/pg/ - Persona General

Forehead Warhead edition

Previous Thread: NEWS
>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

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I love Ann!


I love Haru!

My heart has been claimed by the Beauty Thief!


Use the stock


I have so much uni work and I want to die.

Shit now I want a yusuke sitcom now

I'm dave and I love makochan

What's wrong with wanting Ann and Ryuji to copulate with each other?

You can keep that fuccboi

Piss off nigger

He's all yours, faggot.

don't give him (You)s

I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!

Take your terrible fetish elsewhere, degenerate

But I'm not a fag

I'll take him though thanks


Maya is a nice girl

There is no mom, it would be about Yusuke adopting kids to find a new inspiration for his next big art piece

Kek. Maybe Madarame could be the character that shows up to always ruin everything

Can Goro find out who killed Laura Palmer?


not unless he did it.

What's a good way to farm money if i have no confusable memento bosses?

I don't know about him adopting. He traditional a lot of the time so it would make more sense for him to want to raise his own family. Plus the idea that "lone artist adopts child, child helps him with art" might be a story beat too close to his own.

Of course

My husbando can do anything!

Yusuke goes to his kid's school because he gets volunteered for an art competition.

He spends the entire episode trying to not go full /art critic/.

They would make beautiful babies.

Ann belongs to Joker
Ryuji belongs to Makoto

Repostan in the new thread.

Ryuji gives Morgana a bath.

Next story poll

Ryuji wants to masturbate but Morgana won't leave him alone!


FIVEHEAD 5EVER! (That means I love her more than 4ever!)

Write some goddamn RyujixAnn fluff


Haru. She has money, she's very patient (almost to a fault) and would make a good straight-man while still having some flexibility given her cruel-streak.

Who else loves the end credits song?


Always gives me such a feeling of bittersweet nostalgia knowing that the story's over. They really nailed the tone with the song.

Pet the robot

>for a game that's only been out for months


I've taken to thinking that every party member of the Emperor Arcana has the longest, girthiest dick of his respective group.

Including Yusuke.


Sorry user, Yusuke has a babydick that he can never use


Please do not write AnnxRyuji shit

post green texts!

anything's fine!

>not understanding the biggest dicks go to the purest

Whose hair is Kanji playing with? Is that Yosuke in a bikini?

Can I have the Morgana Really Makes You Think picture?

uh oh

I'm trying to describe the feeling. It's not actual nostalgia, but I don't know how else to describe it. You sink so much time into the characters and the story, and to have it all wrapped up with that song on top of it...

>not understanding all japs have tiny dicks

>Kaneshiro's palace
>Makoto awakens to her Persona and gets her skintight biker suit
>Ryuji keeps glancing at Makoto's butt
>he never paid much mind to her before, after all her uniform's skirt wouldn't give any indication of just how finely shaped Makoto's ass was
>Ryuji keeps gesturing to Joker like dude, dude, fucking check out her ass
>Joker nods, wide eyed
>Makoto notices Ryuji and Joker being awfully quiet and always walking behind her for some reason but doesn't pay it too much mind
>they steal Kaneshiro's heart
>as their Thief escapades continue, Makoto notices that she finds it increasingly difficult to wear stuff she was able to before
>pants have become tighter
>she wonders if she's gaining weight
>it doesn't appear so... after all her shirts and her bras still fit fine
>Futaba's palace
>she notices that her suit is a bit harder to put on now
>she also notices that Ryuji and Joker are so clearly staring at her any time they can now
>she wonders if she really is gaining weight and if they're noticing that
>they come across one of those orbs that you have to carry around
>Ryuji picks it up, but a voice telling him that he'd be cursed startles him, he drops the orb
>"for real? the eff's up with this?"
>Joker shrugs, while Morgana advises to take caution
>the orb rolls over to Makoto
>she wonders what the effects of the curse are
>she bends down to pick it up
>suddenly her suit tears and a loud ripping sound is heard
>all while Joker and Ryuji watch in AWE
>Makoto's butt is on full display, being too big for her suit
>her butt jiggles a lot upon tearing through the suit
>Makoto wonders if she's the one who's been cursed
>she quickly grabs one of Joker's Goho-M's and returns to the entrance before the others can say a word
>confused, Joker just calls for Ann to rejoin the team
>Makoto relaxes in a safe room for now, forgetting that Yusuke's been waiting there
>he glances at her ripped suit
>"destruction can bring booty... er... beauty, makoto"

You will write it!

