League of Legends General - /lolg/

old eyosongive.us

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Reminder that WE was our only hope against SKT menance

Thank you Europe for ruining things yet again

No really, I can't wait for BotRK nerfs.

That much Lifesteal early game is fucking cancer and is a large reason why tanks are so shit

shut the fuck up wildcard shit

xth for breast metal waifu

>Graves now has the lowest jungle winrate
Congrats faggots, now he isn't viable bot, he isn't viable top, he isn't viable anywhere!

Tell me a secret

I like stacking damage on tanks and playing them middle

xth for Syndra

B-but /lolg/ told me he was still strong!

This can't be so!

I don't like G2 but i want them to win to stop SKT from winning everything all the time.

Why do people still pretend China is above anyone

I don't even know how people can say that. ADC snowballs at an insane rate at the moment. Supports that use ardent censer + redemption just amplify that snowball. Ardent censer is making ADCs more tanky than actual tanks due to all the leech they get. In the current meta of notanks the only one who can actually shutdown a fed ADC is the midlaner if he gets an oppurtunity to land his full combo. The other thing is terribad teammates who let a fiora flash in on the ADC and proceed to not peel for the ADC.
>Basically if an ADC is 3-4/0 and like 50 farm ahead you can already give up. You're not going to be able to do shit against a Cait or Lucian with that score if you just came out ahead of your lane 2-3/0.

Caitlyn is just ridiculous. Headshot crit + regular AA is like 1k damage if you have a zhonyas. Then if you use zhonyas to do something she places a trap underneath you and you die instantly. Also those traps have like no cooldown and are everywhere.

I don't think in the last 3 seasons or so ADCs have been more powerful than this patch. And that is both on the ADC buffs, the tank nerfs from 7.9 and the support buffs.


Are you ready for our Korean overlords to put EU in their place? That being said, it would be kind of cool if G2 managed to somehow win

>meant to nerf adc's (I think)
>ends up nerfing Trundle (unless I've been building him wrong)
Oh, okay then...

I cant stop inting when a match goes to shit or ive been severely set back by my team while the enemy team takes advantage of that, what do i do?

Shes so tsundere~

>on a hot streak
>1 win away from promos
>back to 25 lp

Honestly fuck this game and people who don't play mid get that role and feed after first timing zed.

Thank christ, that fat fuck manages to be cancer any time he's even remotely strong

Please make sure everyone hears that krepo is a mentally ill pedophile all over the internet.

If tyler and GG get banned for what they did, then surely krepo needs to lose his career.

Karma has come for him finally. twitter.com/YoungGodby/status/866036169930420225/photo/1

ps3 has no games

graves can only be played to his true potential at around platinum elo
most people here never even saw a good graves
bunch of fags desu


I unironically enjoy Mountain Dew. The new flavor (DewSA) is kind of gross though


I wanna knit oversized sweaters for Lulu!

Don't you mean in?

B-B-But sending videos of yourself cumming on your belly to snapchat girls you barely know is perfectly healthy male sexuality!

i pick tryndamere everytime someone ask for a tank with cc


>This is your Riven VGU for tonight!

well lolg?

I want to make a team jacket off of a /lolg/ meme and give away some to /lolg/ posters.Currently working on figuring out where to get it made, and cost of getting them made/sent.

> make toplane tanks terrible
> buff support items and gold
> slight buffs to ADC

> ADC gets ahead 3/0
> No tank so relying on duelist toplaner to tank it or kill ADC
> can't kill ADC due to the support gold buffs making them get redemption / ardent censer much earlier
> can't tank ADC due to being a fighter, having little CC and tank items having been nerfed.

Only the midlaner can do anything against the ADC at the moment. and even that depends, the amount of lifeleech current ADCs have coupled with some supports means you have to basically go through 2 healthbars so you're not doing much either.

looks gay


Which champion is most similar to prepping for a colonoscopy

Is Kalista a virgin?


>Another fun, unique champion ruined by shitters whining
this has never happened before

that would be rather silly, now wouldn't it?

You have to get through Ahri first.

yes, i am happy

>Crying that Graves is finally not meta for once

Thank fucking god

what is wrong with u people....

I'm gonna SHOVE my FIST in Ahri's FACE
to get to Kalista

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

>you will never molest Lux
>you will never blackmail Janna for sex
>you will never convince a desperate Riven to blow you for room and board

>ADCs can just straight up facetank me at all points of the game because they have a fuckton of Lifesteal even from the early levels.

