yo, Veeky Forums, convince me that Christianity is the true religion
I want to believe
yo, Veeky Forums, convince me that Christianity is the true religion
I want to believe
That guy depicted there, in your pic?
He walked out of His grave on Sunday morning, having been killed on Thursday.
follow the sacraments
Eastern religions and German philosophy are better paths to enlightenment and inner peace than Christianity.
how can I be sure that he did
I don't know, the words of Christ can sometimes touch me
Think about it this way. You have literally billions of Christians. Sure, most of them are nominal, but if you add in past times, you do have literally billions of fervent believers.
This is in spite of Christianity's manifest problems, most notably how they try to shackle the religion to the Old Testament despite not really connecting to it more than tangentially. After all, for Christianity to be right, God would needed to have necessarily lied to millions of people about unimportant things like eternal salvation.
Clearly, to persist in the face of such obvious logical contradictions means it must be true. Nothing but the truth could create that kind of cognitive dissonance.
Read Chestov.
Quick answer: you can read the eyewitness accounts of him doing so in the 4 gospels.
Hardmode: You can talk to him today, and demand He make Himself known to you, and that is what you desire.
>le logical contradictions
>implying a religion founded on the belief that a man rose from the dead isn't about going beyond the "rational" right from the jump
Come on man. I don't blame you for thinking this way because even a mainstream theist's grasp of his own religion is shit, but work with it. There's more to Christianity than what can be btfo by r/atheism
Christ has the true teachings, and Christianity branches off from Christ without realizing it. Every denomination has something to offer, but the core of Christianity is Jesus. Christianity as a religion is not perfect, but as the teachings of Jesus, Christianity is the truth.
>Conflating questions of empirical truth with questions of internal consistency.
3/10 You can do better than this.
>implying systematic consistency should even be a concern for a religion that believes knowledge is the source of evil
Would you argue Zen koans are "absurd" and therefore of no value? Everything in the Bible is the preparation for a leap into the unknown.
>Would you argue Zen koans are "absurd" and therefore of no value?
To be honest, I don't know enough about Zen to even approach the question with an answer.
>Everything in the Bible is the preparation for a leap into the unknown.
No it isn't. The New Testament, maybe, which is far more concerned with the imponderables and death and the consequences of such than the OT is.
Well, maybe not everything, but the point is: God cannot be contained by our conceptualizations. Faith is a leap into the abyss precisely because thought can only ever be a signpost
>Well, maybe not everything, but the point is: God cannot be contained by our conceptualizations.
And where in the OT is the contemplation of the nature of God even remotely encouraged? What makes you think that was what it was all about, as opposed to a guide of conduct, which is far, far more concrete? There's a reason after so many of the more bizarre and incomprehensible laws you get the refrain of "I am Yohwah your God"; it carries the unmistakable subtext of "I know you don't get it, shut up and do it already".
>Faith is a leap into the abyss precisely because thought can only ever be a signpost
Literally so what?
Not op. Job 38 is the verse you're asking for.
I'm not arguing for passive contemplation either. The road to God is a struggle. Christ suffered and despaired for God. The crucifixion was a physical pain, yes, but it was only a catalyst for the real pain: the prospect of being abandoned by God. That is what conquers death, the faith that survives even in the evidence of its own negation.
We're speaking of states of being that are light years beyond what either you or I can imagine. Anyways, my point is you can't argue God into existence, he is found, not demonstrated
>Anyways, my point is you can't argue God into existence, he is found, not demonstrated
And my point is that the set of theological constructions found in the New Testament has very little to do with the theological constructions found in the Old Testament, and in fact contradicts them several times.
Considering that one of the positions of Christianity is that the Old Testament too, is the revealed word of God, and absolutely true and all that, you seem to have a rather massive problem, and analysis of Jesus's statements or sufferings and despair doesn't actually have anything to do with that.
Oh what kind of gods who gets killed, and not just killed but stayed dead for three days. {no offense}
come on guys your minds are greater to believe these kinds of things
>And where in the OT is the contemplation of the nature of God even remotely encouraged?
Aye, and the truth is there to be believed or rejected; there is no middle path.
My while point has been quibbling about "theological constructions" is only secondary to the experience of God. This fetishism for airtight systems is a distraction.
It's not a glib handwaving away of the inconsistencies of Christian thought, it is the understanding that God is so great He is precisely that which is beyond the antimonies of thought.
Believing the truth is not difficult; coming to the truth is. There are few who seek him, and few who find him.
Most of us are told about him, as I am telling you.
sorry, but could you possibly believe such a thing.
i am just saying that he and you should seek for another truth, a one that makes sense more than what you've been told before, and trust me its not that difficult.
you have to reason everything you either read or hear.
***but HOW could
It seems an awful lot like a glib handwaving of inconsistencies in Christian thought to me. My point is that these holy books were revealed for a reason, if you believe this stuff. They were supposed to be a way to guide, instruct, to communicate information from the ultimate source of Truth with a capital T to us mere fallible mortals.
When Deuteronomy 6:4 says that God is One, well, I guess not really, there's this actual trinity thing which won't even be obliquely alluded to for close to another millennium which by the way is absolutely true and not believing it means you are WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING.
God might be incomprehensible. But part and parcel of all the Abrahamic religions is that God also reveals information through prophets to ordinary people. Those prophets were men. Those prophets were communicating to men. God was working through these guys to craft a message that was meant to be understood on some level, and we're talking about societies that were largely illiterate and wouldn't be hearing reinforcement of the message for years to decades at a time.
I refuse to believe that any sort of omnipotent omniscient deity is so mind bogglingly stupid that he couldn't come up with a better system that is so indistinguishable from glib handwaving away of inconsistencies.