>not understanding Yusuke is just that good he can overcome his jap blood

>Makoto and Yusuke sit in the safe room in awkward silence
>Yusuke apologizes, having only meant to lighten the mood
>Makoto's butt has grown so big that it nearly covers the chair she's sitting on, and her thighs have grown a bit to match
>her panties have been stretched very heavily
>she covers herself up with her uniform shirt though it barely wraps around her
>Yusuke, unfamiliar with such a sight, occasionally glances down at Makoto's now enlargened state
>curiously her top half remains the same
>Yusuke continues to sketch in his sketchbook
>he inadvertently draws two blimps without even thinking about it
>to break the silence, Makoto wonders what Yusuke's drawing
>she takes a look
>Yusuke nods.
>they're more like blimps
>Makoto realizes what this means
>Yusuke doesn't
>Makoto just decides to leave
>tells Yusuke to let Joker know but to continue the mission
>Yusuke relays the message
>as it's still night time, Makoto decides to stay at Leblanc for now, she might just crash on Joker's sofa for the night
>assuming she can still fit on it, she thinks to herself
>she says hi to Sojiro, and just asks if she can just wait for Joker in his room
>Sojiro says sure
>because of the counter he doesn't at first notice that Makoto's legs, thighs, and ass have all grown, barely being contained in her skirt and her tights
>he notices her walk up the stairs, though struggling a bit
>thinks to himself damn, the kid's got quite a night coming for him
>at the end of the mission, Joker returns home
>the treasure route's secure
>he returns to Leblanc
>wonders where Makoto's been all this time, but figures he'd find her tomorrow
>he goes upstairs and sees some stuff have been knocked over
>what the hell happened here
>he sees Makoto sitting on the couch
>she says she can explain...


>yusukefags are delusional
This is something we all understand now

>It was just any other day in Chiraq. The streets were bustling and the crowds were shooting at each other . A group of young men were sitting in an abandoned warehouse planning their next move. These men belonged to the bloods, one of the most notorious gangs in the world. Their leader Akria (street name Joker) Kurusu spoke
>“Aye yo listen up faam, today is the day that nigga Goro gets glocked.” “That motherfucker be crossin’ the line sellin’ dope in our turf.”
>Sitting right across from him were his boys, Ryuji (street name Skull) Sakamoto and Yusuke (street name Fox) Kitagawa.
>“Respect nigga” Ryuji preached.
>“So how we gonna fuck this clown up?” Yusuke asked.
>“Here’s how it’s gonna go down” Joker sat on a wooden stool. “Imma get my boy Iwai to hook us up with some guns we drive by his crib and a bust a cap in his ass.”
>Ryuji gasped. “Shit that’s hood as fuck.”
>“Serves that nigga right for fuckin’ wit us.” Joker said

This wasn't me. But I probably won't write hard focused Ann/Ryuji. It could possibly be included in the background of one of my new ideas though

Nah, you already ruined this by making it Ryuji x Ann filth.


It's not ryujixann, he just smashed and dashed

Do SL reverses still exist in Persona 5?


This is actually pretty cute without being gay good job

Thanks for the takoyaki /pg/

aw thanks

That's just as bad.


Here I fixed that for you.

>Joker’s phone suddenly buzzed. He picked it up to find a text message sent by his newest hookup Makato Nijima. In it contained a naughty photo of her in tight red shorts with the caption “like what you see ;)”.
>Ryuji’s eyes gazed at the photo “Oh shit nigga is she that bitch you be hittin’?”
>“You know damn well it is.” Joker boasted
>“Damn her ass is so phat man, I’d go balls deep everyday if I were you.”
>Joker gave Ryuji a death glare.
>“You get any funny ideas and I’ll punch yo lights out.” He snarled.
>“Oh shit sorry B.” Ryuji said.
>“Besides what happened to that broad you was smashing?” Joker asked.
>“You mean Ann? I knocked that ho up.”
>“You better prepare yo ass, that bitch gonna you down for that child support.”
>“I know nigga.” Ryuji sighed.
>Yusuke was getting impatient.
>“Ay yo can you lil’ niggas hurry up!?” “I’m tryna’ bounce outta this joint ya feel me?”
>“Nigga is you gay? I got baby mama drama!” Ryuji yelled.
>“Man shut yo lil’ bitch ass up! Y’all know they don’t call me death stroke for nothing” Yusuke retorted.
>“He’s right Skull, we better book it before the police come.” Joker said.
>“Ight’ but let’s hop on your ride, it looks pimping.”
>Joker, Ryuji, and Yusuke got in Joker’s vehicle. It was a shiny black range rover that Joker bought with his crack money. The gang drove to Munehisa Iwai’s house while blasting Lil’Wayne out the windows. The cops attempted to tail them but Joker managed to escape them.



You're my hero user.

I'm practically a Photoshop expert at this point.

>Makoto x Joker
>Anne x Ryuji
>Futaba x Yusuke
>Haru x Goro

Daily reminder that this is the optimal pairing in P5

>Haru x Apple cake
Fixed this a little bit.



I'd walk with her if you know what i mean.

Sojiro x Anne

>not every girl x David


I feel like I've been cucked

This one is better

Stop goddamn hating on my ship you Annfags!


Only Makoto, thanks!


You have to learn to ignore it, Dave. Like the RyujixAnn shipper I just pretend like he doesn't exist.

Where are these tripfags come from?


He doesn't exist. He's not a real person. He just has to realize and accept it.

I'm never going away user. I will always be here to haunt you

Learn the difference between namefagging and triofagging.


Congrats shipper-kun, this might be the most (You)s you've ever gotten

At least the other ships try to make sense c'mon man
I feel like there's more than 1

No you won't you stupid ghost.

>implying makogroo doesn't make sense
>implying she wasn't already taking that dick before she ever met Joker

I'm not ghost.

If I was a ghost how could I solve the captcha ?

Is MakoGoro the best P5 ship?

Really makes you think