/lolg/ - League of Legends General


OT: Lulu is cute! Cute!

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/d2g/ is laughing at us bros...

What do we do?

It's simple
We uh.. kill the /d2g/.


Best lego legends

I wanna shit in my hand and smear the shit over lulu's face and spoonfeed it to her.

>tfw forgot to blog post this
fuck it I'll post a few of my recent professional normal games for everyone's enjoyment

Sona is the breast waifu, you may not like it, but this is what peak milk production looks like!

Do not sexualise Lego legends.

>Tfw I finally found a jungler I can reliably pick at all times.
>mfw it's Olaf.
>mfw I got the Brolaf skin from Hextech.
Now all I need to do is find a good midlaner that isn't as easy to fuck over as TF and I'm good.

I wanna rope lulu in my basement, fap everyday and cum in her face, leave it there to stink, and not shower for a month and than rub my balls on her face and tear her head off and feed it to my pet crocodile.


Orianna my friend, orianna

>You will never be breastfed by Sona.
Why do I continue to endure this existence of pain and suffering?

>try out a few rerouting programs
>battleping takes me from 60 ms to 45 ms
>wtfast gets me to fucking 22 ms
holy shit this feels so butter smooth and why is riot's routing so goddamn shit

xth for Syndra

play skeleton man of pressing r

>Play Ivern
>All I have to do it spam E and let my pet rock run free
>Ganks are easy and W mindgames keep suckers in fear
>No one decides to counter jungles
>Easy climb out of bronze into silver with no ways to go but up

How much longer do I have until people wake up and destroy me?

Why don't people take Stormraider's on Kat?
Why don't people take warlords on Graves?

>Imaqtpie building 3 doran's ring on toplaners

I can't tell if he's a genius or a retard, but he continues to innovate this game

First bot ziggs now this!

They aren't bad


What was he playing? on some champs this is pretty standard. Also it was shiptur or apollo who did the ziggs shit first

he's a retard but somehow he wins games even when he feeds his ass off 0/10. i don't know how he does it or how his teammates don't lose their shit

Stormraider's Graves is retarded. Literally asking to get killed.
Tdl Graves is like 2% better cus muh burst
Stormraider's Kat solves 90% of her cc vulnerability

Who's shiptur?...

Triple ring Galio and Gragas are pretty normal.
The real innovation is double ring Nasus.

Weak bait, friend. You got to try harder than that, but take this (You) as a token of appreciation.



God fist lee is better

Would you rather

Get femdommed by Tristana and Poppy Gulliver style


Have high impact consensual lovemaking with Evelynn

Karthus or Vlad

God fist so you can feed in style
Only good Ori skin is bladecraft


>Diablo 2

Poor man's Taliyah
Learn her and you will climb
t. B3 placements now P2 only Taliyah
But if you're lazy, just learn Ahri
I was half asleep one game and went 17/3 with an S+. Even more brainless than Kat

Be honest /lolg/ how many accounts have you had banned?

>Poppy will never pin you against a wall and proceed to climb onto your cock.
>"I was told that only real heroes can handle this for over an hour"

Is Sejuani E bugged?

Xth for soft 2x4s

>Sona will never gently dom you while breastfeeding you, giving you a handjob and edging you and not letting you orgasm until you are a good boy and finish your entire meal

>Dad comes in to visit
>he drops by a couple of times a week so nothing special
>middle of a ranked game
>offended when I dont drop all my shit to talk to him for 5 minutes about trivial stuff
>never lets me know when hes dropping by ahead of time anyway

fucking normies sometimes

I just got my first chat ban from telling our lucian to stop flaming and grow a pair of fucking balls


What's wrong with you people?

i want graves to demolish my bp!
i want to be his semen demon
jizz genie
baby batter bringer
cum caresser
sperm summoner
prostate apostate
ejaculate empress
mayonnaise maiden
jizz jockey
spunk monk
sperm worm
erection confection
ejaculate immaculate
salami tsunami
boner condoner
fluid druid
wang wizard
urethra barista
cum connoisseur
cock cream captivator
ball butter nutter
scrotum totem
weenie genie
benis burglar
seminal fluid druid
lewd lieutenant
testicle tamer
dong dominator
cock khan
stiffy sultan
sausage sergeant
boner benefactor
dick juice masseuse
man muscle steam shovel
cock dock
dick tick
cum plum
cock stock
cunt runt
chin chin bin
man milk mephistopheles
and much more!

> One shots almost everyone in laning
> Draven has cashed in! League of Draven!
> Now one shots everyone and is nigh invincible sustain beast

Fuck, why does this ADC exist? Are there any consequences?


