Where's that list that shows how much stuff everyone is getting tomorrow?
Camden Russell
You forgot to mention event starts 11AM EST
Oliver Rodriguez
Charles Wilson
Logan Wilson
Carson Scott
Step out of the car and take off your clothes, I'm doing a thorough search, and you'd better hope I like what see.
Landon Price
>when you get so many more elims over your dps that the enemy team calls you out >"get your lesbian dva off of me"
Levi Flores
If Tracer gets another fucking skin I'm going to slit my wrists
Asher Green
Ich habe etwas besser.
Evan Richardson
Cliche and dumb
Adam Smith
Daniel Morris
can you please button up the weird proportions between your neck and the chest area above your boobs are freaking me out
Zachary Adams
Hanzo and Sym skins confirmed.
Kayden Hill
Remember, cut parallel if you want results
Andrew Foster
Ryan Hernandez
Jonathan Cook
>lucio gets fucking nothing >AGAIN
Are they punishing him for being too good?
William Bennett
They're taking the point! Time to blow it- THEM up! I meant them.
Brandon Morgan
I think EVERY character is getting a new skin for the event.
Oliver Hughes
So lemme get this straight Roadhog was only in it for the money and wasnt really friends with Junkrat originally but when they got fucked over by the suits thats when their friendship truly started?
Also i failed my captcha because i refused to acknowledge a hijab as clothing
Charles Adams
>be blizzard >see pharah and mercy are disgustingly overpowered >decide to nerf one of the few counters to it Genius balancing if I've ever seen it
Carson Martin
>being this naïve
Elijah Powell
>take months and 4 seasons to rank up >lose it all in 1-2 nights and go all the way back down to 2200 gold Welp, this is the last season I'm playing ranked. I can commonly go on big losing streaks of upward to like 8 games and only go on rare winstreaks of upwards of 3 games. Matchmaking is so shit, putting me into thrower and lopsided matches all the time. I agree that it should be hard to rank up, but why the fuck is it so damn easy to just lose it all. Has anyone here actually continued playing ranked if you ever got to my position?
Jaxon Stewart
Here everything from Austin, cuz I'm bored and drunk.
Ian Peterson
And Genji doing a painfully unfunny Facebook meme pose isn't?
James Murphy
anybody know when the event goes live in EST?
Carson King
Kayden Roberts
FINAL BETS FOLKS HOW LONG IS THIS LIST GOING TO BE TOMORROW? WILL IT FINALLY BE CONFIRMED? I'm expecting not even shred of new lore on either Jack, or Gabe. But damn it I want to hope.
Owen Gutierrez
Somewhere between 1PM to 3PM.
Matthew Ward
its literally in the first 5 posts in a 30 post thread
Christopher Thomas
Boob squeezing is painfully cliche whereas that pose isn't that old
Matthew King
cool thanks
Jace Jackson
Would Widowmaker be an even better mom than Mercy?
Jayden Perry
I dont care about autism or down syndrome. I need to know if Sombra is getting one.
Aiden Allen
That was even more vague than Chu. What a waste of time. Probably a false flagger.
Elijah Jackson
>playboy >not doing boob squeeze Nigga.
Aiden Ross
She already proved herself by being a shitty wife
Josiah Fisher
Que onda
Adrian Hill
i can easily see widowmaker drowning her baby in the bathtub
Thomas Allen
>realize I will never be good >stop practicing all the heroes and start only playing whatever I feel like no matter what the team comp is >start having infinitely more fun >get to drink angry tears from metafags who complain when I play nothing but mccree or hanzo or genji all game
have you accepted your place in the world yet bros?
Asher Russell
That's a shame. She's still hot though.
Levi Jones
Jeff on queue times
Jaxon Walker
He's not one anymore. He's actually classy by buying mercy chocolates and saying "You've rescued me again dr Ziegler!" Back then he probably would of been like "THANKS BABE!"
Austin Cook
>Leaver in comp game People should be banned for the season and the next.
Dylan Brown
Das gefällt mir.
