/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Start those monster games!

> Play Demo Day 14

> Current Monster Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Thread
> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


first for keymaster

Second for progress and squashing bugs. This is what hyperspace collapsing looks like folks. Without particle effects, anyway.

furst fur monster jam

first for JUICE
What juice have you put in your game this week?

>WebM creation

Quick proposal for the OP.
Replace the resource links (models/art/sounds) with a pastebin. We could put more links to other resources like creating webms, or that user that has a collection of references. It also let's it be more easily updated than the resource links on the aggydaggy website, and cuts down bloat.

I still think the engines are fine in the OP just as a reference for anyone new.

Want me to try this for the next OP?

if juice was all it took to make a game feel good then people would be lining up to play your dumbfuck fucking dumb fuck's games

instead wow nobody gives a fuck about them whooooopdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefucking doo it's almost like you're just too fucking dumb to know what the fuck makes games pleasurable to play and instead are just grasping at the most graphically obvious yet absofuckingly pointless baseless shit that you can

This, unfortunately
Also agdg has had far juicier pongs

you suck

People won't know your game feels good until they play it. The purpose of trailers is not just to show gameplay, it's to convince people that your game is an experience worth purchasing (at which point they experience how good it feels). The difference is very important.

>Trying out unreal for the first time, going through the tutorial series epic blogged about
>Instantly the lighting just looks 100x better than Unity ever did
Using tutorial resources feels like cheating.

not him but

>being this mad about a prompt for discussion at the beginning of the thread by a beginner

k great

Now make it look decent while in motion.

Challenge mode:

Make a camera controller that isn't fucking awful.

Why uefags dont ever rebuild their lighting?

Once I know how! Learning an entirely new engine is tough, this is just the first two hours or so.

I just disabled static lighting so that went away.

To trigger people like you and get (You)'s.


Its harder than other engines.

Because it gets unbuilt again once you change the scene.

That's fine, I know how to program already and I wasn't liking Unity that much anyway.

no I mean exactly how the camera works and is called in terms of movement is different and slightly fucked

I'm literally in love with my game and I couldn't be happier

Oh that's odd. How so? Will it affect me if I plan on making an FPS?

What in the hell are you talking about?

there's an official ue4 tutorial series?

Anybody have experiene with Defold?
I just found it today. I was thinking of switching to it once I'm done my current game. It's made by King.

I am wary of learning Unity because people always seem to complain about it's performance

Talking about this


I think I'm better at music then games.

music b+
art c-
game b

spent a rly long time on this..

>performance concerns

here is as far as I've got with the tree, got a pretty good idea how they fit in. don't like them all. probably change a few.

y tho

Anythings possible with Unity :^)

If you are wizmudev, I like how your game looks every time. I haven't played it though.

If you're a fag like the 99% here who uses a game engine, then yes performance problems.

Anyone who is using a game engine likely doesn't know how to game dev outside their templates or tutorials.

This is why any finished game looks like a copypasta and the rest disappear because they don't know how to finish them without them being buggy unoptimized trash.

If you need a tool to help you figure out how to do lighting, how the fuck do you expect to do anything complicated when needed? You pretty much already skipped over what was supposed to be the tutorial and jumped straight to dropping objects in a world.

>it's a blueprint tutorial

Finally some progress after a weekend of dicking around.
Made two attack animations, first one will spit an exploding fireball, the second one will have flames come out.

Epic really wants blueprints to be the main way to use Unreal.

looks frail

>you didn't work on Morrowind

Fuck your nostalgia. Get good at [skill], get hired by some studio, and work on [next big AAA game that will be remembered fondly].

did you hear about my game? probably not. it's a game only i worked on

Unity performance issues is a meme.

It has a slightly bad rep on that front because of amateur devs doing stupid shit that drags down the performance.

No, it's really really bad and completely shits the bad when dealing with a large amount of polys, it's like one order of magnitude slower than UE4.

>get hired by studio
as underpaid temp with no benefits
>work on [next big AAA game that will be remembered fondly]
and not get a direct credit because your credit has been bundled under an "outside firm" that lays you off the day production wraps on your [skill].