Not convincing without faith
The more I see Christians defend why they believe, the more flimsy it appears. You guys are your own worst enemies
>The more I see Christians defend why they believe, the more flimsy it appears. You guys are your own worst enemies
You do realize I was mocking OP, and Christians in general, right?
Some of us have reasoned it, and to us it is truth. And that truth has set us free. Religion is a product of the human condition and had caused a lot of bad in the past but that doesn't mean there is no truth in it. People have done to Christianity what people always do. they exploited it for personal gain.
I take everything I learn with a grain of salt. You don't have to submit to a religion's guide lines to know Jesus. I'm not trying to argue with you or prove your point wrong, I'm just giving you my perspective.
>mfw Christians tell me about how "true" god is
>mfw they can't agree on anything and bicker constantly, give stupid justifications for their belief's
>mfw they act like Christianity is a journey when they go through a stream of shitty rationalizations
Kek just study math, you study books with actual timeless truth, a true insight into profundity. You also won't be a hipster fedora-tipping loser
I see what you mean, and i respect it.
However, you have to think twice about what you think is the truth, lets take a simple example, can you believe that the god would die ?
who took care of everything in the universe while hes dead ?
why would he allow himself to be killed in the first place ?
that is so wrong, and dont tell me that its his son who was killed, coz that is a whole another discussion point
You not believing it is merely an extension of your normalcy bias. People don't normally raise from the dead, so Jesus must not have.
It's almost a correct thought process, but in this case, it's the exception that is meant to prove that Jesus is God.
Such an extraordinary claim by Jesus requires an extraordinary and supernatural event to demonstrate it; merely saying He is God, dying and staying dead would not give mankind eternal life, or the hope of eternal life.
Raising from the dead does.
I believe Jesus raised from the dead because He did; I believe Jesus is God because He is.
That was the one poster's point. True Christianity has the dull ring of truth and the massive headache of hundreds of millions of applications to deal with. Something like Scientology just has one simple scifi story to remember.
The truth of the bible never changes to fit the modern story. Societies come and go, but the Word of God endures forever.
There is much in the Bible and biblical commentary that supports what I'm saying.
Frankly, it's like I'm trying to describe color to a blind man. I'm not saying you're too dumb for it and will never get it, but you're not where you need to be for these things to make sense. And it's tough, exactly because we're talking about what is fundamentally opposed to our habitual way of understanding the world.
God is the incommunicable mystery that is beyond the structures of human rationality. Rationality is concerned with the facts and relations of being, God is what makes possible being in the first place, what is responsible for its inexplicable GIVENNESS.
Why dont you think of it as if he was a prophet from god a messenger ?
if he was god he doesnt have to prove us anything, he could just say so, and we will believe him right away, because he is god.
Also you havent seen him raising from the dead, and all of your resources are mostely wrong, because they have been manipulated by humans who as you said before {exploited it for personal gain}
does that make sense to you ?
>yo, Veeky Forums, convince me that Christianity is the true religion
Okay. Christianity is not a religion.
>1) Jesus is teaching beyond the Gospel.
"I have a lot more to tell you, but that would be too much for you now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
>2) Jesus calls out religious hypocrisy
“Everything they do is for show. On their arms they wear extra wide prayer boxes with Scripture verses inside, and they wear robes with extra long tassels.6And they love to sit at the head table at banquets and in the seats of honor in the synagogues.7They love to receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces, and to be called "rabbi"
>I want to believe
Blah blah blah
Then believe
(What horrible bait)
>they try to shackle the religion to the Old Testament despite not really connecting to it more than tangentially.
Terrible bait
He's right though.
How about you actually read the Bible mate
The Gospels only make sense as being the climax of the Israel story and Paul's writings are all about the faithfulness of God to his creation which is a narrative that started from Genesis and ended in the ascension
What do you even think the Gospels are about? Jesus's primary announcement is that the Kingdom of God is coming and that his actions will fulfill that announcement. That announcement can only be understood and only works as the climax of the Israel story.
If you're going to talk about the Bible, read it first.
Muslims say that about their religion too.
I'm Jesus. Trust me, I can do magic tricks.
>this autism
Look nigga, read the Bible. If you believe it has a good message worth passing to the next generation, congrats you're a Christian. If not, try another book, or just stay indifferent.
And do yourself a favor--stop coming here, and read actual scholarly sources on subjects you're interested in
So you're point is the Gospels are the climax of the biblical narrative? A narrative that was continuously written recorded and adapted over hundreds of years, even past the time the gospels were written?
I don't think so.
The old testimate and the new testimate are seperate for a reason.
>yo, Veeky Forums, convince me that Christianity is the true religion I want to believe
Why Christianity over any other religion OP?
>people still believe a person was born from a virgin, did magic, and came back to life after being killed
supreme dumb desu
*tips shriner hat*
Old Testament
>God is one and non-material
New Testament
>Well, not really
Old Testament
>These laws that I give you now are never to be changed under any circumstances, anyone who tells you otherwise, even if they can perform miracles, is a false prophet and should be killed.
New Testament
>Jesus performed many miracles, clearly he was God! You don't need to do any of that ritual crap anymore.
Old Testament
>Sin is primarily a failure of the will, but rejoice, you can repent and be forgiven, God is a merciful deity, and will forgive honest repentence; the covenant given to Moses is not too hard to do.
New Testament
>Nobody was ever found to have done the old Law properly, it was given to show the inability of man to live by divine justice. You can never be forgiven for your sin of imperfection except through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus.
you dont need religion. its all bullshit anyway