>full game 20$ >season pass 20$ >complete edition 60$ >If you search their site for "Siege", the cash-only cosmetic DLC, like the Bushido sets or the gemstone skins, are also 50% off.
so if you're missing anything or don't have the game yet now is a good time to get it. it ends on may 25th so get it quick.
New challenges are up. No charms skins or interesting rewards. No interesting challenges either.
Tyler Ramirez
Xavier Edwards
That cosmetic DLC is shit though. Like, I'd have a hard time justifying spending renown on it. And they want actual cash.
Thomas Hill
Some of them are alright. The gemstone skins are trash though.
Thomas Allen
I think the monty/blitz bushido ones are alright but only because of the lack of options for monty/blitz.
Josiah Wood
Nope. Uplay jeys only
Ryan Cook
Lincoln Edwards
>be in copper >put against a gold/plat team guess matchmaking technology just isn't there yet
Michael Barnes
Yes :(
Jaxon Bailey
Where did football-team-user go? I haven't seen him in forever
Is all hope lost?
Nathan Ortiz
When does season 2 start?
Sebastian Moore
>Poland map never ever.
Ayden Brooks
Austin Robinson
Someone mentioned he's in the middle of a tournament or some such
Benjamin Jackson
Ah ok. Is that for consoles too? Because I know Op Health will be delayed behind PC for consoles. So will start the season with the unfixed game?
Dominic Robinson
Yes it should be.
The updates are releasing on PC first as a quality measure but the season starts for everyone at the same time.
In fact, on the 24th there should not be an update to the game. Just a screen change.
Carson Myers
Yeah I understand the reasons for releasing the fixes on PC first. Thanks user.
>tfw have to make do with Copper or Bronze finish
Jonathan Edwards
What key is this?
Brandon Wright
Hunter Walker
Daniel Roberts
Xavier Young
>mfw the arrow makes sense now Muchos thanks, amigo
Levi Walker
isnt it starting at june 8th?
Brayden Edwards
Player population wise the VAST majority are on console.
Gameplay wise I feel that PC is better.
Jonathan Ortiz
Its ok we can be copper pals.
Christian Lee
What the hell? Is that still a bug? Turret shooting blanks has been a thing for at least a year
Jose Wilson
post your god-tier loadouts
Jason Long
immediately after that webm I killed him with my shotgun and then left click stopped working
Anthony Miller
Daniel Davis
36 for sakuya
Cooper Bailey
Stop posting before I dox you aswell spic
Jose Mitchell
Adrian Turner
Tfw w/l is over one but it's my first season and I played a lot of the ranking games without my m8s so had no chance. Lesson learnt for next season desu
Nathaniel Parker
god tier = default everything and flag charm shit tier = literally anything else
Eli Smith
wew edgy boy eh?
Jaxson Kelly
mah nigga Mine has a funny story. I did my placement matches immediately on hitting 20, got trounced, played with friends and would lose 100+ points for a loss and get a "measly" 70 or so for a win.
Once the provisional MMR stage ended I had like 500 MMR and I don't feel like grinding it out. People give me hell for being a smurf but the truth is I'm just not interested in grinding out ranked matches when it takes 10 minutes on PC to get a game in ranked at copper level.
Carson Howard
Yeah the system sort of sucks. I feel like there should be some sort of multiplayer to the MMR depending on how well you perform in the team. I don't think a loss should ever result in positive points but when playing with randoms I can consistently come top 1-2-3 in the team but get shafted because I predictably get put with a spastic that let's the whole team down.
Chase Barnes
Here's a thought experiment for you /r6g/: Every operator can now be picked in both an attacking and defending role. The trick is, they get a different gadget (but with a similar theme) depending on if they're attacking or defending. What would each operator's alternative gadget be?
>Jager >When attacking, becomes a 3-armor shield operator >Shield has an ADS on it, will shoot down a thrown defender gadget when off cooldown
>Tachanka >When attacking, LMG replaces his primary weapon >Has a bipod, can be braced on vault-height cover, insane recoil if not braced
>Blitz >When defending, has access to tripmine flashbangs >Deal no actual damage, but very hard to spot, and useful as an early warning system
>Thermite >When defending, has access to a hellfire charge >Can be used to burn a small one-operator-sized hole through normally unbreakable floor beams
Jacob Edwards
Multiplier not multiplayer
Benjamin Howard
>lone wolfing a hostage protection >opfor kick barricade down >they just drill the fucking hostage down every time What the fuck is this bullshit
Wyatt Brown
There was an attempt. The system is designed to give you more MMR for beating a higher rank and less MMR for losing. Jokes on us though, I both lost and gained more MMR against higher ranked people. So losing to a gold meant 100-120 MMR gone and beating a copper meant 30-40 gained (or lost).
Whatever new season in 1 day and I'm not making the mistake I did this time and playing my qualifiers by myself in pubs.
People have discussed the idea of a way to mitigate people quitting in ranked by losing less MMR or by performing and getting more but it was rightfully brought up that it'd make people get kill frenzies trying to get aces every match and gain more MMR. It's a tough problem.
Jackson Sanders
lone wolf defense is much harder than offense because you still only get 2 reinforcements and those fuckers will blow up everything possible
Sebastian Wright
protect hostage lone wolf is fucking ridiculously hard for what it is. like you can extract a hostage in 1:06 every time for five times the renown and get better practice in.
