It's being outsourced?
I want to read the poetry Saihara secretly writes
Like you've never lost your army in a flood and had to surrender to Guan Yu.
Good lord, European DS spines are so lifeless.
Good find, though.
So I heard you can see what pre-orders of upcoming games are like in Japan.
How's ARMS doing in pre-orders?
Came here to say this. Now I kind of want to play it for real
This looks like Cell Damage. Please tell me that was your inspiration.
this is spam
I wish I was that dedicated
>bunch of variants lose their quirks
>other variants now become better with the same build
fuuucking shit this shit
did he get back to the past?
cool bro. do you remember kabal fucking your life up though?
>everyone here ignoring my post because they don't want someone to ruin their hugbox
level 13 in slimetales and leveling slow as fuck, green mush are proving to be a lot to chew
lmao like u got a whip to put that shit on kid
it's not even that hard to get the celestial weapons upgraded. It's just Wakkas weapon. It's easy but it takes forever.
turn off the shaders, you probably accidentally presses an f key
Even with the sub par photo, the TV looks really nice.
Why are there so many weird fetish on DA
alright alright my bad
1.12 when?
Is anyone waiting for a host?
Why do you hate it so much?
hong kong version of donpachi is impossible but it's actually funner than the japanese version somehow
How the fuck do i beat the doppelgänger boss. Ive gotten all the way to him with Trevor alone but he stomps my shit in every time.
So, you like brown bricks?
Oh wow, a tripfag AND incel.
Who saw that one coming?
Slap on a mori, watch them rage
I've noticed it in Japan.
bara men genes give adorable qt waifus
someone give me a quick rundown on the top 10 must play 3ds games
The one in the left, of course. Right looks terrible, totally bland.
Why do Asian dudes get latinas? From my experience, Asian dudes want either other Asians or small white girls.
Not really, if you stick to f/a/d/w you're at over 22 for each by the time you clear vaults. Magic isn't overly amazing until after that anyway.
Demonspawns get some pretty kickass mutations, try to get demonic guardian.
Oh? Which one's that?
should have played around the 50%
>Game Maker
How do I check if an instance has reached/moved past a specific node in the path it's following?
NES version is better, it has a continue code
I always thought it was for parts commonality. I can't imagine any reason why you'd want that torque.
Smash Brothers
How do you objectively define quality?
Do what? He didn't do anything.
Go play any modern game that has true volumetric fog, you moron. It's a very intensive feature, much more taxing than bokeh DOF and HQ ambient occlusion combined.
Mario/Wendy is the OTP.
anime illegality:
gallente 0.00
minmatar -1.00
amarr -2.50
caldari -5.00
The fact that this is a blue board prevents me from saying everything I would do.
.Gamegear only good when use adapter in room in car or external battery pack
Grate cpu power and graphics
SO bad in that time smallsize rom are very too limit for color game, that make gamegear ' s games not good as it could be.
All ECM does is remove the error correction code an then readd it upon using unecm, it doesn't touch the data at all.
literally none of them do
Don't fall for his tricks! It's made of wood!
because the world is boring
Why is Haruka such a shit?
Excellent AT, especially the A phase. Cheap phase A infantry. Good Phase B infantry.
t. Inafune.
Q was taking 5-10 minutes so its not that odd, it was late at night so I'm assuming he was just playing with viewers.
Mods you need to gook gook gook
whats up with this thread
That's what I said.
Those are the two objectively worst graphic sets.
The colour palettes are shit, the tiles are blurry shit, the walls don't look like walls and the creature graphics are blurry pixel soup.
what the HECK is going on
>calling fellow long term players 'not people'
>thinks he's not arrogant
Bet you think you're better at Dota2 than me as well
i dont understand you guys
if you really wanted a game that much, you could find its titlekey and use fbi
what the fuck is the point of waiting for freeshop?
Really annoyed that most champs don't have a dab emote in season 7
No, i'm not. So stop acting like it neon you annoying fuck
Into the abyss I will run
Worst Elder Scroll game. Period.
Left or right?
I dont know but I can tell you this: ECM is just a compression method, it's not an image format in and of itself
Where my /ptg/ bros at?
sweet jesus
Rare is something that is not widely available.
Over time the amount of those thing will decrease and they will be even more rare.
Pretty sure the wall of texts come from those eli/kamenshitters.
It only takes a few greentexts and inserted memes to trigger eli and kenbone autists.
There are issues with the plot, but this comic makes a poor attempt at criticising it.
Good game. I like it a lot. Broken to shit though.
what's a caveat?
Which is why she actually does. Batman takes down so few people in Story Mode. he's mostly just on level 1 so you can feel more comfortable if you did Tutorial Mode first. Tutorial Mode is all Batman.
I fucking loved post game. Specially the music.
not sure here but riki because smoke cloud is op
just pick earth spirit instead
he's vindicated now
he probably got a cheeky gangbang in with based yoona too
my mistake
41:00 - Bubble Heroes
There was nothing to fix, though, besides small nitpicks like switching Shadow's gender at some point or censoring a suicide attempt Woolsey didn't make many mistakes
Not sure what point you are trying to make.
>This caster "banter"
Because he's a bitter fuckup looking for cheap thrills.
If we try hard enough could we summon PythonSelkanHD?
Oh well. Back to the search
Unless you're going to help me try it I think I'll stick to prowling for sluts
ITT: troll two fanbases at once and contribute nothing worthwhile to the world
I'll probably pass then. I don't like tempest, I already play Doom on PC and I bet there's probably an Alien vs Predator wad floating around the internet somewhere that can play on Zdoom or Zandronum
hong kong version of donpachi is impossible but it's actually funner than the japanese version somehow
sc2 doesnt have a fanbase. you're just all about to go on a day vacation when the janny gets here