WHO WANT A CUPCAKE??? :3 edition
WHO WANT A CUPCAKE??? :3 edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>log on
>oh boy what joys is soloq gonna bring to me today
>first game, as top
>enemy locks riven
>oh boy this is gonna be fun
>load up
>enemy is a riven main
>oh boy here we go
>pound that riven ass into the ground
>collect 50g from nexus
lmao riven cucks
i love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukagei love majin buukage
xth for NTR.
xth for fuck weebs
Normies play league too
How can other Yordle girls even compete?
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>get a group of three with a fag that obviously wanted mid
>bans my hover when I ask them to ban Zed
>stay in so I can troll them
How do I troll them? It's up to you!
lowkey int and steal CS and camps
Don't group with the team ever unless it's to bait them into killing themselves
What are you doing up this late user?
Would you play League with me?
Rate and hate
Anyone have the krepo pics?
What champion pisses you off the most?
>Flash, auto, e
>they survive with
only if you promised to NEVER played morde bot EVER
otherwise def a no
This game right here is a textbook example of why no one likes Riven or Yasuo players.
>KS Yasuo at one point when he's fighting Kalista
>Tell him that he's CSing very well and that if he keeps it up then mid-late game will be really easy
>We push in top inhib, Yasuo is solo pushing the second mid tower so I rotate over to help him take it down
>Get the last hit on the tower
>Yasuo gets mad and disconnects immediately
>We get the enemy nexus open
>Riven keeps getting mad at me because I keep trying to push bottom lane or avoid picking uneven fights just because the nexus is open
>Because top and mid have super minions and will auto push so we should focus on pushing bottom instead of picking fights since we're outnumbered
Holy fucking fuck when those Riven and Yasuo skins come out this game will be fucking unplayable.
Yes, absolutely.
That's some great champ taste you've got there, user.
Constantly ping them until they start being toxic, then bait them into calling you a nigger or a faggot then report them for hate speech.
Get them muted for a crapton of games.
Bronekton. Fuck off
I wanna see Krepo cum on his chest oks
Probably not.
>Vi main
>bitching about Riven and Yasuo players
fuck off reddit
tfw grossie was right
Also I like how Yasuo quit at around 20-23 minutes or so and he STILL had more CS than everyone but Kalista.
Eat shit I am a Cho'gath main.
whatever you say reddit kys
>was getting 20lp a win
>5 or so loss streak
>12 lp a win
jesus fucking christ is the league connection shitting the bed for anyone else tonight
just leave unless they carry you then ok?
xth for falling asleep in bed with someone else
Depends if you have spectrum
Time for this again.
Lottery user is back. Have to add you and wait 24 hours after til I can gift. The sooner you add me the better. I'm gifting anything worth 1000rp or less, ONE item. No rp gifts. No ign then disqualified and the game goes on.
The winner is the first response with a 2.
Coolest guy!!!
Coolest hair!!!!
Coolest chest!!!
neon strike vi pls
boodrum is my ign
Am I bad, or is post-patch Banshee's busted?
Spell shield every 40 seconds before CDR is applied. This protects assassins from any sort of burst engage at the start of every team fight. Gives 70 ability power now + 10% cdr.
There's no risk to building this item or using it. I think you should have to either activate it with a number slot, or reduce the ability power granted.
I know you can just pop it with any spell, but with that cooldown, it's ALWAYS up before every team fight engage.
Uh oh! Better make your choice quick!
>frequently end up hueg as Kha'zix by midgame
>everything falls apart because we can't close out and I can't teamfight for shit
Is this what selling your soul feels like? Short term pleasure for long term negative win percentages?
Braum Lionheart
How is everything else? Is it just league? Try playing a youtube video at high quality
Ign is YumikaHikar
Arcade riven por favori
They can't.
>playing regular ranked
>jungler comes and ganks
>get to promos
>get a jungler that thinks ganks are a luxury and his job is to only split push after laning phase
what kind of torture porn version of the truman show am I on?