Asher Mitchell
i personally run the clover charm
Joseph White
You get 1 additional reinforce every time you refill ammo but theres barely time to refill twice between rounds so its a bit ridiculous. Also running up to get a hatch pushes you to the time limit.
Easton Sanders
>13k renown I'm gonna follow suit next thing I buy.
Gavin Rogers
Yeh true. Measuring performance would need to be based on something more than just k/d and spotting. Being a good team player can be hard to quantify solidly I suppose.
Caleb Smith
Yeah montys would get fucked really hard. But Montagne in general doesn't get the points he deserves.
Jackson Sanchez
Lone wolfing is all about learning to abuse the AI.
For example: they will not try to breach walls if they don't have a spot where to place the breach charge at standing height. They also cannot path through crouch/prone/vault holes in walls.
In some places, just "compromising" a wall by hitting it with a nitro/impact is enough that they will ignore it completely.
Just blast the middle part of a wall out with a shotgun, and you generally won't need to worry about it ever again. The worst that might happen is that they will shoot you through the hole if they happen to walk past and see you, or the hostage.
Oliver Scott
>smoke >turns a valve that just leaves a trail of [REDACTED] around and behind him; amount available is time limited >fuze >follow up blast on his charge is stun grenades instead >thatcher >his emp grenade goes unchanged but his melee loses reception >rook >doesn't drop a bag of armor, rather he has to manually put it on his teammates >sledge >hammer swing becomes a charge that crashes through walls performing a huge melee swing that gibs anyone within range; makes a lot of noise and has a lot of cooldown >pulse >beat sensor range extends the longer he aims it at the same point
Zachary Morales
>Montagne >becomes Tachanka
Logan Mitchell
I remember being new and wanting to complete a terrorist hunt BOPE challenge, but only having cav. This was pretty much how it was done. Pick a specific site thats advantageous and then just try to bug out the AI as hard as possible
Jordan Robinson
i was in the same spot as you not long ago, just stick with it
Jace Price
You couldn't dox me if you tried fuccboi
Joseph Cooper
>God tier >not Fuze w/full Kryptek Raid, universal black on AK-12, and oil spill on PM
Holy shit there's a lot of waiting around in this game.
Nolan Wilson
Wow it's literally nothing
David Harris
>No mention of patch notes >No timeline for any updates >Literally nothing new
They do have a nice operation health website though
Daniel Richardson
Just do a protect hostage on normal as cav. Should be easy enough.
Adam Davis
How I do it is reinforce nothing aside from seriously key walls, then as they breach through plug up holes they make between rounds It's dumb but it works for me, also mite and doc are god tier for solo
Jaxon Garcia
Eli Miller
Oh yeah? >In the coming weeks, we will be expanding on the following topics in their own blogs. We will include more information, as well as answer some questions that you may have.
They just said it. No new patch for weeks to come.
Jeremiah Peterson
>Running towards the objective and dying for not using cover is not considered spawn killing. People complaining about peeking outside/run outs BTFO
Camden Perez
He's talking about attackers running without thinking not spawn rushing jagers
Kevin Wood
Both easy to counter
James Cox
>[Bug/Glitch] Suppressor Damage Reduction >Suppressors effect the damage of some weapons beyond what is intended. I wonder wich weapons are those, because if it only happens to some weapons then it would make a lot more sense
Nolan Hall
I remember that guy on youtube testing all the weapons with suppressors and it was the P229 for Hibana and Echo that only did like 13 damage with the suppressor on
Chase Green
Wow so it really is literally nothing, you sure showed me user
Ryder Nelson
That is actual news though. Now we know that the patch won't be for weeks.
Jordan Clark
Glaz will now be a non-playable character who provides overwatch on all maps. Standing within a meter of a window will get you glazed.
Thomas Barnes
Isn't this like at least 6 months old?
Talk about eating scraps
Nicholas Clark
>site that exists to repost content reposts content
Ryan Cox
>source >share >save >hide >give gold >report >hide all child comments Go back, reddie
Parker Murphy
William Watson
>he doesn't have an account to lurk for information wherever he can get it but not engage with the posters
Look at this pleb
Isaac Ortiz
Having an account is fine as long as you don't interact with the community. Typically screenshots of skins and bundles appear there rather fast
Benjamin Brooks
>All those spawns with fuckall cover might actually get fixed
I fucking hope so
Aiden Anderson
Ayden Taylor
>hide all the child comments How old is the average Reddit user that this is a legit feature? Is this a reddit add-on or for real?
Jayden Bell
So thats Kaze, poomulus, and now multi exposed. I wonder whos next.
Luis Wood
God damn it user it hides anyone that has replied to a comment not literal children like you.
Nathaniel Young
Why not just refer to them as "replies"? Who spit in your soup that you have to be so mean over nothing user?
Justin Evans
Reminder that Boogie is by far the most cancerous general poster and should be shunned and never given replies
Joshua Smith
You're acting hoighty but don't know one of the most basic bitch programming terms - parent and child.
Caleb Torres
I know the programming terms, but I don't think Reddit's target audience is programmers.
It doesn't make a lot of sense to not just refer to them as "replies".
Ryan Hughes
Mate, I had a game a long time ago where I had a jeager and bandit sit in the obj. It was rook and a castle that barricades right as we spawn and me as mute trying desperately to move around the map to place jammers.
Insult to injury, castle fucking downs me as I break down his third wall that was in my way. Absolute shit op.
Jaxson Young
Meme aside, I really wish this was an actual feature.
Then again: >Turn it on >Thread is now literally 3 guys