I know they wanted to reduce tank damage but fuck me this is excessive. You should be punished for your garbage ass positioning for letting a tank sit on top of you

>Gold 5
>top 27% of playerbase

Really gets my wine fermenting

what's this facial expression called

>Week till Finals are over and I can play lol again

What jungler should I buy? I heard Elise is fun/good with her cocoon and spider things, is it true?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

guys how am i supposed to win with lux??

my team didnt listen to me at all so it was just me vs their team

i even tried split pushing like i read on reddit guide but it didnt work and my fucking team didnt cover for me so i died a lot????

how the f do u get a good team in this game????????

fluffy tails

This kills the Lulu.

Don't you mean pepperoni pizza?


nigga you died 15 times. your positioning and map awareness is ass

you have 15 deaths. that is 100% on you and not your team.

lux is not a split pusher. you group up, waveclear and poke with E, and try to catch people with Q and ult.

I've never tried pineapple on pizza. I would be willing to try it if it ever came up, but for now I have no opinion

>splitpushing with lux
>with no vision
>level 18
>195 cs
are you bronze my man?


it's 7/10 "okay"

I'd call it the "Guise of Scarra" since he is literally the only one who can make that face. Not even being sarcastic.
Its like that similar fake smile that people can give you, but his is really unique. Its like a passive.

>Captcha: select all vehicles
>only a stop sign is visible

Who will ryze? SKT or G2?

i kept telling my team group at mid and they didnt so i died when enemy taem came

then illaoi took my FARM in top lane so i had to push far and they told me not to split push and kept pinging but i need farm so wtf and then yi came and i almost got him but my team didnt cover at all so i died

and no im silver!!!!!!! not bronze TRASH!


fuck my bp baekage!

Lulu is CUTE and ADORABLE and i LOVE her!


Majin bukage will never climb out of d5
Why live?

dont you just want to see her in pain sometimes
locked in a magic dwelling dungeon and abused type of pain

> Decide to play ADC after only doing Mid of a long time.
> first game caitlyn.
> lose terribly going 3/6 against a duo bot lane lucian + alistar
> my jungler is 0/7
> mid zilean is crying for ganks from the literal 4 minute mark
> Top is going in 1v3 and dying, but bitching at team
> "meh, its just a nor-
> -16 LP
> mfw i have no face after accidentally queuing ranked

Repill me on Kayle Support

its trash

>Zven my brother. Even though you're not as good as me i will still lend you my ad Kennen to surprise the gooks.

How will Skt beat this?

So is Ahri


ill iv ever shown u people is anger and malice just hate me already

absolutely not.
[your waifu here] is a 3/10

> jungle yasuo

That explains why he didnt show anything during bans.

> enemy picks Yas before him
> switches to Kled jungle.

I'm sure this is gonna work great in my bronze games : ^)

Does anyone have the social media of the girl that krepo was talking to? We need her to leak more.

> GodlikeYasuo

I didn't think it could get any better, but it did.

What if my waifu is ____Ahri_?

>has been dominating solo queue and competitive for the past 4 or 5 patches
>finally gets a much needed love tap from Riot to put him down a bit
>"hurr dey nerf muh champ he dindu nuffin"
kill yourself nigger.

Graves needed to be toned down and the only reason his winrate is low is because of the amount of shitbrains that play him.

Him and lee sin both have below 50% winrate yet they're both probably the most picked junglers in the game because of how busted they are.
Tl;dr winrate isn't everything

Newer player here, how the fuck am I supposed to keep up my cs mid game in bronze when after 15 mins its always a fucking aram game down mid

>last pick
>everything is going fine
>someone dodges right at the last second
>new lobby
>first pick

Have you tried playing Trinity Force + 4 Sterak's Mordekaiser?

>first pick fizz
>enemy mid picks syndra

I love bronze

Stop playing the ARAM game and go splitpush. Bronzies can't push for shit.

she's not


what is it about Nasus that makes people chimp out and play like idiots?

>riot finally turned jungle into support 2.0

Don't want you to get Q stacks.

You're right I don't waifu bad girls

i'll hate u after u destroyed my bp alright?

is that yogurt on her face or..

neither do i, bud c:
not like you'll say her name though lmao

>play nasus
>get 150 stacks at 30 minutes
>enemy picks nasus
>350 stacks at 20 minutes
how do they do it

Her account wasn't stolen. She gave it away.
They're both retarded, you're retarded, and the person who gave you RP is retarded.
Fucking retards.

Is there anything worse then a fucking Janna that just shields and then fucks off in the back? Then when It's on CD they just do jack shit. YOUR SHIELD DOESN'T DISABLE YOUR AUTO ATTACKS FOR LVL 1-2 ENGAGEMENTS.

I had one in my last game and his excuse was ''i'm autofill''.

> Leash Lee Sin blue and leave for lane
> He gets executed by it

What do you expect from the game?