Remember when colors existed?
Holy shit post the fucking thread Veeky Forums
Remember when colors existed?
Holy shit post the fucking thread Veeky Forums
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I remember when green was a thing. What a glorious time it was. Now everything not gray and not Volvo is red, and Volvos are beige.
Atleast blue gets made sometimes.
Because blue is best color
Green master race reporting in
why would you want a childish looking car that stands out
grow up and stop being an attention whore
>you should settle for what everyone else likes because it will bring you attention
your life msut be pretty dull
>coming from a stancefag
What did he mean by this?
I just bought a brand new car in a metallic dark red. Looks fucking gorgeous.
Saw a parking lot and literally ever other car was a mixture of black, white, or silver. It's so droll and boring.
What is "natural"
its satire
if you aint peacocking on people whats the point
There are more colors that exist than black, white, gray, and blue. Green, Orange, Purple, Pink, Red, Yellow and every mix and combination in between. Normies just don't care that much.
When I had pic related I was constantly getting caught for speeding.
>car that stands out
This is why I specified my Ferrari be any color but red or yellow.
And now that I have this, which is actually faster, law enforcement literally pays me no mind.
Spot the difference.
Yes, but car guys never buy new cars, they have no choice but to buy gray ones.
Also, that's a really ugly colour, which is another consequence- people who do want a non-gray car get a gray one and wrap it. Wraps don't have as much of a limit on colours, and unfortunately not everyone has good taste.
My two vehicles are dark green and pale yellow.
>grow up and stop having fun
Adulthood is synonymous with the death of the soul.
do you have any problems with those vinyl tops?
Green a best
Depends where the car is from and how it's taken care of.
I ripped the old vinyl top off and only had to do 2 small spot welds around the back window. It's an Arizona car though.
Its ultimately an issue with "reselling" your car and worrying about its value over time.
People used to buy cars and personalize them because you were going to drive it till it drove no more.
Now you just get a lease for 4-8 years and throw it at the dealership afterwards.
>mfw pay cash for my 2013
>mfw take it to the chevy dealership for a recall
>mfw 6 months later they send me a letter saying they "SRSLY" need my car
>mfw a week after that they call me and say they "SRSLY need this car for their lot and will give me 20% over trade in value
>mfw he is utterly shocked when i tell him that i dont want to get rid of my car because its optioned the way i want has low miles and they dont have a single stick shift on their lot anyways
seriously why the fuck do i need to pay payments on a new shitbox that will cost twice what i paid just because its "NEW" also why are people so fucking dumb that they do that anyways
>crossovers and luxury cars have the most monochrome
top kek
>his car doesn't match his house
I remember when no one had a white car because it looks awful and is reminiscent of commercial vehicles.
Then apple made all their fag shit in white, and now everyone want a white car.
Thing is, white cars still look awful. Looks like everyone is driving a van or a fridge on wheels.
White car with black rims and black/panoramic roof is the sex.
t. Tyrone
white can look nice with the right rims on naturally good looking cars
but yeah on econoshitters and crossovers it looks like garbage
>why would you want a childish looking nametag that stands out
>grow up and stop being an attention whore
are tripfags really this retarded
they both look like shitboxes to me
Two-tone paint job on huge trucks is the best
What color is "natural"
i assume beige
aka i have lost all will to live color
I'm really upset that green, and teal is no longer a n option.
Yeah Dark Blue with a small dash of chrome (not alot) is cool.
slav here, bmws and audis are popular among gopniks as a status symbol because you can pay little cash for a "luxury" item
they're mostly imported from germany and either complete trash put together to look okay and work okay for a week before it fucks up or literally two halfs of a trashed german vehicle put together
I kinda regret not getting my truck in red or blue, but black is easy as fuck to look good.
>tfw no more seafoam green wheels for me
I prefer the look of bright yellow vehicles but I like to think I don't let colour away my choice in vehicle purchase. That said, out of the 7 cars I have owned 5 were some shade of blue.
The only colour of vehicle I will not purchase is pink. I don't care how "manly" pink is these days I will have to repaint it. I would drive a pink car every day no problem but it won't be mine.
>tfw no more single cab pickup trucks
>Adulthood is synonymous with the death of the soul.
That's only if you actually enjoyed being a child having to beg for the stuff you want and ask permission for everything.
For me life has improved greatly after becoming an "adult". I guess it depends on how you handle it.
shit wrong thread
basketball enthusiasts often mistake most white cars down here for police and keep away
Silver, grey and white are literally beige Camry tier.
