/vsg/ - /v/scape General - Estonia Edition

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1st for delet this

2nd for all 3 of them are underage faggots

I haven't been in /v/scape for a while, did someone finally beat Latent?


Oh no

Wtf is even happening in the OP

jewsdid911 being shown where he is on the pking tier list. someone probably has a photo of jews shittalking before this fight happened

nth for remove yell

Our server is dying. The steady decline of our population base is clear. Oldfags are getting bored and quitting, and newfags that come from outside Veeky Forums don't understand us and leave. This isnt an overnight solution. this won't magically fix everything. this isn't easy to commit or admit to.

but this IS something that can easily be done, something based on logic, on reason, and on common sense. this isn't a band-aid solution, this isn't a quick fix. This is delayed gratification and forward planning. this is more players, a better economy, a better community. and all this is, is as simple as turning yell off because the alternatives are all there -- the thread and CCs.

this is a sacrifice. short-term pain, long-term gain. think about it with your head, not your feelings. I grew up on yell myself, and it will not be easy at first but this is for the best. You will be mocked, ridiculed, and bullied, but know that what doesn't happen is that your argument is refuted. They can't refute it because deep down they know you're right.

I am open to arguments as usual, but only arguments. Memeing me only damages your own inability to construct counterarguments and weakens your defense. You're better than that, you're smarter than that. Either counter properly, or maybe, just maybe, acknowledge the truth and what needs to be done outside ur comfort zone

pic related is the process.