Cooper Sanders
>pharah finally gets legendary >it's shit
Easton Martin
>saying "you're too highly skilled" instead of "you're too low, you fucking shitter"
Chase Reed
I've clawed out of my way from 1000 and almost made it to gold in a couple of weeks,
I WILL have a higher rank come next set of placement matches, even if I get leavers every game like last time I will carry my whole god damn team if I have to.
Sebastian Morris
>She already proved herself by being a shitty wife Kill a guy in his sleep one time and you never hear the end of it.
Oliver Hughes
is your country represented in Overwatch?
Ryder Scott
>helmet is simply the default helmet but with a red stripe
And that poofy fabric on her upper arms just looks bad. Not to mention the base color is close to her default.
Oliver Flores
l o l
Jordan Myers
Netherlands here, so nope. I kinda doubt the game will ever get a Dutch hero, but you never know.
Hudson Clark
Apparently Pharah's new skin confirms she's a Leaf. So yes, unfortunately
Joseph Stewart
>when your teammate is some 13 year old kid who keeps whining in the mic and calling bastion OP
James Wilson
>is your country represented in Overwatch? Yes
Nathan Morris
can someone post the comic where sombra hacked gravity?
Cooper Kelly
>everyone on the enemy team leaves in QP since we are camping spawn doors and they can't get out >just forces the game to return to matchmaking for more players Is this actually a thing?
Leo Watson
Pharah's new skin already was previewed brah, it's in the OP. It's not a leaf skin.
Gavin Taylor
I wish he actually had voicelines in Portuguese in the English dub.
Noah Parker
A very dark leaf.
William Nelson
Jaxon Foster
Why is torbjorn allowed to be so op? He LITERALLY has no counters
Cooper Wood
Lucas Adams
but thats incest
whats even worse is you are earning leaver penalizations on your account if you leave a quick play even after someone else on your team left
Samuel Davis
Lucio is one of the only characters without native language lines in the English dub. Who else is there, Reinhardt? I can't think of anyone else.
What's the reason for that anyway? Do their English voice actors not speak the language or something?
Christian Garcia
I'm glad you found out you had hidden potential left, as for me I'm hardstuck in silver for several seasons in a row after falling from plat because everybody got used to the game and got better while I peaked early.
one day you'll reach that point if you aren't blessed like most professional players
William Murphy
Supposedly there are native american inspired symbols on some parts of the skin. I read that this caused Blizzard to get in some shit because people thought this meant Blizzard thinks brown people can be interchangeable
Thomas Green
Pharah. Torbjorn.
Julian Evans
Zachary Taylor
Torbjorn, Symmetra, Pharah and Zenyatta. Although Zen doesn't really count I suppose.
Jack Rodriguez
Pharah, Torb and Symmetra too. They prioritize a voice they think fits the hero over speaking their native language.
Luis James
>Soldier 76 had to become bald >Genji kept his hair
Jaxon Nguyen
Lucio, Rein, Torb, Pharah, Sym. I guess it really is a factor of a VAs voice fitting their character they could at least replace a few lines, since the PT-BR has a similar nasal tone to the english one
Ryder Garcia
Reaper Torb Pharah Symmetra
Sebastian Evans
Julian Collins
Gabe is just happy they match now.
Joseph Roberts
Jason Moore
post cute Overwatch 2.0
Dylan Foster
Reaper's native language is English.
Luke Robinson
what do you mean by "cute"?
Alexander Ross
>everyone sleeping >ana holding gun
Thats cute mang
Jayden Russell
That kinda sucks. Native language voice lines are my fetish.
Ayden Lee
Dylan Smith
godamn u for making me feel feelings
Cooper Wood
Elijah Harris
might as well put hanzo in there, I think his only japanese lines are his ult and sake!
Levi Johnson
Carter Sanchez
>tell your three year old sister that he uses his tire to blow up people >"I like him." Oh, she's going to grow up to be a lovely girl, causing mass genocide.
Daniel Diaz
> stopped listening to other people's telling me to switch and just play what I went when I want > rank skyrockets
Definitely the way to play senpai. So much better
Jace Sanchez
why is ana old when everyone else is younger
Landon Reed
Xavier Torres
>fictional characters will receive more love from girls than I will
its times like these where I think about killing myself now instead of waiting for my parents to die first