Post Veeky Forums-approved movies.
Post Veeky Forums-approved movies
Herbie: Fully loaded
did anyone actually even like tokyo doriftu's main character
he was an absolute dick with a horrible accent tebehe
Drift bible, Best Motoring International etc
both of those are on Amazon Prime video.
Nothing by Hollywood is Veeky Forums approved because Jews.
Especially movies like The Fast and The Furious series those are meme movies
What about pic related though?
That movie was hardly about cars. The director of it had no interest in cars
Yea when i watched it i was expecting so much more about cars, then there were only like 2 average car scenes.and the rest of.the.mobie was weird af
No, but Han more than made up for the shitty cowboy.
There's a full version on YouTube
don't forget endless shifting mustang
It's an art film you retard. Refn is known for style over substance.
Ronin. Not only is the movie exclusively about FWD shitboxes (the type of car a majority of Veeky Forums owns) and a few BMW shitheaps (the average "sporty" car Veeky Forums owns), but /ourcar/ is in it.
>muh 55'
>427 l88
>tunnel ram w/ 2 660 holleys
>Brand new gto for the judge boys
> v8 audio from smokey and the bandit was this 55'
Go watch it.
>its a shit film
>no days of thunder
come on m8s
It's almost like nobody cares about turnleft
Get the fuck out
I didn't finish watching ronin, but that chase scene was amazing. It's basically Veeky Forums Europoor edition
Not even trolling. probably just more nostalgia than anything
watched this again for the first time since seeing it and hating it in the theaters and really liked it. mostly for the challenger/kowalski love
MAD MAX the road Warrior,
MAD MAX Fury road.
Deathrace 2000
Drive (1998) and Drive (2011)
The Fast and the Furious
Furious 7
Gone in 60 seconds
Smokey and the bandit
The Italian Job
Vanishing Point
Taxi Driver (the original, not the piece of shit with queen fatifah and jimmy can't-act)
Baby Driver
Talladega Nights because lol
This put me off so much in this movie. I would've liked it a lot better if the horrible engine sounds wouldn't ruin the immersion all the time.
Need for Speed is good for reminding you what DOESNT make a good car movie
Collateral has some surprisingly good car scenes in it. The whole opening sequence is comfy as fuck.
Redline count? the anime one from 2009 that is
Why I asked. fun movie still.
Redline is great
Yes it does.
U r a faget
I like hqdefault as well. Good movie.
if you're watching it for the car battle scenes, it's alright, but this is still objectively Quentin Tarantino's worst movie.
He was not really that bad, he just werks.
I didn't notice the accent that much, only in some moments.
He wasn't a really a dick, he was just living the gaijin life (the scenes were he gone to school and shit were cheesy as fuck and they worked)
Han redeemed the entire movie though.
I hated how kurt russel's character bitched out in the end
I watched Initial D and now I'm a kiddy fucker now"
-no one ever
y u mad tho
yea, obviously.. kurt russell is great in it tho
cause he was a fuckin autist fedora
>hearing universal studio fanfare playing on the background
>playing F&F intro song in my head
>F&F intro song actually start playing right after the fanfare
Someone designed that cover
Someone OK'd it
He does have a terrible accent. Ive lived in Alabama for over 10 years and have never heard someone talk like that. WA BA KI.
There used to be a hilarious TFaTF knockoff with hilarious stock characters on webflix years ago that was a perfect Veeky Forums kino; I just can't recall the name.
Clearly you didn't know that Brian Cranston put a 17-speed F1 transmission in the Mustang, just for that job.
Is this the Soviet answer to Herbie?
I remember watching this once.
It's literally a soft-core porno version of Fast and Furious.
I've yet to see this movie a second time, because I haven't been able to find a streaming version online anywhere.
>Aaron Paul is riding a wave of fame from Breaking Bad
>getting movie offers left and right
>some nigger shows up with the script for this piece of shit called NeedforSpeed
>Aaron is extremely high on prescription medication, signs the contract
>subsequently destroys any chance of a career outside Breaking Bad
>no one even remembers who he is now
he wasnt even that bad in the movie which is the saddest part, it was just a really shitty script with bad lines
It really threatened to fuck Mr. Robot's career too - and I really enjoyed him as Snafu in The Pacific.
The movie was a total piece of shit, but maybe he can redeem himself. I think he's better off sticking to drama, sad/frantic Jesse is best Jesse.
He's from northern Alabama. I go to Auburn and have dated girls from northern alabama, they 100% sound like that
That's a shame. No one will ever take them seriously, especially in academic settings. It's impossible to display even a modicum of intelligence when you have a southern accent.
I live an hour away from Auburn lol. Some of the inflections and shit were okay, it just sounded so forced in the movie. I used to live up in Oxford for 2 years, which is pretty north in bama, and I cringe hearing the MC speak in Tokyo Drift.
>Fully Loaded
>not even one of the originals from the 60s
get the fuck out child
I would Fully Load Lindsay Lohan.
Not a movie but Motorcity was good.
Shuto kÅsoku trial
>There used to be a hilarious TFaTF knockoff with hilarious stock characters on webflix years ago that was a perfect Veeky Forums kino; I just can't recall the name.
Twister. Even the minivans look badass.
Not really an Veeky Forums film, but yeah, it was cool seeing a lot of old trucks and land yachts
All approved
No, actually, but that looks amusing. Hot FD in the background for a sec.
I did some searching, it was called Born 2 Race. The guy's dad wants him to only do legal racing but drama ensues and he's servin' bro justice on the streetz. Here's the full movie:
Veeky Forumsbligatory
Excuse your fucking languages boys. That movie had a mercedes 6.9 and an S8 that was presumably piped for nitrous
Though it was a bit slow at times and that chick was ugly. A Scottish 9 translates to a global 4
>your shitbox will die in your lifetime