Shaxx edition
Shaxx edition
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first for claiming first three times in a row
>Destiny on PC
lmao good luck. This is Warframes territory.
So it looks like Ghaul is trying to create a second Sun alongside Sol so that they will collide and cause a supernova, destroying the entire system.
>same as the plot as Marathon Infinity
Explains this then. We're going to have to jump aboard his big star-shaping device and disable it before he blows us all up.
Nigga who the FUCC plays warframe
>post yfw Swords are now kinetic/elemental instead of power
Also explains the empty node on the Director right next to the sun.
We know the Cabal have been installing some of their tech on Mercury, as in the case of this map.
>bungie not getting high on their own supply
were you not here for halo's gratuitous marathon references? they even rereleased durandal for x360 at one point.
they admit they reuse themes and motifs.
i'm still super down for turning mercury into a second sun just to kill the vex there. they want domination, not destruction, but if the whole planet is a vex machine already they don't have much choice. also having two suns for the rest of Destiny is a great excuse to never have to go back to any D1 content ("it'd break immersion of there was only one sun again lol")
blue pussy
Empty node in question. Hard to believe they'd give a whole node for just one mission, so I'm hoping that Mercury is actually a planet we can go Patrol on and stuff. They'll probably just save it for the Osiris expansion though.
Not him, but I feel Halo had more physical relation, whereas Destiny has a more philosophical connection to Marathon
can fukken wait
gonna take a bit to get used to KB+M tho
final version will be un capped, go for 144mhz if you can afford it
>Very first mission ends with us standing against Ghaul
So, what happens?
Will Ghaul kill our guardian? Giving Bungie an excuse for making new characters?
>gonna take a bit to get used to KB+M tho
my KB+M aim is trash since i'm used to CS:GO's gunplay where things are less mobile, but given Destiny is so hypermobile i'll prop be absolute horseshit at PvP.
>mfw waiting for news about new exotic weapon quests
im on a 480 so i doubt ill get that high unless i run everything on low
>letting us import our D1 character into D2 just to die in the first mission
Uh, no.
destiny 2 is gonna eat your gpu, unless you update your rig yearly you'll run it normally
light drains from us as the trav is gimped. im sure some madman like cayde or mary sue amanda will rescue us before gaul can finish us off
I'm REALLY curious how it will run, bundo didn't make a PC game for years I think
try this
Anybody who actually uses this monstrosity should be chemically castrated.
I'd agree with that. But still, it's an interesting connection. Marathon was all about parallel timelines, and you could even say that Halo, Destiny and Marathon are all parallel versions of the same story. It just makes you wonder whether there will be any concrete connections.
The Pfhor have a weapon they save for slave revolts; a weapon which even they hesitate to use in the ordinary conduct of war. In the language of the Jjaro who conceived and built the device, it is called the trih xeem; a fair English translation would be "early nova".
There is not a single Nakh alive today, and if you look for their stars, you will only find ever-expanding clouds of superheated gas and dust light-years in diameter.
Luke "my partner and her kids" Smith
Just wondering, is it worth it to make a new character on PS4 and try to "beat" the first game? I never got around to it and I thought might try now that the sequel's coming.
>hardcore WoW raider
>got a job at 1UP and then wrote weekly updates and hosted a podcast for Bungie
>becomes lead raid designer
>goes on to become game director of D2
I am so fucking jealous of this guy. He didn't even do anything, he just played video games and wrote about them and it landed him a job at Bungie. Can you imagine if you suddenly get to work at Bungie just for being someone who plays games and talks about them? I do that all the time. Fuck man.
Will I play Titan for another three years?
You bet I will.
That is one terrifically gay fist pump.
if you want to play the game, play the game, don't ask a bunch of autists on an anonymous imageboard
Same with deej
>Plays Halo a lot
>Plays Halo with friends a lot
>Is a nice guy, social and good with people
>"Hey wanna be our community manager?"
not to mention what he wrote was a master case in shitting on bungie.
Sure but if you want to enjoy any of the actually good content, as in NOT the vanilla story, you have to buy the collection which is 60 dollars.
Then it's a suitable fist to go up the asses of hunters and warlocks.
Fuck. Yes. I am SO FUCKING EXCITED for Strikers. And Sentinels. I haven't seen much gameplay of the latter so I'm like mega hyped. I can get over the Titan Skating thing. That's fine. I just want to be an ultimate puncher.
Heh. Try it, kid.
*shadesteps behind you*
They should have atleast kept Earth's moon in the game. It'll be DLC..
D2 will be the chance for my Omolon exotic void shotgun with firefly. No reason to deny its inclusion in this game.
Will I play as a Warlock for the next three years?
You bet I will.
This is the new clan in question for Destiny 2's /dg/, please recommend some names for the clan and they will be taken into consideration .