>tfw still broke
anyone need an animator?
im not expensive

learn sfm desu

can I pay you to teach me how to animate?

Ask in the discord. Most of the devs with shipped games (and cash to throw around) post there.

Try not to sound too desperate when you post.

Also if possible, collab with someone to get a better model to show off your animations. The dog doesn't really sell it.

could do with more anticipation tbqh desu

uhhh dont think i would be good at that
though i would gladly take your money



i spend a lot of time moving my own body infront of a mirror and dumb shit with a fake sword

yeah fuck this doggo

Every blueprint function has an equal or superior equivalent in C++. I often use BP tutorials to do stuff in my code.

nobodies gonna buy your fucking pong clone

keep talking shit

>taking a shitpost webm as if it's someone's serious game

If I wasn't broke too I would hire you, animations is what usually kills all my motivation to get into 3D

>i spend a lot of time moving my own body infront of a mirror and dumb shit with a fake sword
Hajime is that you?

Done, I think

are you jammin?


Introducing my game to the family tomorrow. Feeling pretty nervous if I'm being honest. But I know they will like her

Rigged and made a test-animation (a friendly warning jab)

No, but I asked last thread if anyone needed graphics for monster jam.
Can't program, so I can't do shit on my own.

Hope to reach that level one day

not that guy but that post was clearly the game equivalent of a study, just checking out what can be done

-------- AGDG Weekly Recap --------
Fill out the form to be a part of the weekly progress recap. Be sure to check out the "read me" link for important information on scoring and formatting.
Submissions will be accepted for at least the next 36 hours.

-------- Format
----[ Recap ]----
+ ...
- ...

-------- Links
Read me: pastebin.com/QA047M2e
Recap archive: dropbox.com/sh/icm5ng2zs8p24uh/AACC61OsXzCgl6-9Vdwb4sRAa
Scores archive: pastebin.com/AmFmLeAy

Where to find free trailer music?

----[ Recap ]----
Game: jamos
Dev: user
Tools: c sdl allegro
Web: N/A
+ fixed DPMI memory corruption error
+ let it check the auto detected install directory if it cannot find the data files
+ also resolution can be changed and it just internally rescales by using the GPU to stretch the texture
- didn't make any monsters

there's dozens

>mixing SDL and Allegro
why did you opt to do that mate?

I know you only paid 10 bucks for that (you did only pay 10 bucks for that, didn't you?) but those paid tutorials are just rehashes of the free ones on epic's site.

Udemy is trash and you really shouldn't give them your money

My job paid for it. I can expense programming training content.

A bitesized 4cc vg league /agdg/ because I lost my nicely written out one and it's way too late for this.
Behold the mostly finalized team roster. If you feel strongly that some core concept/meme of /agdg/ is missing this is probably the last chance to sway the roster before deadlines force finalization.
It's not too late to submit a model, but at this point it's on a practical level more or less too late if you haven't even started.
The games with /agdg/ will run the weekend of June 2nd to the 4th. Times will follow in a few more days.
FAQ/submission Discord: discord.gg/9P8GNW5

well basically I chose allegro to learn programming and making games with, I wrote quite a lot of code that I didn't want to throw away

but then I had problems being able to debug it and it doesn't do the steam overlay and didn't run so well on my new computer, so maybe I will use a different library.

problem: all the code uses allegro all over the place, have to start again. screw that I thought.

So instead: I copied the allegro source code into my code project, and deleted the directx drivers, and re-implemented all the allegro driver vtables (_gfx_driver_list, _keyboard_driver_list, etc) using the sdl api, just because I figured that was the most direct way to go where I wanted to, and it was easy so I did it and its just been like that ever since.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Monolith
Dev: Team D-13
Tools: GM: Studio, Paint.net, pxTone
Web: team-d13.com/monolith/
+ boss deaths previously caused major lagg - found and fixed it's cause
+ the hub can now be furnished with different things, based on how much debris you collect
+ trophies exist, based on max depth reached and your highest rank
+ jukebox / sound test!
+ your very own pet ghost
+ a few more music tracks we'll use soon
+ hub now attracts npcs, some of them may have hidden minigames attached
+ this may or may not be related to our fist achievement
+ 4-5 new enemies for the ??? floor
+ unlock system is done!
+ kleines does now sell you stuff!
+ kleines has some different bits of dialogue if you skip him or beat the final boss before talking to him
+ new bomb type: timebomb
+ updated the editor to the latest stand and translated everything i've neglected to sofar
+ weapon generating system completely refactored, apparently also fixed another leak
+ so many bugfixes

so non-talented music devs what do you guys do for music?

