Did I do good Veeky Forums?
Did I do good Veeky Forums?
Is there a hood scoop on that picture? Says turbo 2 but I can't see it, unless they moved the intercooler or something. How much did you pay?
look's gay
there is, you can see the outline slightly. 6000 cad
*vomits violently*
ignore this autist, thats the cleanest fc ive ever seen
and according to this post , you fucking scored
have fun my guy
damn that's a clean starion
thanks man
the previous owner was a super nice guy. ad was originally for 9000, and car had only 70,000 km on it,. with some minor racing mods eg engine brace, strut bar, straight pipe etc.
desu i was really surprised when he agreed to the 6k I asked for, apparently it was that I actually had knowledge about it, unlike the last guy who asked him if it was a v8 or v6 lmao.
Wow, an old car on Veeky Forums that doesn't look hideous. Good job OP. How much you pay?
desu* not desu lmao
It suits me then because I am gay myself.
Newfie detected
Why the fuck do you think you had to put an apostrophe before the s in looks?
holy fuck i think i actually have autism
I meant to type "desu" not fucking desu
I couldnt even correct myself properly
lmao forgot about the word filter
You're either a massive newfag, a massive sperg or this is some avant-garde bait
God damn that's a great deal, enjoy that shit.
Not bad. Have fun with it.
I hope it's the latter because even this dumb shit appears refreshing compared to some of the things we fight through
You did good user, that is a very nice supra
Nice, protect it from the LS tards
How about you post more pics you cunt
Eh, not bad, but not an FD either.
cos that's how grammer work's gaytard
why ruin such a good 944?
Get that stance shit out of here
i will, with my life
yes mam
suck my cock
Like the car man, looks like some good fun, take care of her!
change those wheels asap, and is that the turbo model? i cant tell