Comeback Edition
Server: Nova RO
rates: 25x/25x/10
Guild: Nice Meme
>To join the guild, come ask for an invite outside of pyramid dungeon.
Other server discussions are welcome.
Comeback Edition
Server: Nova RO
rates: 25x/25x/10
Guild: Nice Meme
>To join the guild, come ask for an invite outside of pyramid dungeon.
Other server discussions are welcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
Returning player here, what's different in renewal?
This doesn't answer anything senpai
Err, let's see.
>3rd classes
>stat caps increased to 130
>EXP/drop penalties reworked
>introduction of fixed cast time
>shitton of instances
>ATK/MATK on weapon has much higher importance than just stat, same goes with DEF and MDEF, basically your gear matters a lot now and you can't just stick with jur [4] to deal massive damage
>stats effect reworked, see
I hope you're all having fun.
Come join us!
Just treat it like a glorified IRC channel with occasional vidya party and it's actually pretty fun desu.
oh SHIT motherfucker it's /rog/
downloading right now
amuro, keknel, dutchman? anyone from midgard/atlas?
do we have a guild? what do we need?
Play any class you want to senpai, we're pretty much set on the essentials until someone decides to quit
Shit motherfucker installer is not firing up
I'll download and join just to sit in the cities to reminisce. By myself.
Just got done with Jitterbug!
>rangers rangers rangers
Nice game losers.
ez game ez life
No bully you big meanie
I want to fug Runane!
Back to /mmog/ you fags.
We'll have both.
>RO in 2017
>- In NovaRO, this skill is customly made to self-target only, because of how OP it is. -
>- In NovaRO, this skill is customly made to self-target only, because of how OP it is. -
>- In NovaRO, this skill is customly made to self-target only, because of how OP it is. -
>- In NovaRO, this skill is customly made to self-target only, because of how OP it is. -
Which skill, user?
the fucking cat party skills like tuna belly and arclouse dash
they're not fucking OP because they can only be cast on other cats with efficiency you dumb Philippines motherfuckers god damn
But it is OP. Imagine a party of cats that just keeps spamming Tuna Party over and over. You're dead kiddo.
>Imagine a party of cats that just keeps spamming Tuna Party over and over.
but that's what they still do?
The values haven't been modified and they sure as hell can't spam it because the cooldown values are literal fucking ass above level 3s
>they take Thor values instead of Loki values
>"uhh wow its OP what the fuck?"
>time to gut party play
fucking leafs
Kangz never die
>trying to craft red glasses
>need 5 forbidden red candles
>they only drop from injustices at 0.20%
Truly an injustice
>complaining about 0.20% drop
Is this your first time on RO?
That's pretty dumb, maybe they'll change it when the new doram skillset is released.
If they don't I'll quit. I want a real true kRO experience with QoL changes not this subjective nerfing.
>quote from nova the master god
>Basically. The skills are currently contained, because if they were allowed to target other players, you would see every serious PvM player carrying an alt-doram as a heal and +40 agi slave.
>implying people don't make alt-priests to buff, alt-sages to endow/striking, alt-linkers to link/kaahi, marry their own linkers, alt mechanics to upgrade, alt-genetics to brew +20 stat foods
>MUH 40 AGI MUH 90% heal
>you would see every serious PvM player carrying an alt-doram as a heal and +40 agi slave.
>"For humans, they are healed using the same formula as Heal, at half the amount."
>For humans, movement speed is 15%.
>[Lv 5]: For 100 sec AGI +{20}, Increases movement speed.
do these fucking nuggets even check the code before they fuck with it?
Where's your source for this? I'll post it along with my suggestion to revert the nerf. Nova is clearly unaware of the on-human effects so he's GOING to ask for a source (even if it's in the code already lol)
>his source is rebirthRO's forum post
tricked yet once again
really rattles your braincells
What's everyone thoughts on the RO mobile game by the Chinese with its improved graphics for the phone?
dumbed down and more tedious garbage
Really? I thought it would be well received. Hmmm, whats dumbed down about it?
>not dumbed down
How many interactions could you possibly fit onto mobile gameplay?
I can only vouch for acolyte/priest but
>no teleport
>screenwide heal
>1/3rd of skills because screenspace
>can choose to let the game play itself so you can pretend to be a big boy without cracking up openkore
>job change is running into a black portal that puts you into a bubble instance where you kill waves of mobs
Nice meme! :3
>ab using heal at the same time as doram uses tuna belly
Yeah it's a trick image, took us a bit to do it but it's always funny to make drama in /rog/
In reality the player drained all of his HP with SP convert and then I shot lvl 4 (lvl 5 is too long cooldown) at him and bishop shot like level 1~3 heal
novaRO is bad server but kRO is also bad server, so it is emulating kRO well
Sweet. Epic. I like it.
/rog/ won't make it through the dead hours
I'm completely new to the game, currently reading the job and leveling guides as the client downloads
Anything i should know to not fuck up?
C u c k newal