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>Digimon Story Cybersleuth: Hacker's Memory Trailer

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Reminder it's just data, not a woman.

Does this mean other Weapon digimon can make an appearance.

He wants to be loved by a 13 year old boy. Thats kinda fucked up.

Guess what Japan's age of consent is.

I hope so.

Wasnt it only in certain region and even then only very limited stuff?

>other Weapon digimon

>Japan statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual contact with a person under age 13. At 13, Japan's base age of consent is the lowest of any developed country. However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent. For example, the effective age of consent in Tokyo by local statute is 18. The age of marriage is 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental permission, and 20 otherwise (as stated in " ナス邃「窶慊カ窶「ナクナスニ停?邸", the Child Welfare Act of Japan.

Are you implying Millie wants mindless sex instead of a sincere loving relationship?

The hell are you doing here? Get the hell back into my storage room. I´m gonna beat up those loser kids and their Omegamon at eight. If I see you crying about your life on the internet, instead of getting ready for combat, one more time, you can go back to the rice fields I picked you up from, kitchen knife snek.

Kyoko plz

Blaargh. Veeky Forums's acting up again.

No, this is just how slow the Digimon Threads are

No, I can't post images.



Is it gay if it's a Boy(Female)?

For the user who wanted a better look at Zubamon

It's super gay

So what is Fei then?

Considering zubamon's line and jesmon, I wonder what edgemon would look like...

Oh shit, this is pretty good.
When they first advertised the Appli Drive Duo pairing covers the chips they come with looked to be re-release chips of their standard and ultimates.
But these appear to be completely brand new chips now, and they're art is really fucking cool. Especially Hackmons.

Hackmon: bandai.co.jp/catalog/item/4549660167020000.html

Dokamon: bandai.co.jp/catalog/item/4549660167006000.html

No Musimon is put up yet though. So, either that's a mistake, or Musimon really is getting is god grade last.

>love immediately goes to sex implications

You are the fucked up ones

I really like appmon art and would be buying way more if I wasnt spending it all already in other digimon stuff.

So when will we have Ogudumon versus Jesmon, where Jesmon self sacrifices to atone for sins of the digital world?

Gay. Obviously.

but jesmon doesn't have leo in it's name. Or is an angemon.

It's Jesusmon

>even Child-level digimon are designed like Royal Knights now
Bandai so badly wants to retcon stating there were only 13 of them.

Maybe Spadamon will come one day.

I just want Durandamon and Jesmon to Jogress into the most Sword as Digimon that ever Sword

Who balanced next order? Like what the fuck? The hospital sells items that heal for 20k and remove status effects for 1k each while the shop sells items that only heal for 20k for 1.5k. And what is wrong with those poop throwing assholes that hit for 30k on 6k stamina?

Throw this guy in too.

Did someone say swords? I want more swords! Give them to me!

They will turn into Shirou?

I really want him and his other form to come back in 3D


Goddamn his body is tiny

>They left his name as Zubamon instead of naming him Sharpmon or Slashmon for the west

So what was Super Xros Wars deal anyway? Ißve read some stuff about the data of a dead ZeedMilleniummon reforming into Barbamon who tries to take over Spardamons Home or some shit, and ends up awakening this dude who absorbs him for power, and its up to Taiki, who apparently can partner up with Dark Knightmons Team in the red version, to stop him. Since the game never had a translation I have no idea if any of this stuff is true, but its what I´ve read here and there on the net.

mascot bump


Agumon is that you?

This is CatchMamemon. He's almost 10 years old and Hacker's Memory will be the very first piece of Digimon media he's ever appeared in

Say something nice to him!

How many fucking agumons are there? There's snowagumon, niggeragumon, agumon, toyagumon, niggertoyagumon and I'm probably still forgetting some.

You are very cute, metal ball.

Ogudumon already is attoning. It carries the burdens of collective sin inside itself.


Isn't that toyagumon? Or is clearagumon just toyagumon with slightly see-through bricks?

Agumon Hakase, Nise Agumon Hakase, Agumon with arm bands, Snow Armband Agumon, Armband Agumon of color, Samurai cosplay Agumon, Santa cosplay Agumon, Agumon X-Antibody, and scaled up LCD sprite Agumon

The latter.

Also an Agumon that dressed up as Hitler, and anime Agumon adopting a "punk" design, but those are not actual changes to their nature.

You got some fucked up abilities, bro.
/k/ Agumon

Is this daidoujis fursona? Did she spend too much time with mirai?