It's strong, but you're not getting some massive spike that you can carry with
Building defensive, even an item as aggressively statted as BV, is usually going to translate into less pressure unless you really needed the defensive stats, in which case you probably weren't going to start snowballing anyways
Obviously there's cases where this doesn't apply, but frequently building defensive items will change your early-midgame
cute earthbenders
it's not like there's a huge pool to pick from
picture didn't attach
Even in fan art she looks like an Easter Island statue
tfw double winner. Reroll, he wins after I fuck this game up. No one that won before can win again.
>Silver 5
I don't know what you were expecting my dude
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>17 kill Kalista
I can hear the screeching
Game doesn't start til I fuck this game up
Yeah but if you take it 3rd or 4th, you're going to have a spell shield at the start of every team fight post 20 minutes.
A Kat/LB/Zed that isn't in danger of being popped is not fun to play against.
This was a flex queue game, I checked op.gg and that Kalista was Gold 5, everyone else on his team was Bronze 4-5.
They also hit me with the ole 5 man invade for first blood.
>last hit on turret
Doesn't it split the gold between whoever's in range?
arcade riven
>do bad
>get carried
>stop caring and just fuck around
>get paired against shitters
>try and do well
>lose due to team feeding
its almost like they want me to stop taking this game seriously
Does Ryze need nerfs?
they literally don't though
Yes but Yasuo wanted his dumb ass face to show up in the pop up I guess. He was already mad at me because I "KSed" him when he was fighting a Kalista that probably would have killed him if not for my intervention anyway.
>does the 42% winrate champ need nerfs
that's a tough one user
most of the other junglers I've had will at least come for ganks. They may royally fuck them, but they come. Ashe and I were perma pushed in from cait/fiddle and he never came bot until our first tower was dead, and then he's farming top gromp while our 2nd tier tower gets pushed to 30%
give me quick rundown on the krepo incident
fuck you give me blue essence
>play like shit
>get carried
>feel like shit
>play really well
>team chimping out at each other all game, lose
>feel like shit
only the dead may know peace from this evil
Buy mystery champ shards.
Just cc him my dude
95% of adc mains in plat + d5 d4 have severe mental issues
I'm not exaggerating
fuck you i dont want to waste my well earned ip on a one time use item
Blood Moon Elise
>he doesn't use 3x mystery shards to get a 1200 IP discount on every 6300 IP champ
>95% of adc mains have severe mental issues
Fixed that for you
Oh yeah, the best part about that Yasuo is that he actually was going to pick Zed first. Yasuo got through bans and he switched to that Yasuo faster than Ahri can suck a dick.
Here freindos
these used to be 1300 didnt they
what the fuck is the point
It's just to get blue essence.
And you might get a 6300 champ you wanted in the meanwhile.
Pic related.
Would you let Sona be your mommy?
tfw friends are pressuring me to play flex but they all suck dick
illaoi a shit
i dont even want most of the roster. i got what i want already with the exception of azir as i am choosing to get him last this time
>When you talk about being team mom every time you play Sona.
I just want to baby my cute adc.
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
no, it has always been 1700
Think my report on this is enough to get the fag ban? I doubt anyone else reported them but hopefully my one report will do the trick.
thats still an absurd amount for it
>The sight of Lulu and the desire to go swimming with her fills you with DETERMINATION
It's a gamble and if you get something ya don't want, ya get essence.
should have built deaths dance faggot
still bullshit
You only need one report for any offense, multiple reports don't do dick. Unless you've spammed reports for stupid shit in the past expect to see a feedback report in about a day or two
Make your main broken with 3 simple buffs.
hard mode: gut your main with 3 simple nerfs
Flex is a shit show user
>do my flex placements
>I'm honestly not even trying
>win 9/10
>get put in G5
twitch's auto attacks now do 100% current HP true damage
>Allies can also pick up chimes (this was intended from the start. i didnt forget this riot you shitheads)
>Meep Damage deals %hp
>Bard's movespeed stays uninterrupted even if in combat until duration of movespeed multipliers has ended on its own
for nerfing
>for every meep bard uses he also loses hp based on damage dealt
>chimes grant no extra mana
>portal speed is faster for enemies
I know my main well and i know what can fuck me up
Increase her ult passive cdr to 55%
Give any of her abilities a 1:1 AP ratio
Give her Q back the attack damage/ap increase aura.
3 buffs? thats retarded, do 1 buff
Annie's E shield gives her 200% movement speed for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds
What, are you a nerd or something?