Kled is my husband and the best yordle edition!
Kled is my husband and the best yordle edition!
I want to RAPE Riven, and I want it to be the worst experience of her life!
Teemo is best yordle tbhfam.
>pick pantheon
>press q win lane
>press r win teammate lane
updated the yordle list btw
pls give me list ideas
>This triggers the Panthcuck
>girl yordles
>best at anything other than being bad
Draven is my husband and best human!
Xthj for Gnar.
>Trist and Poppy
This one is somewhat inaccurate.
>best yordle
If Lulu saw this she would cry
I like kledposters though
Funfact: Ezreal is the most alpha champ in league.
Just ask Lux after she spent one night with this cuteboy.
pretty sure there's only one but he really like his husbando
you make kled look bad, might cost him points on the skill with how shitty his posters are, if lulus posters werent so shit shed probably be with gnar, kennen, and rumble
I need to make a list of the most delusional posters on lolg
>dissing xin zhao
maybe if you're masters+ but lmao
What is the final thing that I need to do to get out of platinum 1 elo
My cs just falls apart after the laning phase ends. I think I start roaming too much and then end up not stopping to cs.
I'm about to fall out of silver 5, so I think I have like high bronze mmr right now. What should I play- Lucian/Caitlyn/Twitch? I thought Ashe was meta right now, or are you just referring to MF/Jinx? and what jungles?
Really appreciate the feedback
>I want it to be the worst experience of her life!
I imagine that's the case with any woman that has sex with you.
>New champion probably coming before Urgot VGU
>I'm stuck with "I have to play out of my fucking mind to avoid getting fucked by [x] champion with a loaded kit, even though im 10/2" Urgot
Fuck this planet, t b h fampai
she'd cry if she saw you shitposting things you want to do with her
because winning teams never do more damage overall right?
when i smurf in silver i consistently do the highest or second highest damage, when i don't i lose 99% of the time
but obviously you're right and i'm retarded lol
What would you do if a yordle (female) showed romantic interest in you, lolgen?
Be more consistent.
>all yordles
>not being shit
Marry her and have mongrel children.
At that point I would suggest playing in traffic so you can reroll as somebody who doesn't suck at video games
Caitlyn is strong, but Twitch has the most carry potential. ADC in low elo is really bad though, just play Warwick jungle. He is physically impossible to fuck up with
>you make kled look bad
do you think i give a heck
>mfw always thought I was a Lulufag
>my ahrifolder is actually larger
Im having a major identity crisis here help me
marry them
Really hope we get a new yordle girl this year
Right now play twitch and kog for freelo. Abuse your stealth and ult range on twitch and abuse your auto range with w on kog and never fight without it til you learn how to use his kit.
Also you really need to work on your cs
Probably, but I'd do my best to make it EXTRA horrible for Riven.
>they couldn't make the in game model this cute
Why does Riot always flub the in game models?
Why is this fucker so fun and relaxing to play? Hitting someone with E-Q-W is so satisfying, solo'ing Elder Dragon and Baron late game is so goddamn nice, all his skins are amazing, he's never really played and its just so nice playing him with some chill music on and burning everyone to death.
Same goes for Vel too but Brand is my nigga.
I made a highlight I want to post here but it's like 5MB. How do I get it smaller? I'm not good with computers
>WW jg
This. I'm garbage and got gold spamming him jg, Lucian/cait adc, and lulu if I get supp.
dont bully riven!!!
she's a cute, sweet girl!!
>learn to how use champs x y z to their full potential and they're freelo
isn't that literally any champ? freelo is ez mode shit that just wins for you like ekko and fizz
lulu = poppy (old) > tristana > teemo > heim (only non sexual) > poppy (new) > kled > gnar > veig = corki = > ziggs = kennen > rumble
is the WE vs G2 series worth watching?
>liking old poppy
Cool that they went after fanart for the new poppy though
shes a best, and has a great personality
Doesn't sound like that would be too hard for you to accomplish.
