Hello! Thy cum guzzling heathens! would you like to see god?

This is Nevsky, the one true fucking god. Respect him, and repent for your sins!

What are his feats, skill and abilities?

He is the lord of all things Russian, vodka, and Ifunny, He has an army of thousands ready to invade Veeky Forums at any moment. Prepare yourself and join the cause.


Nevsky is god... m8

>He is the lord of all things Russian
breadlines too?

> He has an army of thousands ready to invade Veeky Forums at any moment.
This is like adding drop of piss into the pool of shit, moi drug.

so is this the international shitposting thread for yuo?

Well at least its new piss to the shitpool

>he thinks vatnik posting is new


the one true god is wearing an orthodox cross


cyka cyka cyka

im posting from the breadlines in Moscow

Then pray to Nevsky for bread, da?


Shh, only pray to Nevsky now

Salvation is Here!

Nevsky is truly behind DAK

That's only half the story m8

HE did dak, he is truely god

Thousands of men are behind him, will YOU JOIN?



How did you make so many Nevsky memes this fast? Good job m8s! keep going. Gnight.





I did, hehehehehe


Ave hail, brothers.


Ah, its the son of Nevsky, Lord kek!


what the fuck is going on here