How can a Vaccine and Virus merge into something that's not a self-cannibalizing mass of cancer cells? How would that even work? A viral anti-virus program?

no he's clearly a jojo reference

through the power of friendship user
look at chaosmon, bancholeomon and darkdramon are mortal enemies so yes they've fused into an unstable mass of digital cancer

but xvmon and stingmon are besties

>but xvmon and stingmon are besties
They're also both Neutral.

Stingmon is Plant

xvmon isn't a vaccine? Stingmon is for sure a virus type

Best BFFs

Spadamon needs new evos, and I know he debuted in Xros Wars, but it's not like he has to be tied to that season forever. Unlike Appmons, he is a regular Digimon.

Nope. Neutral for both.

To be fair, the free stuff was added later. Initially they really were Vaccine/Virus. He is still Vaccine in some cards.

Depends on which media.

Thread reminder, Haru is a girl.

assuming the digimon reference book is THE official source of information it lists them both as free attribute

Well, as mentioned it was started in 2007. Prior to that the 02 digimon had normal typing. Probably explains why people are confused at this all the time, since when the show came out they were Vaccine/Virus/Data. Nowadays they are free.

I don't think anyone will call Piccolomon "Picklemon" even though that's the "official" name in reference book.

isnt that just google translate being a shit?

if kamen rider has taught me anything, bamco can't be trusted with romanizing anything

haru is a fag


GordAndromon when?

Best girl.

Mimi sure is something, when she is left to her own devices
>Enslaves an entire kingdom, via blackmail
>Blocks a perfect level attack with her hands and throws it back at a dark master
>Builds an entire army to fight some clown with a keychain fetish
>Begins to conquer USA, by systematicaly collecting bland rich boytoys
>Starts up Hooters for the school festival
>Has a guy who can porbably hack the pentagon wrapped around her finger

And thats without getting into her partner

That's because Palmon and its evolutions suck ass.

She truly is a terrifying force of nature.

No they don't.

ankylomon is the core of the jogress and shouldn't evolve into an angel
shinegreymon should fuse with miragegaogamon not dukemon
the digital hazard is just a name for something dangerous
Yoshino is a good character

Unpopular Opinions: The Post

the other guy did multiple pre-emptive trolling posts about this, I figured it'd be fun to do the inverse first for once

Dukemon needs a Jogress since all the other MC Mons have one except Guilomon.
>Agumon has like 3 now
>Veemon has a 3 in 1
>Shoutmon's entire deal is combining with other Digimon.
Poor Guilomon gets nothing.

Guilmon fuses with his dragon

That's good enough

No it's not and you god damn know it.

look dude, the most interesting digimon fusions are ones that combine disparate opposites

mecha wolf with armaments with melee knight dragon

bug with dragon

wolf, bug, and dragon into knightly warrior

black western styled holy knight with sword wielding oriental dragon

miragegaogamon and dukemon is just sticking one metallic warrior with a red cape who has melee and energy attacks onto another metallic warrior with a red cape who has melee and energy attacks

that's boring, and pretty anti-thetical to how digimon handles this shit

>all the other MC Mons have one
Except ShineGreymon and Arresterdramon.

Shinegreymon is still an Agumon line who has multiple Jogresses in it's family.
And give it a few years
Funny Joke.

did you seriously just claim that Arresterdramon doesn't have any fusions?

SlashAngemon is better anyway since it's less "I'm an angel with a keyblade" and more "I'm an angel made of fucking deadly steel blades." A better progression since Shakkoumon's called the "Steel Angel."

Doesn't Namco hold make-a-digimon contests? We should make a /digi/ OC then try to get it turned into an actual Digimon

going from stone wall in all of its previous forms to "aggressive walking Cuisinart" doesn't work for me

It needs to be something strong. I liked the one suggestion of "Arahabakimon" from a few threads ago.

they don't happen frequently and are only open to people in Japan

Yeah, I know he has fusions, but his most powerful form is not a fusion.

his most powerful form is him fused to Bagramon's arm

When do we get Omegamon Alter S X?
Why do we get Dukemon Crimson Mode X?
When do we get Ultforceveedramon Future Mode X? Or Future Mode in a fucking game
When do we get Ancient Susanomon?
When do we get Shinegreymon Twilight Mode?

But Bagramon's arm was not a Digimon, but a weapon. Might as well count Dukemon CM as a Fusion because Grani became part of him.

That's literally what the card game does and what happens in the anime, twice

so it counts

>When do we get Shinegreymon Twilight Mode?

it's called Ruin Mode

never (never)
blackwarshinegreymon was in dawn/dusk