Why didn't they bounce back? Dubai flew past them in terms of high tech cities. Japan kind of stagnated
Why didn't they bounce back? Dubai flew past them in terms of high tech cities. Japan kind of stagnated
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kill yourself
oh wait
The Asian market crash.
it's almost as if the infinite growth capitalism demands is unsustainable or something
I am an expert on Japan's economy.
Ask me anything.
As for your question (if you can call it that), it was a vast combination of things.
2. Muh no bankrupticies allowed
3. Muh New Economy means asset prices can rise 400% in a year and that's okay.
4. Muh conservatism in companies/society
5. Muh bureaucracy
Essentially, Japan is a Communist society with capitalist characteristics. They just never have really recovered from their crash because their society is not capable of it anymore.
The economic/demographic/cultural stagnation that happens with national conservative parties
?? Bounce back from what? Wasnt Japan among the most major economically developed countries in the world post WWII?
>muh stocks
Meanwhile Japan is doing fine. Once the elderly start dying off, things will even vastly improve.
>I am a retard
Okay we already knew that, but what about the negative nominal growth since 1990?
do you think the rising trend of nationalism will change this in any way?
It'll just make it worse.
Pic related is 50% of the reason.
Thinking you are superior, even if you are, is already problematic.
But thinking you are superior when you are not, oh that's a whole nother level of problematic.
over centralization of capital.
not letting hyperinflation happen and then having a plan to bring the yen back to about 100 yen to 1 USD.
energy prices
culture of employing everyone possible, is clashing with the shrinking economy and need to automate.
Wrong wtf
Notice the first two lines?
Let me take you on a journey Veeky Forums
dubai is fake. it's a colorful cardboard city
The craziest thing about Japan's experience, is that it wasn't worse.
It actually grew 20% in real terms 1990 Q1-2016 Q1.
This is with an 80% fall in asset prices. Something that destroyed the US economy and took 8-9 years to recover from in America. 1929Q2- 1936 Q3.
Reality is a spook!
This graph represents a Balance Sheet Recession. 1990 was a BSR in Japan, just as 2008 was for most of the world.
BSR = Liabilities > Assets
Leading to more sellers than buyers and deflation.
In normal business cycle recessions, assets remain > liabilities. It theoretically leads to a more efficient allocation of resources/capital.
BSR's are different, and can turn into Depressions if left untreated.
The US eventually figured it out in 1939 after the premature tightening in 1937-1938 that caused the FDR recession.
Interest rates (monetary policy) didn't return to normal in the US until 1959.
Japan didn't fully learn from America's mistakes and solutions though. They have tightened prematurely in 1997, 2000-2001, 2006, 2010, 2014, and possibly since September 2016.
They keep killing amy real recovery or inflation by being too optimistic.
Japan perennially gets LE REFORMERS MAKE NIPPON GREAT AGAIN like Hashimoto, Koziumi, and Abe.
But they ALWAYS overestimate their abilities and Japan. So they tighten prematurely and deflation continues.
So essentially, what I stated.
You would think Dictator Abe would figure it out by now. But, like many LDP politicians, he overestimates Japan's abilities and his own.
Therefore, just like Hashimoto and Kozuimi before him, Abe is a lot of hype and not much real action.
In some ways, Japan is literally falling behindIt's not just the technology barrier/growth barrier. It's Japanese pride.
>trend line pointed at 0
Yes yes I wonder who benefited from it
So I posted a great answer to OP, but be ran off.
Typical Veeky Forums
Japan, north of the Kanto region, is basically empty. Yet they keep everything in the over developed metro areas of tokyo and osaka. Which keeps things expensive.
the LDP government has been trying to keep massive inflation from happening since the miracle economy popped. They only started causing inflation on purpose when deflation started happening. If they had just let hyperinflation happen and then beat it back down. They could have wiped out a lot of their debts, at the cost of their credit ratings. Giving them an economic reset.
Japan has little oil, gas, or coal. They import most of their energy. The fukushima earth quake and nuclear disaster has all their nuclear power plants off line except for one.
What the hell happened?
Not just "it crashed?" What crashed? Why? How? What's kept them from recovering? They have no lack of capital, resources, or skilled workers.
because they engage in a weird form of passive aggressive racism with other asian countries and refuse to let any immigrate without going through a ridiculously drawn out citizenship process, and their language is too fucked up for westerners to immigrate.
people lurk you know.
also the perception of japan being high tech is exaggerated by western media
The Korean War was a real boost to their economy since they supplied the US. Also a large part of Japan's economic activity during their period of rapid growth was a ridiculous amount of government spending in constructing roads, bridges, and other infrastructure, not due to actual need, but purely as pork barrel spending.
The real answer is anime neets ruined an economy.
Birthrate under replacement rate + nonexistent immigration + plus a culture that tries to avoid excessive firing and hiring means the job market is horrible
>expecting immigrant to assimilate with your country is racist
And to be fair all asian countries are doing the same thing
Dubai is a big port and the UAE has tons of oil shekels.
Once they run out of it, they will go back to riding camels and eating dates.
Just because they still use FAX doesn't mean they don't use e-mail and other shit too, but on average they're the same as any developed Western country.
Only Jews don't like Japan. That's because Japan’s real estate and financial markets have been flat. That’s what’s meant by “lost decade”. It’s not that it’s been that bad for ordinary Japanese, what’s been “lost” is the opportunity for these foreign investors to make capital gains and extract more money out of Japan for themselves.
What the Jews want is for Japan to sell its people out and gin up its real estate and financial markets by things like mass immigration (of Muslims and Blacks, of course) population growth. A flat, low real estate and financial market is not necessarily a bad thing for your ordinary citizens. It keeps the costs down for your ordinary citizens to buy.
Do you know how retarded this sounds or are you only pretending to be retarded?
>GDP decreases as population decreases
Wow, such a disaster. They should import millions of muslims and blacks to counter this trend.
Besides, Tokyo needs more diversity. They don't have a terrorist attack ever since those guys gassed a train in the 90s. That's not how a big city works in the current year, as our great mayor Sadiq Khan said.
>attacking strawmen
You are blind if you don't realize the same people pushing the "Japanese economy is stagnant line" is also pushing the "Japan needs more immigration and diversity" line.
Who is making this argument in this thread?
> Ssh. Let him rant about (((international finance))) importing Africans and Middle Easterners into one of the most homogenous Pacific island nations in the world.
I'm genuinely concerned for you, mate.
Can you explain how ultra nationalists are able to get elected?
Like it or not, you sound suspiciously like Shinzo Abe and most of the LDP with zainichis.
The same way Hitler did
Soooo japanese economics guy in this thread....good time to buy a house in Japan now or later?
I'm no expert by any means but I feel like the darker shade countries on this map correlate with despotic shitholes while the lighter colored ones correlate with banana republics. Japan, Europe, Canada, and Ausland are in the middle.
What's the difference driving Singapore and Taiwan's growth?
What happened in 2008?
the perception that they're still living in the 80's is exaggerated by Veeky Forums neckbeards who've never set foot in japan
Will Japan have to import millions of refugees to save their economy? Will it one day become just another Sweden?
How can they find a wife if they eat their dates? Isn't that against the quran?
financial crisis you retard
was wondering more why they only measured from 2008
Christ I just fucking told you. The financial crisis of late 2000s escalated in 2008. Lehman Brothers and all that shit, it was all over the global media.
Are you some fucking underaged millenial who was no idea what was happening 8 years ago because back then he just entered elementary school?