/owg/ - Overwatch General

Mei is not fat edition





>Nexus challenge for D.Va and Genji skins

>Latest PTR patch notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


I want to tell her how beautiful she is.

Did you win?


D.Va is cute!

hey guys just a simple question if I click on a google spreadsheet can the owner see my email please this is important


What ult is the most fun to sabotage?

who /formermedicplayer/ here?

New skins are pleb filter
If you don't like them you need to go back to r*ddit

Rez, if by sabotage you mean killing her or hacking her (then killing her) as she flies in.


Remaking for THIS thread

I really want them to create an ACTUAL combat medic character that uses an ACTUAL, NORMAL pistol and heals using deployable consumable health packs like torbjorn does with his armor, and a channelled bandage wrapping ability or some shit that doesn't heal anything until the cast time is complete

then give him an ACTUAL fragmentation grenade with a timed COOKABLE detonation, low to medium damage but a large radius

i just want something that's fucking normal. if the character needs some sort of flamboyant cuck characteristic to make him """unique"" just make him gay to appease the tumblr tards

No ;^)


Wrong thread buddy
You need to go to

Still looking for the sfm of 76 pov fucking widow against a wall

>flamboyant cuck characteristic to make him """unique""

married to an omnic and has a robotic leg, there you go

fuck off, game doesn't need any more healers to slow it down even further

Just bring back bad company 2.

My ass is not for fucking!

with reaper's wraith form buff is he now balanced and viable?

Thanks... although that winky face makes me unsure unless you're D.Va

>shut down a attack Symmetra with Sym/Torb defense
no greater feeling, fighting cancer with cancer I can just feel the rage of the attack team shitting on that guy

This is your meta now

Play a different game, retard.

>le just play call of teh dootle ecks didDLY DEEE

Obviously they're not going to copy/paste a 68W straight into the game, nor is that even what I want, I'm just longing for the simple playstyle of a combat medic from more traditional FPSes.

Blizzard is more than capable of the creation of a completely different aesthetic with the same overall "feel" / playstyle of the character I just described and pictured

Don't inject your autism into every post you make, dickhead.

>it's a "Enemy Team has a Duo Queue Pharmercy" episode.
tfw it's a repeat


>traditional FPS

Go and play Enemy Territory. Literally nobody is stopping you.

>only 1 tank
>only 1 heal
>4 offense
jesus we'd get insta pubstomped

>"I go for the tovnastine"
>Awkward Silence.
>text chat "WTF D.VA IS SO FUCKING OP" - zarya

How do you actually stop this? I play Soldier and I can't kill Pharah because she is being constantly healed, and I can't kill mercy because her hitbox is way too small. My team is always shit and the only time I've ever beaten that combo is with another Pharmercy

Congratulations on having absolutely zero taste

Tracer should have never been created

>Blizzard is more than capable of
let me stop you there and tell you that, no, they are not.

leave emily alone

Seriously what the point of playing Overwatch if you just want to play different game?
Nobody stops you from it

For fuck's sake, will you stop twisting my words?

I want a traditional character in a NON-traditional game. Why is that too much of a foreign concept for you to understand?

cmon jeff i know you love the idea, please suggest it to the team for me

go away geoff

Jamison Fawkes! And Hana Song!

people underestimate how strong Sombra/Genji/Winston are as a team

Because the two things are inherently incompatible. You're asking for something from Red Orchestra in a game designed around a giant gorilla that leaps across the entire map. Nobody will ever stand still for a channeling ability.

Seriously, just go and play something else.

>le I play blizzard games but hate them meme

fuck you

i gotta present a new page of balance ideas to the board in 10 minutes or i'm out of a job

Get a Zen to discord Mercy. Her hitbox isn't 'too small', you just need to aim better.

Stronger than Tracer/Genji/Winston?

>he wouldnt stay within range of the medic for 1.5 seconds for a full heal

ok if u say so

>Hanamura, last point
>Our genji is peeking from one of the 2 upper entrances
>Me as Ana to our Genji: "Genji, is your ult ready?"
>Genji suddenly starts screaming as if having an orgasm: "OH OH ME ME BOOST ME BOOST ME ANA"
>I give him his desire to release it
>This fucking hard-on cyborg gets instant Play of the Game

incoming orisa nerfs


>he unironically wants the devs to add a hero with a 1.5 second full heal

Because that isn't objectively broken.

but they can't take damage and have to stay still

I know I do, I usually play healer so aiming isn't my forte.