Never knew how much i wanted this

this is normal behaviour if you cannot relate to these feels please see a psychologist user im worried about you

What's wrong with wanting a beautiful busty lady to dominate you?

delete this image

I fucking despise waifufags
this one to end lulufags

saved this image

>le nigger XD

Alright boys, what should I pick as my last champ to show on most played on op.gg? No filthy fizz or other cuck champs.

>tfw ywn have sex with a real life ahri


lmao nerd

>playing since 2012

Aren't they inevitably gonna rebalance his kit like 7 times in the next few patches though?

the one dong to rule them all


>getting your account banned

it's tempting but you have to not play league of legends to play singed, feels bad man

>was able to play morde jungle a few patches ago and do fine with it
>decide to play it again
>accomplish nothing in the first 20 minutes but our vayne and darius won lanes
>someone cut a fucking power line down the road
>15 minutes before power is back on
>computer shitting itself as it restarts from the shortage
>finally get back in
>.5 seconds after loading in victory pops up on my screen

Have you been asleep the past month? That's the most standard build if you're not some silver surfer. You're not below diamond in this children's moba, right user?

>Only good Ori skin is bladecraft
never did i know the furthest i needed to travel was right to my computer monitor to find such a cultured individual

>3 doran's ring on riven

What should I get?

nami or sej

all of them. theyre the best skins for each character except brand


>get autofilled support
>adc commends me when I help him out
>start to crave sucking his cock

Why does this happen to me everytime?

because you're a faggot

Because it's the natural thing to want, user.

>Every time you cum before 1 hour she sighs, naïvely trying to get you hard again because she wants to carry on, over and over she rides your cock trying to reach one hour herself so she can be more like the hero she idolises.

>By the time you've released 3 loads inside her she's practically given up on you being the hero but keeps forcing you to fuck her because she's enjoying it, not just the sex but the pathetic look on your face each time you cum is cute to her.

Poppy buffs when?

you should ask him if you could suck his cock

This is my biggest fetish dream. I'm not even lying.

I'm not even lying when I say this but it mostly comes from severe mommy issues.

did this one, will do more tomorrow
It looks kinda weird, i guess my artstyle just doesn't fit it well.

holy fuck thats nice
thanks, buddy

I already have Pentakill Yorick which is his best current skin, so Undertaker would feel useless.
I also have one Sej skin, but it's Poro Rider, so another one would be good.
I don't even play Thresh all that much, I'm pretty sure I just got that offer because I played a lot of Dark Star.
So I think I will get the Nami and Brand skins and maybe the Taric and Sej ones.

Thanks, anons.

I just noticed his eye is actually partially transparent
Here's fixed version

all sej skins are good skins
buy them all
you dont need a thresh skin

>top is last pick
>locks in nunu
>into nasus
>already dodged today so can't again
>he dies at 4 minutes
>continues to feed
>begins the flame in poor english and never stops
>we lose

boy oh boy i sure do love league of legends

you probably got meripoo

jesus christ that karma is a fucking asshole

Yeah, her splash arts are got tier after they updated them.
Traditional looks horrible in-game, but that splash makes my dick happy.
I will never forgive myself for rolling a Darkrider
shard when I started playing the game, it was like one of the first skin shards I got.

this is the easiest choice ever

well done

m****u plays on jp server

This new EU vs NA Tournament that we are going to be getting is a lose lose scenario for EU imo.

I see this tournament as a lose lose for Europe. KR CN and LMS are all off having a incredibly high level tournament where CH and LMS especially will learn a fuck ton from it and help their level of play drastically come worlds.
EU on the other hand is stuck playing NA which we gain/learn very little from beating aside from some spicy new memes and trash talk for a few weeks, whereas the NA teams will benefit much more from the games against us.
I dunno it just seems like Europe is getting the short end of the stick here where every other regions teams are benefitting but we arent (Guess the same goes for Korea too). but never the less i guess it will still be a fun tournament to watch for the pure rivalry aspect of it. Thoughts?

how come /lolg/ always copy paste reddit posts

God I love the NA shittalk. It was pretty stale after Season 6 Worlds since the EU semifinal was an easy ass road. But after MSI, EU finally has some ammo for drama.

>enemy team has rammus, thresh and a yasuo that went bruiser
>our caitlyn refuses to get LDR after we told her because "it was nerfed"

It's easier then having to form a coherent thought for themselves.

>this entire post

the can never buy/pick a thing once it is nerfed mentality in league is hilarious

>lethality is nerfed by 5 points off ghostblade
>"reeee how dare you play lethality builds reeeee"

ARAM changes were such fucking bullshit. Every match is now a onesided 10 minute stomp.

i wasn't into it

i prefer consensual sex with poppy

Reminder SKT will literally never stop dominating

If you watch their games hoping to see the one time they finally lose don't waste your time because they won't