Previous thread: Get the Game
Song of the "day":
Previous thread: Get the Game
Song of the "day":
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for best girl
odd eye
tsugud job
My stars aren't safe.
when do i get the 600 stars they said we'd get?
i keep asking because i need them before the moca gatcha ends.
we'll get them if you can go 48 hours without getting banned
literally impossible
he gets banned all the time
okay from this moment on for 48 hours im tuning a new leaf
Aya gacha when?
probably not even next next event because there's already a pasupare event
maybe next next next event (three weeks)
i like how there's been like 3-4 kasumi/otae/arissa gatchas but zero rimi/saya gatchas
poor girls.
This Afterglow event was really cute. Himari and Tomoe are still boring though
Afterglow event > Sakura Party > Popipa event > Stargazing > Roselia event > Hello Happy event
This channel has all the event stories and some band stories subbed.
oops wrong pic
you should put this in the op actually, i feel this is important.
it's very good and the translations actually make sense
thats cool, i would probably never read the translated stories but now i can just watch them subbed
It uses translations from different places and puts them on the videos so the quality will probably differ depending on the source.
no im pretty sure i posted the right pic
i think.... you are mistaken...
yeah i noticed he gets them from elsewhere, but i assume the person who puts the video together corrects the grammar. but maybe not idk i only watched the afterglow event and story,
but they were great apart from a few typos
i only point this out because other bandori translations i've read haven't been as good as these
And yet Rimi's still the only Popipa 4* scorer.
i hate that card because literally everyone has it
its like the welfare 4star
being kasumifag is suffering
4* scorer never
at least i can play with my happy 3* kasumer this event
people probably went for her as starter 4* when they were rerolling
i got mine from daily pulls tho
based bushijews
>three weeks
Neat, just after midterms end then.
what does it say?
fufu, minna kawaii
Fufu, everyone is cute
Good spammable stamp
I like you guys. Thanks for keeping the dream alive.
"what up prank nation, this is hina and today im gonna pull this sick prank on my ol sis"
iTs jUst A pRAnK siS
sayo liek dog
>dog ends up really liking Hina and mostly ignoring Sayo
i really like this image
The berets makes them look like raging lesbians.
They just look like little French girls
>little French girls
That's pretty /u/
thats adorable because thats exactly what they are
weak as fuck
Just Ran, Moca is a chill lesbian.
Why did they have to make Himari? She's so bad otherwise every girl in Afterglow would be amazing.
God damn Himari is hot, I wanna drink milk directly from her tits.
I'll never understand why you all hate Himari so much. I can understand not liking her, but is it really fair to straight up shit on and hate her all the time?
Not him but
it's joke
Himari is the cutest afterglow.
Himari really turns me on and it's one of the reasons why I'm here.
She's a totally unattractive girl in a band where every other girl is super adorable. She brings Afterglow down. She has terrible hair and a terrible body.
>25-hour maintenance
i did legit hate her before but i read most of the aftergrow story and honestly she isnt bad
its just the hat that i really hate, it looks awful
well all of her looks are annoying
however shes quite cute in the story
and to add to that there is literally zero
excuses to have an ugly anime character
So much hate for a fictional character (lol
Exactly. They had total control over how she looked and that's what they came up with. They could have just put in another cute girl and we'd be fine.
P-Please stop bullying Himari, she's a good girl.
i like Himari
>implying you wouldn't
Did you lie to me?
She's made to be bullied.
I'm convinced it's just 2 or 3 very stubbornly picky anons who don't like her.
would so hard
but then again that would be true to 90% of anime girls
Starts in 2 hours and I think it only affects the multilive.
That's like half the thread
That's what I like about her.
I would, then again, Himari looks like a pretty easy girl.
Absolutely would not. One of only two girls in the game I can say that about.
Who is the other one?
I get you then, Kokoro is for hugs, not fug.
This is not me.
The other girl is Lisa.
what a fat shamer
There's no notable update coming is there?
None that I'm aware of, I haven't been paying too close attention to the update news
>PoPiPa performing for /gbp/
me behind the middle tree
Too soon
me crouching in front of the stage
You all ruined my meme... ;_;
Those dresses makes their asses look huge, both irl and in anime form.
nothing wrong with that
Free bump before sleepy time
why dont they combine moca and rans name - ultra omnis
ran belongs in pastel plattes.. flower girl!!!!
big arisas
Tomoe saved them from future embarrassment like that
Ayymeeeee a cute~
>I know! Let's form a band!
>Sounds cool
>And how will we call our band?
>How about... Afterglow.
And that's how we became Afterglow.
I'll rape that smirk off her face.
But we get free stars anyways.