spot
That day still haunts me

Pretty much the same. Just work, sleep, and shitposting. Haven't touch BB in almost a yrs after platinuming it. I have a shit ton of games in my backlog. Still, great hearing from you mate