Anyone on PS4 trying to run stuff? Playing Paladins now but can drop it in a heartbeat
I like Dawn Guard
Might be cheesy but my upbringing is one of Warhammer and Warcraft (not WoW though), so bear with me.
You can't top Bungie's current President, he got started as a fucking tester.
>I like Dawn Guard
It's totally generic and uncreative, desu
I like it anyway.
Harold got fired, it's Parsons now
Sons of DeeJ would be better.
The Wives sons.
kys Walter
/DG/enerates is better
Beta orbiters
Girl Gamurss
What's a good strike to use a skeleton key on as a hunter?
>elemental primary
So does this mean Bungie's finally pulling their heads from their asses and allowing us to have them again? Or is this gonna be another exotic that's complete shit that'll only get used because it's the only way to have elemental in the primary?
Slot 1: Kinetic weapons
Slot 2: Elemental weapons
Slot 3: Power weapons and Specials.
Generation Gap
>have over 600 hours on warframe
>on ps4
I blame destiny 100% for letting me find warframe because of destiny's massive content droughts.
Fuck off, David.
we vanquish now
Dinglebot lives
>with a Raze-Lighter
>defending civvies
oh yes
Also does that mean Raze-Lighter is returning?
Add me for furry erp
So hows is this any different from the hunter's arc blade?
5/6 wrath
Xbox is dead you furry degenerate. Please never ever come back k thx.
>tfw no Mark of the Risen
Really don't like having shit flap around at my side as a Titan tbqh.
Well you see the thing is that as a matter of fact the new striker super doesn't suck colossal dick.
they learned their lesson that first impressions are incredibly important so i think they would be smart enough to make sure pc launch is smooth
it's not like they don't have the budget anyways
You know what I fucking love? Look at how small the Raze Lighter looks on Shaxx. The dude is a giant.
well big PC jewtuber said the build they played was smooth and it was in 4k, but I assume the rigs they used had 1080Ti
Can't have slashes on clan names
fuck off
It's like you've totally forgotten
groups and groups and groups of literal whos
Farm Boys
Shard Yourself
Dead Gaem
Speaking of any of the other old admins kicking around? Should we purge the existing groups around beta time and then let people re-apply or are the old groups truly resting in space.
Even a 1080 Ti doesn't hit 4k/60 across the board, that it seemed to be maintaining or exceeding 60FPS at all times is a pretty great sign.
its probably best to just abandon them and leave them as tombstones while active people make unaffiliated groups elsewhere
Unless you feel like clearing out all the inactives then this new one will just be for destiny 2, no one is forcing you to join.
D2 reveal said there is going to be shared benefits for clans. If you are a open border communist marxist fag you can leave people to mooch of the people who actually play.
The only problem with that is I feel like most of the people in the earlier numbers are inactive like I dunno if stray still plays on ps4 but he's in the PT group
Daddy's Girls
no boners aloud
yeah stray plays on ps4 under straylost_idjit or something like that
95% sure stray bought destiny for xbox, playstation, and PC... for himself.
You don't understand that boys autism.
Devilish Guys
Can't wait for the new shitposting memes
What the fuck did you just say you little destinylet, I was one of the first playing since the motherfucking god damned ALPHA test of this fine establishment. I have seen literally everything there is, I know everything about this game, I stream everything, I sherpa everything, I get all the free shit Bungie hands out to /dg/ elites like myself for their hard work and loyalty, I make most of the /dg/ OC you save, I am THE Legend the one you embarrassingly try to worship with that shitty praise the light emote, I look real close at my own RIPPLING abs, and to top it all off I bend over your favorite hand you use to chronically masturbate to whatever flavor of the month fetish /dg/ comes up with be it trap/namefag/weapon/me/etc, and fuck it as you get dick envy in the most pathetic way possible and still ask for more like the slut you are,and leave you in agony of your imperfect aheago face receiving none being unscathed having no self worth you might as well beg for my throbbing hard twelve inch COCK screaming for MORE. The point is everything you stand for is below me and only me, there is no higher, and there is no lower than you, I am the Alpha Team standing strong forever, you are the loot cave everyone fires a shot into to get loot, but receive disappointment. Oryx doesn't want you for his army, you make Omnigul scream, Gaul saw you unfit and took your powers away, Atheon couldn't find a timeline where you weren't a piece of shit, The Speaker never talks to you, you are the reason Eris left, Zavala's wall was built to keep you out, Brother Vance sees nothing in you, Eva gives you 50 shaders of grey, sweeper bot will never whistle as you walk by, Cayde will never quip in your direction, Bungie doesn't want your money joff doesn't want to play with you, not even I like you and that's more than a picture would ever describe. Get the fuck out of my board, my general, my console, my game, my Destiny.
Just wtf is this, not even youtube could reach this levels of cringe.
>be 8
>titan inspection day
>30 year-old proctor tells me she won't be checking my titan
>call her a literal who
>get expelled
fuck titan inspection day