/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links

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Report Tharjaanon and help clean up the trash in this General

Raul's a bitch with shit taste in women And his fanfics are in no way canon

Azura is shit

Faye is BEST and most CANON!

new focus weapon triangle shit
it has Water if you didn't get her

I love Faye!

>Hinata, Azura, Titania, Cecilia
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
It's Azura (she was 5% on Hero fest anyways) and Titania but you also risk pulling Cecilia instead of Soren. I can't see ANYONE wanting a stinky 5* Hinata.

Reminder that Fayefags are literal cuckolds

Azura a best

Warriors has an extremely high number of side-characters from all the games, but their movesets are all genericized so that everyone of a shared class plays identically.