What the fuck happened to American labor radicalism?
What the fuck happened to American labor radicalism?
McCarthyism and the FBI killed it dead. Labor actions are now seen as anti-American and strikebreakers and scabs are very easy to find.
America won the cold war and in the process bluepilled the blue collar working class into being classcucks.
Racism and the first red scare.
Off by about a few decades m8.
They got a revival during the Great Depression, but the one-two punch of WW2 and McCarthy ensured that labor unions stayed dead.
What are the chances now of a major newspaper announcing a strike? Nobody even talks about unions much, I suppose because so much manual labor industry has moved elsewhere. Other low income jobs such as the food industry never really unionized, either.
It became Americanized
What's this image supposed to imply? That you shouldn't intigrate immigrants?
clipped this from a relevant leftypol thread
>"At this stage, supercapitalism finds its inspiration and its justification in a utopia: the utopia of unlimited consumption. Supercapitalism's ideal is the standardization of the human race from the cradle to the grave. Supercapitalism wants all babies to be born exactly the same length so that the cradles can be standardized and all children persuaded to like the same toys. It wants all men to don the very same uniform, to read the same book, to have the same tastes in films, and to desire the same so-called labor-saving devices. This is not the result of caprice. It inheres in the logic of events, for only thus can supercapitalism make its plans."
yeah it's going for the "salad not melting pot" thing
I agree with most of that image, but containerization is not bad. It utterly changed the global economy for the better, and to force American ports to stay breakbulk would have gutted our market.
Or it would just make the longshormen lose jobs ANYWAY as all container ships sailing to US ports would just start carrying their own cranes. What are they going to do, strike to keep those ships out? Sure thing, and they'll never come back.
I think we just shouldn't have so many fucking immigrants, America is the most boring country on earth because of "le melting pot" philosophy
I'm confused
We're more boring because we're culturally distinct, unlike nearly every other country?
where is leftpol
The new left took over the movement and focused on blacks and gays.
Fucking white males weren't novel enough anymore for the New Left so they decided to focus on fringe movements and groups and abandoned the majority white working class.
conditions have improved for workers dramatically
unions now serve to protect the status quo
This is a good post, a shame it's from fucking /leftypol/. Surprised the guy wasn't banned for not going full SJW like the other tards.
Workers have no bargaining power now. If workers go on strike, they can easily be replaced by importing Mexicans, and if the workers complain about it, they're racist. Sometimes you don't even need Mexicans. Just replace your workers will machines and you'll never have to worry about strikes ever again.
What do you mean?
leftypol prides itself on being anti-SJW so it is like 'other' leftists websites
It seems the trade union movement didnt really account for what woukd happen if the manufacturing and industrial jobs would just dry up. There are service industry unions but the move from industrial to service jobs was too rapid for the industry to be heavily unionized.
funny pic, because Marxismwarrior
puts class above all. ethnic lines are useless constructs to them that only divide the workers.
communism was never about diversity.
Good thread OP
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