Fighting Games General /fgg/

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what fighting game has the best waifus?


Bound is switched for screw attack so most combos have to switch a bound move for a screw move. However for example Bryan's ff4 used to be a bound move and is now a screw move in T7 so he might have some.

June 2nd can't cum soon enough!

she aint thicc in game though

SFV has the best waifus but it is a questionable game

Like that's gonna stop thiccshitters from ruining every single female character under the sun.

state which one!

do we play Injustice here


Evil Zone

We can't let Guilty Gear win bros. Keep up the fight!!

One the real how many people do you think are gonna buy kof 14 pc

does it matter? don't PS4 and PC players already share the servers or is it just SF5 that does it?



Asuka doesn't stand a chance.

Some things you create because you think they need to exist, not because people will play it, or it will be a hit. Most small or unknown indie devs feel and know that their chances of their game making money, being a hit and having people play it is extremely low but they create it anyway, because nothing beats the feeling of starting something, and seeing it all the way through to completion. That's what keeps these people from being depressed while working on their game or any project.

You don't become an indie dev because you want money, fame or any of that. You do it because you just want to make a game.

only SF5 and Killer Instinct.
Capcom and Microsoft are the good guys that look out for us.

Artists create because it is like breathing out to them.


Would you rather have a new darkstalkers or a new monster fighting game not made by capcom?

Is there a point in learning 3S? It looks like it's fun but I feel like it's too complex and not active enough to spend time learning.

Let me guess, five pages later a bunch of guys show up and it's just a generic gangrape

It'd depend on the dev, but generally a new Darkstalkers.

Will my nigga mara be in P5A?

If SFV is anything to go with, definitely the latter.

it's easy as fuck to get into unless you want to play someone like yun or oro or necro

Have you never read anything by crimson?

Cummy is the topperest waifu known to mankind

*slut with zero personality

why isn't there a normal underwear mod for her uniform costume? I want that stuff to be 100$ cotton

That's bullshit.

If you make something with passion, you want it to be good. No one strives to create something mediocre.
If you make a fighting game, you want people to play it. Creating a fighting game you know is destined to be dead is worse than not even attempting to create one. Knowing that all your work will be for nothing.

Why would anyone in the west be hyped for Tekken 7? It's a 2 year old game and you'll never be competitive in it because of it.

I actually can't stop playing Injustice 2.
It's really fun.

dumb as a brick

she deserves her own anime and game desu

user, being good != being played, or being popular, or selling well. There's a very weak relation between them.

Post 30 seconds of you being competitive in a fighting game.

By your logic Call of Duty games must be really good then.

Lili doesn't stand a chance.

they know their audience

The bikinis look so bad in this game lmao

I didn't talk about sales there.

Do you honestly think anyone is gonna play Punch Planet or Trajes Fatais as their main game? Honestly.

call of duty is 10/10 for the people who play it.


Thank you, no harm in trying it then. I'm coming from a Skullgirls background and so far Akuma is my favorite. Currently trying to get a training mode mod to work so I can explore the characters more.

It's about as likely as someone playing Melty seriously

wow i really fucked up the resolution on that one woops

CoD == Street Fighter

Maybe not, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't make it.

It's really not.


good taste my man, just be ready because everyone will cry if you take wins from them

That's one hell of a bounce.


Actual game dev here, here's my take on it and how I see most other devs (especially indie) think about it. Multiplayer-only games (or multiplayer-focused, like fighting games) need a large fanbase to live because people need other players to play the game. A multiplayer game HAS to be a hit to be played. Single player games are different because it doesn't HAVE to be a hit, it can be a niche game that still turns a profit and the small fanbase keep playing it because they don't need other people to play with. This increases the chance of the game actually becoming more popular because some people are playing it, discussing it, etc. and word-of-mouth does its thing. A dead multiplayer game will have no one talking about it since no one is playing it and thus the game will not grow- even if it initially sold the same amount of copies as the single-player game.

No one strives to create something mediocre but sometimes it happens. You do your best to create something good and it falls flat, thats how it goes, but you keep creating.

I disagree with your second part, if you want to create something you should do it, not doing it would be a slight against yourself as a person. With that attitude, everything we do is for nothing because we will all die, so why bother?

I guess it just boils down to outlook on things, and our outlooks on making shit is different.

>the state of JUST 2

buy tekken

will it have joint servers with console shits?

Sony blocked that and harada is too much of a sonygger to not just do xb1-pc.

go tell that to all the shit made in MUGEN

tfw my piece of shit pc can't run tekken 7

he meter burned it

fuck I kinda hate tekken now...

No cause it's on all platforms not just PS4+PC like SFV
And Sony basically doesn't want anything to do with microsoft

There might be crossplay in the future though for xbox to PC

New DS but only if they outsourced it to ASW or some other company who would actually try to make it good

Is wearing stupid pants a genetic trait?

why doesn't Sony want to do anything with Microsoft? Bad deals?

Who the fuck plays on Xbone

Damn, that salt.

they are winning this generation so they don't want to do anything that might help microsoft even if it's the best possible thing to do for the people that are playing multiplayer games.

Tag mechanics are so fucking kusoge.

Because the PS4 sold more and so has a larger consumer base, which leads to multiplatform games having a higher player base on PS4. Not having crossplay makes their higher player base a selling point because other people will buy a PS4 and pay for PS+ to play with the largest amount of people.


Tekken 7 will die after a week on PC because every oldschool player already has a PS4 and the scrubs will find it too hard.


Only good tekken doujin is that one where some dopey guy hypnotizes Asuka and Lili into fucking him silly

Only if you're American in which case serves you right

what about EU? I'm unfamiliar with the player bases in the EU

How do you guys feel about people who watch fightan-streams on occasion, but aren't interested in actually playing?

Jesus christ Injustice is pissing me off

People mash 30 times as much as SFV bronze players, meaties arent a thing, AA's trade everytime, 14 frame start up fireballs

Ive been playing Tekken for a while and I'm buying it on PC.
Others will too.

The PS4 is shit.

who cares

I love watching fighting games because its exciting, I hate playing them because I get mad and I suck at it

Doesnt stop me from buying all of them to play single player and training mode though

20million folks

Can you put long hair on alisa? I kinda want to cosplay as luka with her.

nice footsies...

Yeah hair is easy to customize but I don't have any image of that for Alisa.

cant wait to post those steam charts showing how dead it is on PC lmao

does Injustice 2 still play clunky like mkx

I think it's dumb but average people do the same with sports so what do I know

This, already pre-orded it on steam
Not paying $350 bucks for a shitty console that only has 4 games I'd actually buy
not to mention making me pay for online lmao

a literal untouched virginal maiden

Less but yes, it still feels like every character weighs 500 pounds and it takes like half a second for your character to move and putting in the move

In Injustice 2, when playing local multiplayer, both players have to log in with a different PSN/XBL account. This mean that player 2 doesn't get to use player 1's costume and if player 2 wants to customize their character they have to level up their account and earn gear seperately from player 1 even if it's on the same console. I think that's pretty shitty since my friends didn't buy the game and we just wanted to play at my place, but now they can't create and use costumes on my savefile.
Will Tekken 7's customization work the same way?


>connecting the ds4 to ps3 via bluetooth is possible
>its wont read dpad diagonal inputs
>"Fundamentally, the construction of female faces is similar to male faces,"
No wonder the NRS girls look so ugly lmao

10 days idiot