>lulu better than anyone
list discarded
>Camille heals for the entirety of her W's damage against champions, not just the outer rim bonus damage, BUT only if they were hit by the outer rim bonus damage
Would this be an okay change? She was definitely over-nerfed.
the reason I called them freelo is because up until diamond most people just won't know what to do about kog and twitch. they never respect the possibility of twitch being invis somewhere and never expect kog to kill someone in 3 autos
>playing with IRL friends
cami deserves to be in the trash until the rework comes
fucking retarded design
>It's current year
>There is still no Vandal Thresh that looks like Ghost Rider
bad list
Kled > Ziggs > Teemo > Rumble > Kennen > Heimerdinger > Veigar > Gnar > Lulu > Poppy > Tristana *cough*SLUT*cought* > Corki
>reading comprehension
That's not the change she needs. She needs damage, preferably on her ult. The small magic damage she does right now is pitiful, especially since her ult has been nerfed.
>lulu = poppy (old) > ...
opinion fucking discarded
how could one man have such bad taste?
there's is a special place in hell for support brand, zyra and vel'koz players
Well, simply making it to 30-40 minutes on Twitch, pressing Q then flanking when the enemy team engages on yours usually nets at least 2-3 kills.
As opposed to Ashe who'll get dove to shit, even if she's better/simpler to learn the fundmantals on.
>immobile nigga made of tissue paper
dunno about that
>being retarded
>lulu =
Opinion already discarded, when will you neck yourself lulufag
Sometimes you just gotta tell your friends you just want to play soloq for a bit. I went from plat 5 flex promos to gold 2 20 something lp because i gave in and played with them. Playing flex with low elo friends can be so stressful sometimes man I swear if im not popping off its just an auto loss most of the time
Vandal is the most underrated skinline in the game each skin from it is great.
>yfwn no
>Vandal Thresh
>Vandal Draven
>Vandal Kled
>Vandal J4
>Vandal Garen
>Vandal Darius
>Vandal Yorick
>Vandal Ekko
The list just goes on and on
Bet you raged at them too huh?
>Murdered someone and stole their wind technique
Kay why ess
If she's going to receive damage she needs to lose the slow on her W.
who cares about flex rank at all
why no female vandal skins? I think we only have base jinx
Vandal females when
I thought nu Riot was about equality
I placed b3 in flex because I went 0/10 in promos with friends. I'm gold 3 right now after placing s3 in solo. I only play flex with friends because it's a joke queue. Kind of curious if it will fuck my placements next season though.
yeah bro better ditch those friends actually willing to queue with you, don't wanna miss out on that sick plat this season
in flex
what the fuck is wrong with you
i didn't say a single mean thing to them
Should I try to play a game of ranked or just keep having actual fun in ascension
>Vandal Darius
ascension is fun! FUN!
Bonus AD ratios changed to total AD ratios?
>No Vandal Irelia wearing a studded vest with booty shorts
>No Vandal Vi
>When she was literally a Vandal with Ekko and Jinx(?)
Riven is hideous, easily the worst girl in the game. Seeing her disgusting face gives a similar reaction to finding a disease-ridden cockroach in one's food. The only thing "cute" about her is the look of abject terror in her eyes when she sees me.
>miss fortune
boy i said sometimes relax
>A Vandal
Where do I go to be informed on the FOTM cancer? PlzNerf is always behind and champion gg says some dumb shit
>playing ranked during the weekend
>Summer break is soon
>Not cute
>Opens pic
>people who refuse to surrender just to spite you
Great. The edgy teenager is back again.
Riven is cute
>Camille loses the slow on her W
>both casts of E, the hook and the dive, now do damage
>Camille loses a bit of potential damage using her E to engage rather than using it after already having engaged
>tfw when no gf
Fizz nerfs when
>being bandwagoner
Read her lore. She was in a gang doing vandal things like vandalizing.
How long when leveling another account do I get matched with people who don't build ap maokai?
AP Maokai is how you build him now
I'm actually super vanilla, it's only Riven whom I want to torture.
Look at this fat cow. She probably needs that blubber to keep from freezing to death in her desolate cardboard box.
you're the one who fed asshole. you're goddamn right I'm not letting you off the hook early.
>people who build AP on tanks
usually stops after you get out of plat
unless youre playing against some epic onetrick who wants to make it to chally with a memebuild
I feel bad for silvers trying to get out with people like that on their team
Can someone explain why people take 0.4% spellvamp/lifesteal?
maybe when sapplings could proc thunderlords
ap mao is bad now