/civ4xg/ - Strategy/4X General

This thread is for all strategy games that do not have their own thread, focusing on 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate).
tags: /cbg/ /rtsg/


Last thread:

>Endless Space 2
- Official Wiki wiki.endless-space.com/
- Soundtrack soundcloud.com/flybyno/sets/endless-space-2-soundtrack
- Community Hub games2gether.com/

- Pastebin: pastebin.com/YHdisqem
- WIP Ship Design Guide for 1.5.1: pastebin.com/2QWUPKSh
- Another Ship Design Guide for 1.5: reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/61nolh/ship_equipment_load_out_for_141_15/
- Wiki: stellariswiki.com/Stellaris_Wiki
- The Development of Stellaris gamasutra.com/view/news/274018/Postmortem_Paradox_Development_Studios_Stellaris.php

>Endless Legend
- Manual: cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/289130/manuals/User'sManual.pdf?t=1413562467
- Wiki: endlesslegendwiki.com/Endless_Legend_Wiki

- Fix for Civ IV BTS XML errors: dropbox.com/sh/ljdms8ygix2btcs/AACC_IGIy7zAkomwA6S4DJp3a?dl=0
- Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE): well-of-souls.com/civ/index.html
- Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot: multiplayerrobot.com
- District Cheat Sheet: hydra-media.cursecdn.com/civ6.gamepedia.com/2/29/District_Cheat_Sheet.png?version=07510f0f43d7188e00e7046c90360dba (unembed)

>Alpha Centauri
- Essential improvements: pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Sid_Meier's_Alpha_Centauri#Essential_improvements
- Official short stories: mediafire.com/folder/cn11q7nqa00te/Alpha_Centauri

Other urls found in this thread:


Es1 Sophon ship design was superior

Good call, I was making a new thread.

After expurging all the Stellaris links.

Riftborn a best

I just can't get into ES2 mang, it's too fast for me. Everything builds and grows and expands so quickly. I have like 30 hours into it somehow.

>build an entire planet from scratch pretty much
>I can mine minerals on it

Why though? Wouldn't it have made much more sense just to take those minerals when disassembling the system? Why put them in the ring just to mine them again?

They're pretty much the ONLY good thing about Endless Shit 2 imo.


>tfw I will never be Horatio

>tfw you are horatio