Pepecash General Superbowl edition

Post your collection, talk about your favorite cards or shitpost about pepecash.


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The game Pepe Party is coming out soon.

I sent some XCP to my rare pepe wallet so I could buy Pepecash (and for some reason I know have a few cents worth of BTC as well now) but whenever I try to buy Pepecash with XCP on the Big Board it says not enough BTC available, what am I doing wrong here?

You need to put like $10 of Bitcoin in your rarepepewallet

Why? I thought XCP was exchanged for Pepecash? I had some leftover BTC I didn't care about so I exchanged it all to XCP on Poloniex and sent it to my Pepe wallet.

And if I just send it back to Polo and exchange it all back to BTC can I just send BTC to my Pepe wallet and buy Pepecash with that?

You need to pay with BTC a small transaction fee. I think it's like 50 cents or something

No use the XCP to buy, just put $5 or $10 of BTC in your wallet, that way you have plenty of cash to make transactions

So they can't just take 0.0002 BTC worth of XCP automatically so I can do a transaction? Well shit, I converted all my BTC to XCP and sent it to the Pepe wallet, so now I don't even have 0.0002 left over to send it back to Polo.

Can someone gift me 0.0002 BTC so I can uncuck my shit?


looks legit,
email me [email protected]

I'll send 0.0025 btc, you do the calculation and send me equivilent xcp back. but i want at least an email address so i can shit on you in public if you fuck me

edit: berate you in public

2nd edit: up to 0.0025 BTC

every xcp transaction requires a bitcoin fee because xcp transactions are bitcoin transactions with extra data so i'd think you want enough for more than one transaction

Okay sent you an email.

So you need both XCP and Bitcoin to buy Pepecash? That's inconvenient.

Yea apparently you need XCP to buy Pepecash/pepes and still need some extra BTC to pay the TX fees

You can buy pepecash on with Bitcoin if you want

My transfers are taking forever, and i want my PEPES

what is the difference between XCP and pepcash? i have pepe cash, but why would i need to have XCP?

This is what I did. It's by far the highest volume coin on there.



Post them!!

Spare a pepe?


How can I get my pepe to market? I happen to have some 2010 vintage OC BBW 3D Roblox Sad Pepe ready to be made in to a card. Never before seen, limited edition.


It's.... so ugly. Can Veeky Forums ever make something which doesn't look crude and tacky?

its up 134% and reached 78 on alt coins list!

When will pepecash get listed on more exchanges?

It is not a shitcoin as it is the backbone of the rare pepe economy, so I could see it getting listed on polo at some point.

Where do I buy pepe cash on exchanges?

Tuxexchange, I think.

Can you buy Pepe cards with Pepecash alone or do you also need Bitcoins?

you need a small amount of bitcoin for transaction fees.

sent some guardspepe's

Can I have one?

May I too indulge myself in these rare pepes?


Thank you kind user, I won't need to invest in kneepads now. To the moon!

Risk of Rain and Shovel Knight.

would enjoy a rare as well!!

>forgot the address

Just got a wallet and would appreciate a welcome gift from some generous and rich pepe collector. May kek be with you

would help if you posted your address

How the fuck do I recover my wallet. I have my wallet address and passphrase

Shows how much of a novice I am, thanks for the heads up.


Need Peperinos

How do I buy rare pepes with my pepecash???

send them to your rarepepe wallet along with a small amount of bitcoin to cover the transaction for when you buy a card. if you don't have a wallet yet you can find it at


we are at 597 people in telegram.
600th person will get a rare pepe


Chill dude. Which site did you create the wallet with?

So I've managed to recover my wallet via the counterparty online wallet but I still have no idea how to make this show again on the rare pepe wallet site

Kek will gimme money, praise kek!

its pretty self explanatory,
at rarepepewallet see top right gear symbol.
Click that and select your address.

Or log in using the 12 word recovery sentence.

May i partake in these donations? Many thanks.

Got 5 patriots cards. Don't even know what American football is but they seem cool so I'm sure they'll win.

With the actual rare pepe site, I've figured out that it essentially amounts to a counterwallet wallet but I'd like to get it to show on the rarepepewallet site again. I've recovered it on the actual counterwallet site

how do i join this kek coin? I will give you anything for some keks .. praise the pepe 16SpoHWur2jrbxQxmH1rayeUiq9GdSqc9t

There's no option to log in, and the select address won't allow me to enter my previous address.

send a screenshot of page please because I dont understand, did u have funds on there?

If u can log onto counterwallet u should be able to log onto rarepepewallet as well I think.

Figured it out, the button was not displaying in my nrowser at 100% zoom for some odd reason, works fine zoomed out.

how long does it take to confirm pepecash in your wallet? i wanna get in on the superbowl betting.

bitcoin is slow as fuck. you could be waiting minutes or several hours. smaller transactions tend to take longer.

the rarepepe team should look at getting pepe cash put on ethereum blockchain. bitcoin transactions are too damn slow. especially considering the plans they have for games etc.

how do i even get btc in my rarepepe wallet? my pepecash confirmed but there is a btc fee too? baka.

You just send it to the same address as your pepecash

can someone sell me some superbowlpat

this thread needs some love....

I'll share where I can.

Lets make it big for kek sakes.


I can't send bitcoin to my Pepe wallet for some reason. What's going on?

So i bet 20k pepecash on the game but i never got my 2 SUPERBOWLPAT. After i put my order in I lost my pepecash. Can pepecash really be trusted? i emailed [email protected] them for support. not too mad since its only 40k pepecash but still hope i get it back.

nevermind. i see them in my wallet now i am an idiot. thank god.

is there any value in holding them or are you guys selling them?