>people on my team always throwing
Tell me why I shouldn't instalock Bleu at all times?



If you don't make an effort to encourage the team to play like they should, who will, user? :c

I'd like to know who your waifu is so I can call her shit too.

You're serious right? I'm really worried here.

So what do you think about the dance emotes?
Will they be legendary?
Will they be event items?


Sombra has ability denial and EMP so it might be stronger, also it can shut down enemy pushes


Just a question, do you play Widowmaker all the time? Will you switch in situations when you understand that you are don't doing much

No worries, I wasn't trying to shit on you. But seriously, Zen and 76 will wreck Pharmercy's shit.


Are you a professional Overwatch coach? What team are you working for?

Is there a site or some method to convert console sensitivity to PC?


>my team is shit
>I can't aim
typical man child attitude in 1 post

I bet you play Mercy

Oh, that's impressive actually! You still know how to fucking m1 all match and get carried to victory! Congrats!

too salty to keep it to one thread
dva plz show me the way to overcome infinite noobs

this is more indicative of a horrible team than your skill lvl

What did Jeff meant by this?

>tfw support main
>tfw 15 sr after a win


D.Va serves her daddy breakfast in bed and then crawls under the covers to drain him dry with her hungry mouth every morning.


I mean I know I'm not good enough with my aim to deal with it. And besides if that combo wasn't an issue the entire playerbase wouldn't be complaining about it.

Sure you can use your ego to shit on others but there is more than 1 person on each team and when that one person can't do it alone you hope the other 5 could at least do something.

Not all of us are Top 500 McCree/Soldier mains with amazing aim.

Did they remove the cap on competitive points yet? Thats the only reason I would play the mode really. I'm at 6000/6000 and don't want to buy an ugly ass gold gun, waiting for something that actually looks good to come out.

Or the one where it's POTG and he's fucking widow and kills 3 people with his visor

I'd wish, I'm just an overpositive idiot in gold trying his god damn best to have his match ups play with a good mindset present.

Sometimes it's nervewrecking, but someone has to do it, damn it.

There will be no rewards for comp soon

>cant relax and play Comp cause worried about SR
>cant relax and play QP cause of hidden MMR
>stuck with 3 v 3

thanks Blizzard

sorry for barging in here, but gtag is cancerous
would anyone here who plays gta v would mind posting a pic of their hijak ruston? ive been trying to find a good idea for rims but absolutely no one is complying theyre just complaining about their stupid discord

heres a mercy pic as a thanks


You are shitting on other players when you say shit like "I can't hit Mercy as BABYZONE 76 because her hitbox too smaww :("

What are the graphics settings I should lower to improve FPS without making the game look like shit? Overwatch reset my settings. I know one is reflections or something

reminder that being good at mccree does not make you good at soldier and vice versa

precision shooting and tracking are different skills

Fuck off, retard

>without making the game look like shit?
Impossible, you're playing Overwatch


ok, at least here i get a fucking response

go back to your tranny containment general

>s76 without his jacket


Lower everything but texture quality

So you honestly believe that hitting a Mercy flying with a Pharah all game is easy to hit?

Instead of being an insufferable cunt how about contribute to the conversation. I asked for help having to deal with it because I'm obviously not good enough to do it alone. You come in and stroke your ego providing nothing of value. But I guess you are used to that.

i cant. theres trannies. besides i come here more often.

why isn't that one of the skins that's what i want to know

So from Metzen's previous S76 writing:

>doesn't care about anything other than revenge
>thinks war is beautiful and ugly at the same time
>kills mercilessly but blames it on politicians for making him do it
>has some degree of amnesia
>grizzled, old, bitter and complains about his age
>was turned into a super soldier by nano chips implanted in his brain
>is called soldier 76 because he was the 76th soldier in the enhancement program
>turning point of the war in his universe takes place in LA

Most of that is pretty accurate to how he is now. The only interesting thing to note is the fact LA is involved. Maybe that will translate over into Overwatch? Maybe the city we saw in Uprising was LA? Interesting to think about.

It's a pity the character wasn't developed at all though. All there is really is him just blowing shit up.

So it's confirmed that Overwatch is a big pile of shit and the only reason people play it is for loot boxes and dressup, right?