hire someone? find free music samples? just do your best and hope to learn?

yo why do niggas put underscores in front of their variable names

Nice! It might pay to remove the Allegro layer in your next project but that's a cool way of getting it to work quickly

It's a convention in languages that don't have member privacy that underscore-leading variables are "private". The language won't stop you messing with them, but the designer didn't intend you to.

to avoid colliding with the variable names other niggas used

My IRL friend does it for free. If you don't have that, supply and demand aren't treating musicians well. Often they will STILL do it for free or cheap. Just wait till you have a nice looking demo. Honestly, you can leave out sound for early prototypes.
Private variables.

I think amateur music beats no music. I learned the basics (FL Studio), I can make something that sounds musical now. It's not great but at least it's mine.

I like being able to call everything inside my game my own creation. If you're less strict about that then your options are royalty free music or collaboration.

I thought that _name type names were reserved for use by the compiler and you're not supposed to make any names like that yourself because it might conflict with one that some other compiler uses, and then your code doesnt work on that compiler if anyone tried it there

basically, _ is a namespace reserved for the compiler to use, same with __ as well

but it might be they wanted a variable name that started with a number, so 3am isnt a valid variable name, but _3am is.

could also be they dont want it polluting their intellisense so they call it zname or something, only they use _ instead of a letter.

why do i keep seeing this thing posted? wtf is it even supposed to be? what is that a list of and why am i on it? where's your game?

Because they were taught shit inefficient methods that don't take into account the fact moving your hand away from the letters of the keyboard to hold down shift and - slows you down unnecessarily while camelCase also looks neater

you seriously dont know the Veeky Forums soccer?

its the soccer autoplay that they board memes become players and then its which meme wins. And they do announcer commentary and put it on youtube, its a /v/ thing from years ago.

just google search it.

Some nerds in Veeky Forums import blender models of character heads in a soccer/not-american football game called PES 17.

I received a model of one of your extremely long necked fellows, and deemed you enough of a meme to make the team.


----[ Recap ]----
Game: MoGiSho (Moth Girl Shooter)
Tools: GM:S
Web: thirdkeyofsun.tumblr.com/, twitter.com/ThirdKeyOfSun
+ Optimized Blue's fragment sword follow behavior
+ Started reworking Blue's sword attacks
- That is about it because my new computer came in a few days ago and I have been backing things up for transfer (over 6TB of data) and re-installing & updating all of my old programs. Next week will be hyper progress!

>mfw I don't recognioze half of the memes

Oh and I'm a Space Station 13 dev, currently on break from that to:

1. Meme this shit
2. Maybe make some games on my own.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Project K2
Dev: user
Tools: Unity, PS, Maya
Web: eh
+ Robot plant is textured and animated
+ Few bugfixes
- Progress is kinda slow this week since I had a lot of stuff to do

sounds shit
>/v/ thing from years ago
that explains why it's shit, does not explain why its on Veeky Forumsagdg in the year 2017

>he thinks thats a list of AGDG memes
so i take it you're not actually a gamedev and have no idea what goes on here? please exit.

for in game shilling

appreciate it : )

>publicly admitting to using a pirated/non-commercial version of maya

Kill yourself retard no one fucking likes you

>depressiondev projecting his self-hatred and suicidal fantasies
this would be on the meme list if it was an actual AGDG meme list.

>being too poor to afford $30/month for Maya LT

got any patreon supporters yet cuckme.pro?

sheiit, you're inspiring me to write a autohotkey script to insert underscores easier (maybe shift+spacebar or something)

Show us the fps.