>tfw green camry
>tfw best color
>tfw second most boring car
At least its a v6
it appears a strong correlation between poverty and the abundance of white vehicles.
11% of the population in the region ride animals
Nobody cared
This has sense in third world shit holes
>meanwhile, in Australia...
Just one of many positives to living here - get to see a lot of brightly coloured utes and commos and falcons on the roads. Makes for a nice break from the dreary hordes of silver and white.
>tfw bright red commodore
bright colours=wanker
theyre called 'hero colours' for a reason bruh
Fuck off pleb.
I kinda wish I had the obnoxious green the sonic was available in for it's first year.
There is a guy around here that delivers pizza in one and the obnoxious color is actually fitting on it.
If by grow up you mean progress from childhood
to adolescence
>Ugh, red is gay, I want the black one it's what my friends have. I don't want to look like a fucking fag and get talked to by fags bro
go for it. Adulthood is just around the corner
>Why not red? Why not purple? Don't mention cops. I only speed for track days anyways. And even if I get attention, there's nothing wrong with meeting strangers. The world would be a better place if we talked to eachother more often.
that's young adulthood
adulthood is
>i'd get the one in british racing green but my wife will divorce me, take everything, and slip tranny pills into my morning coffee if i am ever behind the wheel of something that can not be described as a crossover
Yep. It almost pains me when people say that they got the silver or gray/dark gray because it looked the best. Or because they'll "get more attention" if they had a louder color.
Avalanche Gray on the mustang and things like that are different though.
>want to respray my car to make it look a bit nicer
>closed door spray of factory silver would mean theres no mismatching engine bay or jambs
>it would also mean its staying silver
I wish people just took care of their paint
i mean shit the 90s were fucking great color wise
pic relate used to own years ago the best 300$ shitbox in the best color motherfucking rosemist
>that color sucks
>except on cars I like
Why would you go from one Veloster to another?
Apparently colors are for women, because only cars aimed at women still come in cute/fun colors.
Anything bigger than a small hatchback/crossover has to be PROFESSIONAL and therefore BLACK, SILVER AND WHITE ARE THE ONLY OPTIONS.
Sounds like you got some issues dude.
>Look online every day for the "perfect" E46 M3
>They're all Gray, Black or Silver
>Very rarely will any in Estoril Blue, Imola Red, Laguna Seca Blue or any of the other colour varians come up for sale.
>They're always convertible with the fucking SMG semi-auto box.
>look online every day for the "perfect" 986 Boxster
>they're always black or silver
>occasionally a Speed Yellow, Guards Red or Lapis Blue one pops up
>it's always a fucking tiptronic
I feel you.
It sucks, but I'll probably just end up getting a silver/gray/black one and spending the extra to get it wrapped in one of the original colours.
Silver's not a bad colour for a 986, calls back to the 550 Spyder
That's probably the easiest way to go about it. Helps protect the actual paint too, which is nice.
True, but it had so many more interesting color options. I personally fucking love Lapis Blue, it's such a gorgeous color.
>just be a little gray sheep in your cubicle and apartment that is identical to everyone in every way goy!
16k for a 21 year old truck with 230k?
What the hell is wrong with these people.
Stockholm syndrome
>being a colour peasant
>the year of our lord 2017
my dad used to drive an oxford green e39 touring when i was a child.
we're both a bit salty they don't offer that colour anymore, it looked great with beige leather.
panda is best
>ITT: plebs who are too insecure to have a brightly coloured vehicle
Bright colours best colours. How do you expect to find your car in a parking lot of it's exactly the same as everyone else's?
>post ends in 88
Go to Korea, there are 3 car colours. Black, white, silver. Pickup trucks can be blue!
brb OP, getting a BMW M car
But colour can be professional as well.
>That pic
Boring colors are the best ones to spice up though
>tfw dream of having a car that's black with yellow metal flake to make the lines pop like the God damn sun
reason people buy boring colors is just to be able to sell their car a few years down the road
Says the fucking tripfag on an anonymous board
Only one colour is going to be the hero colour dumbass. The colour the car gets advertised in.
I got the hero colour myself =^)
wtf is "solid" black and white and why is it only a small portion? Like trim too?
Is my car green enough?
In showroom condition with everything rebuilt/religiously maintained, i would consider it. And I hate pick ups!
light blue a best
there are people out there whose car isnt the same color as the clear sky
smdh desu