Flashbang Ash edition
(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)
>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this first before asking questions)
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PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI
>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery
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>Official News & Known Issues
Next update will be Operation Health, which will focus on fixing the game.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
Casual matchmaking will be relaxed for better queue times.
Mission Failed:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
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first for operation health panel SUCKS
gotta wait until august :^)
>tfw you'll never be strangled by cav
why live
4th for bucks blue eyes
anyone else experiencing higher latency than usual? im joining lots of matches with 90~ ping, and my teammates too
>Once unlocked, this skin can be applied on the weapons available until the end of the current Season.
So i can't use it after???
Is the Revolver even worth using on GIGN operators vs the P9 after the nerf?
It won't be available for the new operators' guns
>Expected some sort of announcement
>New Doc uniform, any real details about packs, something
>Just what was said at the announce for Health
>"You all asked us to do this, don't be mad."
>"We're finally following through with what we talked about at Year 2 announce! Be excited!"
>Also here's the weirdest balance changes you didn't ask for
I wish that the devs liked this game
WTF happened to 2007? yes I have been gone a while
what balance changes are there?
They're in coop games, playing fh/rs2/[insert game here]. Though yesterday we played siege for 6-7 hours.
Fixed that pic for ya
Should I purchase Mira or Jackal having only bandit and twitch or should i purchase Mute, glaz, fuze and more?
basic ops first, dlc ones aside from few exceptions are subpar
No smokes for Ash/Thermite/Glaz. They get stuns instead. Glaz got a general Nerf. Glaz stuff made sense, but giving Ash the ability to blind you?
Yeah i just used real money to purchase all year 1 operators and going to buy the basic ones with normal in game credits now.
The hipfire nerf only affected the Mountain, not that you would use it like that on any other GIGN fucker
>aside from a few exceptions
>buck, hibana, blackbeard, valkyrie, mira
>"a few exceptions"
Do you mean hipfire is only nerfed on Montagne? Huh, I thought it was nerfed for the revolver itself in general. So technically hipfire with french recruit shield is not nerfed?
If you're new enough to the game that you don't have the ops yet, Hibana is the only one of those who is worth a damn.
half then
>He wants a noob Hibana running around not knowing how to play
Bad post
You're a fucking retard you know that?
I'm not a native english speaker, did I miss something
>He's still shilling the Discord made by shitposters so annoying they got banned from the TS
I connected, then I saw the chat and users.
No thanks!
Your waifu does not exist, she will never love you, give up
There's people on the TS playing right now, more are needed for another team
No, it affected the revolver, not montagne specifically.
>make smokes useful by breaking an operator
>remove smokes from everybody to nerf the operator
sasuga, siege
>10 min queue time for Casual
>Still not in a game
I'm absolutely loving this meme
They neglected to mention the fact that smokes aren't being removed, they're just being transitioned to jackal and fuze
Not if it's for the female operator.
>Implying the female Korean operator's name isn't going to be Diva
>arbitrarily shift smoke and stuns around, possibly making ash even more busted
never change devs
charge for poor ol' capitao when
Perhaps they should do something that makes a little more sense and remove some the recoil from the c-8 and make both of the Jew's guns have higher recoil to compensate for her weighing 63Kg.
You can argue balance but it doesnt make sense for a girl like that to be able to handle two compact rifles with ease while a grown ass man can't handle the recoil from a front heavy M4.
mfw purchased 10 new operators
don't know what to do anymore
Which defenders are fun, guys?
Who true pacifist ending here?
Mira is fun
How in the fuck.
So fat tho. And I can't use Mirrors to save my life
mute, bandit, mira, valk, echo
I hope that day comes user.
Since he's playing Cav he probably never interrogated anyone, Luison injuries give ridiculous points
>he doesn't know the why of it
>tfw it's the only reason he isn't my second main
feels bad
Israelis are born and bred for war from living in taliban country.
Canucks have gone soft with nothing but the cold to keep them sharp.
he got 0 assists tho
>cav with no kills
user this is canon ending
Jesus fuck i really hope they give ash claymore just to piss people off, fuck whoever thought giving her flashbangs were a great idea
>implying ubi balances around community feedback
but i just want to play cap without being a liability
You can win a round (they were playing hostage, not secure) with the whole other team injured but alive in DBNO.
>qt gangstar korean
What kind of nerf did Glaz get?
>Talk about server features
>Not even mentioning if debris, dead bodies, smokes etc will be made Server side instead of client
I just started playing today. I'm at level 12 and having fun, but credit gain seems really slow. Does it increase at a certain level? It seems fine if you consider just unlocking Operators but throwing in attachments, accesories, and other cosmetic items really makes these seem miniscule in perspective.
But user, free skins!
>other cosmetic items
Forget that shit until you unlock everyone with some attachments. Cosmetics serve no tactical advantage on the battlefield.
>when you don't fuck up the non-lethal
Don't buy cosmetics until you unlock the ops
What's a fun OP that isn't mainstream? Seems like Fuze, Ash, and Twitch are always on attacking, and then Rook, Mira, and Mute are always on defence.
