is it worth applying here?
I need to find a job and to stop being a neet
is it worth applying here?
I need to find a job and to stop being a neet
Sounds like you are going to be a telemarketer
I'd use this job to save up enough to go to school full time, (4-6k if community college) work part time after you saved that amount and just enough hours where you are still getting a check for at least 300 or less, get a degree and aim to make at least twice as much as you are making now so anywhere between 22 - 28 an hour
If they ask about your gaps in your resume just tell them you were out of the country taking care of your grandmother who died recently
Just fucking apply and stop asking advice/permission for everything you do you little worm
Yeah that's probably the plan longer term. It's not telemarketing, just outgoing debt collections for credit card companies and such though. Shouldn't be too bad i think... At least it's fulltime and in an office?
Telemarketing/call center is a shitty job if you have no experience working with the public. My suggestion is to basically role-play. Make a persona and act like that instead of how you would act. It makes it marginally less sstressful and you are less likely to spaghetti if somebody is rude or stupid.
Its what foreign call center people in India to. They say "Hello my name is Chad' and try to put on a fake American accent
>Its what foreign call center people in India to. They say "Hello my name is Chad' and try to put on a fake American accent
Kek that's true
That's actually a good idea, pretending to be another ethnicity and seeing how ridiculous you can make it
I still wouldn't put more than 6 months into this kind of job full time
If you know for a fact that you can do the job then by all means go for it, just don't stay in one place for too long
Vector Marketing
fuck call centers man
is it really that bad
bump i need to make a decision if i want to apply here or not senpaitachi
Yes but find out how much it would cost to go to school full time for 2 years, save up half while working, pay for that first year of school, then work full time and finish school part time, pay for school with the money you make working part time, you then will have an associate degree and zero debt
If you don't get any kind of significant raise after a year then find a new job
i live in canada though it's not the same
A job is a job
good luck man. I applied to a call center and really wanted the job because it was located right next to me and I'm a car-less NEET, plus $12/h was pretty good. Got rejected though
>Got rejected though
Oh shit any idea why? I' m a carless neet too kek
No idea, all I got was an automated email. I assume it's because I've been unemployed for the past year and don't have any call center experience, though i have worked retail/fast food so have a bit of customer service exp.
shit better hope i get in then lol
Worked at a call center for a few months when I was furloughed by my then-employer. Answered phone calls regarding medicare health insurance. They hired anyone with a pulse. Physically easy, in a nice climate-controlled office. Boring as hell and answering questions for senile oldfags was about as much fun as one might imagine.
Wasn't horrible. Could be a good starting point for single mothers or recovering NEETs. But as a college graduate with a relatively technical degree, I knew I could do better and found another option fairly quickly.
Not "horrible", but it is monotonous, and sometimes stressful if you get a difficult caller. I agree with previous anons; use it to build up some cash and resume filler and move on to something better when you can
>2000 hours is $1000 cash bonus
>40 hours a week would take a year
>a years work and you get a raise of $0.50 / hour
wew laddie
But it sounds not too bad, if the gym is okay be sure to get ripped while you're at it, at least you can acheive something in that time.
True man. Just trying to get out of the ol' neet rut. I just want some money so I can invest it in myself and buy new clothes and get a car so I can start working on looking for better jobs
How long after sending a resume can I expect to hear from the recruiters? It's been 2 weeks since I sent one off.
>he lives in newmarket
You want work as a booty-caller...
Call me sometime, i'll give you a good time and some basic 'training' darling....
Hahaha oh shit, that's worse. My friend got a job in debt collection, then they told him it was for a children's hospital. He tells grieving parents whose children are dying, or have died, that their insurance didn't cover 60k+ procedures. Their lives are ruined and he basically is the guy that tells the parents they've truly lost everything. He's literally depressed fro it.
Gotta be happy about that repeal of Obamacare!
Why is healthcare that bad in America? I don't get it
You too?
Damn that fucking sucks
That sounds pretty fun actually, how can i find a job like that?
Downtown master race nigga. I don't know how you survive up there without a car
>I don't know how you survive up there without a car
I don't...
Rip suburban lad
it fuckin sucks senpai
It's just pure suffering.
That's why I moved downtown.
Too expensive though
I'd probably move to Hamilton though, that seems like the perfect balance.
Its not expensive if you know where to look
If you're unemployed and asking Veeky Forums if you should apply for a telemarketing job, you should probably be applying for a lot more jobs than you are. You aren't in a position to be picky.
That being said, honest q: why don't you study how to make the 60 most popular cocktails and call up every bar asking if they need help? Get a day shift, move to evenings, make mad tips. Better prospects than a fucking call center.
>why don't you study how to make the 60 most popular cocktails and call up every bar asking if they need help? Get a day shift, move to evenings, make mad tips. Better prospects than a fucking call center.
Fuck that's honestly a decent idea
Seems like you need a bartending license tho
>$1/hour raise after 2 years
By 2 years at my job, I managed to get a $16,000/year raise, which equates to roughly $7.69/hour
you won't know unless you try
It's walslave levels of wage slave, the people you deal with are arguably worse, and they love to hold minuscule raises above your head like a large prize
Yeah i guess if you do it long-term, but for a short-term job it can't be that bad