old eyosongive.us
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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Reminder that WE was our only hope against SKT menance
Thank you Europe for ruining things yet again
No really, I can't wait for BotRK nerfs.
That much Lifesteal early game is fucking cancer and is a large reason why tanks are so shit
shut the fuck up wildcard shit
xth for breast metal waifu
>Graves now has the lowest jungle winrate
Congrats faggots, now he isn't viable bot, he isn't viable top, he isn't viable anywhere!
Tell me a secret
I like stacking damage on tanks and playing them middle
xth for Syndra
B-but /lolg/ told me he was still strong!
This can't be so!
I don't like G2 but i want them to win to stop SKT from winning everything all the time.