A general for games set in Tyria.
Tyria General
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>Come the fuck on, Edmund.
not his problem
yes on Namkeng
Yea but a bunch of shitters don't believe math and need to see """evidence"""
3.0 is already delayed by an extra week.
>Still not on PS4
do you have a cut off date for 'upcoming'?
How is the amount of characters you control relevant to whether it's a strategy game or not?
Mind you the "Consoles were more powerful than computers until the late 90s" only applies to consumer items and not workstations. Nobody seriously considered a consoles to be even close to a workstation of the related release time of each.
>why am I a shit tank
Because once your threat generation survival is guaranteed, there's no reason to penalize your own ass and make the run take a nanosecond longer than necessary.
>i cant think of anything so you are a retard
wasn't sure if you mean't the berserk powerup or the game so both are included
It seems like that happened more for console games because of rentals, the just arcade games
Being really mad about no Nightwing
Dead Rising 4
Plenty. Wizards & Warriors was also Rare game like
[_] > * > + >>>>> -
As in Ridge Racer 4? What do you even do with it?
Goblin sites is what you are most likely thinking of. Kobolds currently hang around near cave entrances with weapons while doing absolutely nothing.
FMV movies were a mistake, they don't add anything to the game and mostly look like cringe fests
that makes no sense.
Prior to XP couldnt you just run games through DOS? Also you can VM them or use an emulator? Furthermore Windows 2000? What the fuck for? Why not get one for Windows ME while you are at it?
yea it looked pretty bad when I watched
basically for the same reason that Rod of Escaping is bad, combined with the enormous opportunity cost of not having a different god
Why is E3 such a big thing? Isn't it just a bunch of big publishers announcing the next Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed?
I've never quite understood the ALL of the hype behind the event, but I guess it might be more of a console thing.
Thanks for all the opinions guys.
So I get that the consensus is that Abyss, Symphonia and Vesperia are the only ones worth playing then? Or are there any others?
Will go with PS2 for Abyss and PS3 for Vesperia and Symphonia.
true it never was, but ppl kept calling it that way
>Assault rifle with exploding 15 dmg bullets
>Assault rifle with refilling AP on critical hits
it isn't a void but there isn't a texture there. layer 2 in 5zcrdb9f. I was just quick searching
So you just like it for no reason?
>Character were much more likable
Teddie and Yosuke
>OP is not really a faggot
Its really fun and one of the best FPS out right now. Its important to communicate though so it would be nice to play with a mic and your friend talking to the team.
Yikes I forgot how useless Metal Babbles and Metal Slimes were in the first two games.
What are some good whore clothes?
everyone has autism on Veeky Forums if you dont than you need to go back.
Buddy I think you got the wrong door, 9gag is two blocks down
Anarchy Reigns?
I can dream can't I?
Nice, like what? I noticed buying it gives you the original for free.
That and
>Still just you, Frisk.
for me as well
>game should cater to people using cheats and mods
It won't be available for the new operators' guns
>the daily wire
>Yet another Inafune thread
Fuck off, the thread you made in /m/ is more than enough
>effort needed to play a game
1 day of work and several clicks on a computer
>effort needed to trigger 4reddit
t. retard who didn't play the RS2 remaster
>Once unlocked, this skin can be applied on the weapons available until the end of the current Season.
So i can't use it after???
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence
It doesn't relate to it it's just where I got the idea for the color
why is the weapon with the longest range also the strongest?
This game is ultimate comfy.
Maybe you're just autistic.
miss those days
any tips on killing them? In the reception place I found the PAX Imperator worked better but I just cant stand them. they take ages to put down
the entire game
Will this lead to anything?
Trying to appeal to lonely Japanese males who still want to fuck middle schoolers.
The character gets worse after that, make sure to kill your friends boyo.
thank you user you have saved me
although i do want to go back to rping my clothes merchant jedi
Because the game is 5 years old.
I don't want to
That would not make you gay, it would make you extra gay.
Actually they're really priced on demand I think. Doesn't matter if there's 10 million copies of a game around if its a game everyone wants and Mr. Reseller can constantly get $40 for a copy
This is what 10 should have been.
I have been bested.
I'm 27 now. Can't imagine what the gaming will be like in 30 years.
Yeah, this is proof enough collectorfags don't actually play their games. GH releases are generally bugfixed versions of the games.
Sorry it doesn't look that pretty on your shelf, lad. :^(
so yes
I'm using Veeky Forums X for chrome and ctrl s doesn't work.
nice find
are the other posters from real shows too? think Ive seen the red haired girl before
Beating secret of mana with a couple friends.
goo-gone is some kind of miracle liquid for removing stickers
>1 WB book in 10 runs
just kill me
fuck off
you keep trying to make that ALL her character's ever all about don't try to shift blame to what are actually poorly acted pieces in it
Why not
Sonic 2 doesn't even have a dedicated water level. Chemical Plant and Aquatic Ruin have underwater sections (that you can avoid) and that's it.
>game still crashes when dumping cobra rockets on ham hill
Its pretty fun to bait pyroblasts as a level 20+ Guldan.
That's cringy as fuck but I still like it somehow. Would wear at home for sure. The text on the back should be cut though.
Baldur's Gate. Neverwinter Nights 1.
Make another thing is too busy. With catholics you only need tropes
you should put this in the op actually, i feel this is important.
it's very good and the translations actually make sense
He could be referring to the other shit covering up the screen.
>be gone all day
>return to find Usea uncovered as the true villain of AC
I'm looking forward to seeing how the intro of the game is going to brush over the fact that you might or might not have destroyed an entire city and/or killed your best friend in a physics-destroying time anomaly.
monetized class
He was a human that was turned into a magic weapon.
I wouldn't lose hope Junkofag. The next game pretty much confirmed their presence and they'll probably become a thing because again HIKSHON.
>I really don't think Alex is a great design.
But it's certainly better than his IV/IVA designs
i'm sorry, i couldn't tell you.
i just collect random pictures of my hero on the internet
I just got him from a challenge coliseum, what's the big deal?