Is Blitz fun? Montagne?
I literally just bought the game, what new operator should I unlock to start with? Did some Google searching but can't find anything on what guns or perks specific ones have
what do you care about cosmetics for, they`re a money sink for people who already have everything actually gameplay related
Do people buy games just to shitpost in Veeky Forums because they know there's an OP FAQ in each one?
>Not reading the OP
It never ends with you FNGs
Termite, Sledge, Rook. Mute or Bandit.
No, I'm completely new to Veeky Forums, friend told me about steam sale. He's downloading right now, just wanna make right decision first time
Now I know
Thanks friendo
caveira, echo, castle, mira
>be Glaz
>chilling at the Rainbow Team HQ, chewing the fat with Thatcher about his favorite techniques for keeping calm in stressful situations
>in your little steel waterbottle you got from a Moscow tourist trap are some fresh tears from back to back Kanal and Plane games
>phone starts ringing
>excuse yourself, because after all Ubisoft calls are a priority due to contract
>Ubi rep spills his maple syrup through the phone and says they're doing balance changes
>inhale real sharply
>don't worry, it's a buff!
>a buff huh, this could be interesting
>what if, we gave you a thermal scope that could see targets through smoke
>holy shit, that's pretty cool I guess
>use it for a while
>overpowered but you're just trying to chug along
>get another call
>turns out they're going to neuter your precious baby because they gave her the ability to see through smoke for some reason
>cry and point her at your head for one last confirmed kill
>can't kill yourself due to trigger discipline
So they're taking away his ability to see through smoke? Lame. They should have buffed Smoke so his Toxic babes block Glaz vision.
Why do glaz and mute seem smaller somehow than other operators?
No, they're removing his smokes and butchering his rifle's stats
>buffing smoke
Hah, that sucks. What did they replace them with? Fucking stuns? Breaching charges?
Unimposing gear, and smaller heads, which also ties into unimposing gear
Meant forTake a look at Kapkan or Fuze, their bodies are huge because of added visual armor to indicate their 3 armor status.
IIRC they didn't say, but recoil is up and damage is down
Fuc fucking fuze those fucking pucks are absoufuckinglute bullshit
and fucking fucking favela
>tfw went on a 5 game win streak as Fuze because I kept getting objectives with wooden floors and eviscerating the roamers with the LMG
That LMG is fucking brilliant, you just spam clusters, breach the hatch, and finish everyone trying to run back into the room
Is Echo's shotgun just trash or am I bad? I'm not sure what range I should be using this thing at.
Go fuck yourself you fucking piece of fucking shit operator with your fucking homing pucks that just ping into my face for instakills fucking die
It's horrific, it has terrible spread and subpar damage. You can shoot someone point blank and down them
Hahaha, being a Rusk is almost as bad as being a Pole!
I haven't seen Brazilians raped this badly since the World Cup
>hey guys, capitao seems to have a lot of utility, gadget + grenades seems a bit much, any ideas? oh and also his machinegun is garbage
>"nerf his guns, make the m249 unusable"
>uh, alright, so we'll just make him a pure utility operator i gu-
>"take away his nades"
>oh okay that's what i was looking for the first time, guess it's time to buff some of his weapons to co-
>"no, don't buff his guns any"
>hey guys tachanka could use some love, even though the concept is meh and doesn't really work in this game, how could we potentially buff him?
>"a shield on the turret"
>hm, that could work. like a full body shield, what would be the durability, does it cover his back? we can make this wor-
>"no it only covers his head"
>"oh and keep his turn radius trash"
>holy fuck guys blackbeard is broken, did you guys actually ship him like that? what the fuck, that was a joke concept
>"nerf his weapons and then maybe his shield"
>what the fuck, how are you still our balance guy? his shield is unbelievably stupid
>"nerf his weapons again and turn his shield into paper"
>woah guys what the hell were we thinking with glaz? we need to do something about his thermal sco-
>"nah, fuck it, change the rifle"
>alright, i suppose, but the thermal vision is still retarded
>"aight, take away some smokes"
never change, ubi. never change.
Why did Ubi think that you need a cheekweld with the back of your thumb to shoot a pistol properly. They would be so much more useful if you could put sights on them or at least hold them at a proper arms length.
When will I be able to play as a cute little girl operator?
>Embrace the fact that pistols are different from other guns and that they don't need to have similar ADS mechanics
>Give their ADS very good peripheral vision instead of zoomed precision
>As a side effect, their visual recoil would not be as bad anymore either
I could dig it. If done properly, this could legitimately make pistols a good pick over pocket SMGs in some situations.
any news about netcode? looks like i'm deleting this piece of shit if they don't give me anything good about operation Shit
netcode is fixed already, thatcher buff is next. Then they are removing supressor damage.
>netcode is fixed already
what do you mean by this?
>tfw you get the Ace clutch for the win
Thats a real nice feel