>tfw the CIA destroyed Soviet civilization
Tfw the CIA destroyed Soviet civilization
>tfw when CIA died trying to save America from Bane
>tfw [COLAPSE]
Cyka blyat
No, I think we're facing the same thing at the moment. There's only a handful of Western countries with birth-rates above replacement, social/sexual dysfunction is skyrocketing (NEETs, transsexuals, increasing homosexual activity by both sexes etc)
You're both idiots. One of the important factors of the rat experiment was overpopulation. Developed western countries have the lowest population densities.
>using a social """sciences"""" experiment that has never been repeated as proof that utopia is unworkable
>thinking that experiment proves fuck all other than mice begin to behave weirdly when you cram a shitload of them in a tiny space
>One of the important factors of the rat experiment was overpopulation. Developed western countries have the lowest population densities.
>Dr Calhoun replied that 1984 was not the year in which ultimate density would be attained, but a date beyond which the opportunity for decision making and designing to avoid population catastrophe might be quickly lost. He stated, in any case, that density per se was not the major factor, that rate and quality of social interaction were paramount issues. Basic to his thesis was that despite the thousandfold increase in human numbers since the beginning of culture, some forty to fifty thousand years ago, there had been no change in effective density. The reason for this, alluded to by Professor Young, was that man had discovered a new kind of space, conceptual space, which enabled man to utilize ideas in order to mine resources and guide social relations. However, there was a breaking point for this process, at which time physical density might overwhelm man's ability to utilize conceptual space in order to cope with increasing numbers and it was that breaking point which we might be rapidly approaching.
This is also keeping in mind that the mice were - obviously - sealed off from the outside world, and hadn't had a near-constant influx of new mice into the experiment
Usual greed of humanity, old mans in marasmus, and extreme-democraty by one German National Hero have been destroyed Soviet civilization.
wtf I love the CIA now
>he failed
>Seriously thinking the Soviet Union stopped existing in 1991
Lmaoing at you
In your dreams Americuck. The USSR fucked itself over with it's broken system, the CIA had nothing to do the USSR's collapse in fact the KGB ran circles around the CIA throughout the Cold War.
Just add there few cats or population control or a lot of monastery.
>in fact the KGB ran circles around the CIA throughout the Cold War.
For the most part, this is true, but it is a natural consequence of the US being a more open society whereas the Soviet Union was a more closed society. It's much easier to infiltrate the USA than it is to infiltrate the USSR. Note that even during the absolute height of cold war paranoia, there was never an actual law in the US saying that you couldn't be a communist.
CIA assisted Mujahideen in the Afghanistan War against USSR in the 80s.
> Soviet
> civilization
What next? American history?
I thiught the KGB destroyed American civilization.
>yfw the cold war was actually a standoff that went bad
>mice are now humans
>tfw the KGB destroyed Western civilization
>Soviet civilization
Planned economy ruined it, together with it's overlapping bureaucracy.
>tfw Stalin manages to turn an agrarian third world shithole into a nuclear and spacefaring superpower
And the Soviets would've rolled over them in 1988 if it weren't for the well-timed Geneva Accords.
The SJWiet union must be shit tier if it can be destroyed by one organization
>Developed western countries have the lowest population densities.
We're fucking full, retard. Western Europe, USA's coasts? Ever heard of them?
If anything the reds only delayed Russian advancement. The Tsarist Duma already planned to industrialize based on the Japanese model, but then the revolutions ruined everything..
>It's another larping sovietboo leftypol neckbeard
>this meme again
coulda woulda shoulda.
It's true you cringy commie neckbeard. Russia was one of the fastest growing economies before WW1 and was on its way to become an economic superpower. The Judeobolsheviks only delayed that.
1) I'm not that poster
2) I'm not left wing
3) That picture literally has nothing to do with what we're talking about
4) What you're memeing about is pure conjecture and has literally zero basis other than "commies r gay lmao"
>dumb anarchists and commies chimp out and smash everything and starve everyone
>decades later some georgian bank robber takes over and catches up for lost time
"see, communism is good"
I'm neither in support for communism or what Stalin did. I'm simply trying to dispel the myth that the Russian Empire was anything of worth.
Calm down.
No you are completely clueless. Economic output depends on accumulated physical and human capital and technology. It is safe to assume that Russia was going to become an economic powerhouse anyway on account of its large European high IQ population plentiful resources and technology import and adoption from the Wet. That inevitability was only delayed by 15 years of war communism, collectivisation, famine and large scale destruction and death caused directly by the judeobolsheviks.
You're not very clever are you, friendo?
lol wut
Kill yourself you pretentious retard. I already explained that economic output is a function of capital labour and technology. Economists can make reasonable and scientific predition of economic output 50 years in the future because those variables can be predicted with some kind of accuracy.
The notion that Russia was going to become an economic powerhouse anyway is reasonable and based on valid scientific assumptions. Of course it's speculative to some degree but has scientific merit.
In a world of ceretis paribus maybe. Again, I will scream conjecture. You have no basis other than trying to fulfill your own idea that your ideology is better than another than soundly defeated yours.
Stay off /pol/ if you want to be taken seriously.
Empirical data and a theoritical udnerstanding of how and why economies grow proves you are wrong. I realise that you are butthurt for outright dismissing a valid claim (whining about /pol/ really?) but that's not my problem learn how to become a better debater and stop spewing empty words and slogans.
>empty words and slogans
>"maybe if I spout JudeoBolshevik a million times they'll believe my brainwashing too!"
>soviet civilization
>soundly defeated yours
>the Russian monarchy was behind the fall of the USSR
well meme'd
So what, liberal democracy is better because it soundly defeated communism?
What about Spanish fascist monarchism, since they soundly defeated their red regime?
standing in breadlines doesnt count as society, Igor
For all its faults, Liberal Democracy and provided the highest living standards the world has ever saw.
Is is sustainable and without some spiritual cost? lolidunno all empires collapse my friend. But so far its had the best run.
>>>...Anonymous10/04/16(Tue)07:29:44 No
>the causes of famine are sociopolitical, never natural
>has never heard of the dustbowl or the hookworm epidemic
>has never eaten the shit-stained red dirt of the South
>the causes of famine are sociopolitical, never natural\
Usually what happens is that communists force everybody to adopt their shitty farming methods, it's okay for a time, and then suddenly there is a moderate drought and it ends up being 100 times worse than any previous drought simply because now everybody is using shitty farming techniques on top of having a drought.
Case and point: "The Great Leap Forward." Yes, growing conditions were bad, but that's not what caused to massive famine. What made it really bad was Mao's "Dude, just kill all the birds LMAO" autism.
Making revolutionary advancements in military technology, opening the gates of space and turning a largely rural country into a super power in less than three decades is quite the achievement.
Worse things have happened during the Great Depression in America.
citation needed
I wish it didn't
Whoever made this thinks MLs don't refer to themselves as communists
That's untrue and retarded
The late Empire was a sluggish, corrupt, and generally useless institution that made the 1920s USSR look like Switzerland.
What else would you call it?
he didn't govern so good
> tfw lefties literally got nothing except Stalin to show how well communism works
Well there were really on three independent attempts at communism -- USSR, China, Cuba. All of these practiced the Leninist model, only one fruit of the Marxist cornucopia. Every other communist state was a satellite of our of these countries.
Liberals have a lot more examples to choose from.