>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe) youtube.com/watch?v=UdGlN0aEG2k
>ywn get extra portions in exchange for sexual favors >ywn be pinned on a kitchen table and pounded by chubby chef dick >ywn engage in naked tantric blindfold taste testing >ywn correctly guess the secret ingredient it's more dick It's not fucking fair terubros
Austin Perry
Landon Edwards
Brody Foster
I want to fuck Kaito!
I thought you were found dead in Miami.
Jason Green
They'll probably make the V3 sequel with the survivors the RPG game while V2 would be the fighting game with Amami's killing game.
Owen Brooks
Post your Predictions
How will NISA fuck up the port?
Will it have DR2's infamous audio desyncing in some executions? Will it have Numerous typo's? Will there be localization mistakes up the ass?
Asher Gonzalez
Tulpaman attracts very special kinds of admirers, doesn't he? I think Ouma appeals to a different kind of audience. Speaking of Ouma, I want to take his panta bottle away and rape him with it.
What is this nip food I see in all the fanart? Is that an omelette with ketchup?
Ethan Rogers
Rantaro nii-chan!
Ryder Gray
It's Amami's omuricessu from the cafe. Usually waitresses write messages on it with ketchup or some shit.
Sebastian Morgan
I want to sacrifice angie's ass to Kami-sama
Nicholas Sullivan
I want to smash Mugi's eye in with hammer and watch her scream!
Asher Anderson
Mugi is not for smashing!
Isaiah Peterson
Amami's "omuraissu" from that cafe event
Ayden Cruz
>amamami's dish is an egg with shit on it
Luis Reed
It's omurice. Basically fried rice wrapped in fried whisked egg.
Robert Hill
What are Miu's and Kaito's drinks? They look tasty
Kayden Walker
Easter fic continuation when? Did we ever find out where Tsumugi hid the eggs?
Michael Gomez
Nah >Omurice (オムライス Omu-raisu) is an example of yōshoku (a Western-influenced style of Japanese cuisine) consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup
Lucas Watson
In Tojo's uterus
>omurice with shit on top of it
Jeremiah Nguyen
Ketchup on anything rice sounds fucking gross
Cameron Brooks
>Miu Drink >Kaito Galactic Soda
Wyatt Campbell
I recognize this nip. He's the one who was spoiling V3 shit a week or so before release.
Kayden Diaz
Ketchup in general is fucking gross
Parker Carter
That's not ketchup though.
Zachary Martinez
I thought it was ground beef
Dylan Gutierrez
Ketchup isn't as bad as Mayo
Xavier Morgan
Adam Perez
Yum I love drink
Robert Gray
Sonia is a shit-tier Aryan Waifu(TM) that appeals only to alt-right fags and virgins who are even more desperate than Souda; discuss.
(Note: the Venn diagram between the two categories above is a circle)
Evan Powell
Fuck, I forgot unicode's banned. It's Miu's Love Drink then, I guess. No idea what's in them though.
Kayden Miller
let's be real here, even if it was omurice with actual shit on top if it, fujos would still buy it and say it tasted delicious
Jason Morris
Ketchup is only kind of good on a fry or burger, and even then fries taste better dipped in milkshake Don't shit talk mayo
Nathaniel Ramirez
Jar mayo is fucking disgusting. Artisan mayo in fancy restaurants (basil, truffle etc) in small portions is delicious. Ketchup is always, always bad and is therefore worse.
Landon Scott
>Miu's Love Drink
pussy juice?
Blake Cox
It does, but omurice with ketchup is surprisingly pretty good desu.
Ethan Perry
Picky eaters are the worst, your mom should have hit you more.
Brody Clark
Really? Interesting. Wonder what this "interesting concept" on V2 he's talking about
Christian Brooks
>implying we don't love people of any creed, colour and orientation so long as they're YUROS and participate in beloved cultural event the YUROVISION SONG CONTEST Leave right now, filthy burger.
Leo Young
She's bad, but nowhere near Akane levels of bad.
Jonathan Butler
What is /drg/s opinion on mustard?
Hudson Lee
>Akane >bad
You have such bad taste, that if you hadn't made that post, I'd have you pegged as a Soniafag
Thomas Thomas
Custard is better you fucking plebian
Blake Ross
Ketchup's a fucking condiment, it's optional. I'll eat any shit in front of me if someone's made it specially but I'm not going to go out of my way to smother it in vinegary sugar paste.
Jayden Stewart
It's better than both ketchup and mayo.
Jaxson Bell
I mix it with mayonnaise and put it on my sandwiches.
Angel Hernandez
Seek help.
Liam Thomas
He wasn't, though? I just checked and he never tweeted anything related to DR in January
Camden Smith
Ian Stewart
Akane is a literal failure of a character, though.
Josiah Nguyen
Brown mustard is better than normal mustard, I get it on my subs at Subway
Ian Murphy
>inb4 maki wears fuzzy boots because they don't make any sound when approaching a mark.
Brayden Richardson
You can't call Akane "bad" when Sonia exists. Akane isn't even in the same category of rancid, rotting turd that Sonia is. Here's how it goes.
Other DR Girls (50 million miles) Sonia
Christian Reed
Good evening, /drg/! What's up?
Anthony Ramirez
Here's how it goes: Touko Other DR girls Sonia (a lightyear) Akane Kirigiri
Juan Brooks
It must be unhealthy to hate a character this much.
Easton Clark
What did I miss so far?
Jordan Gonzalez
>toko >good Kill you're self.
Austin Green
People actually defending Sonia. So nothing intelligent or notable.
Asher Wright
Tyler Barnes
You are taste is shit.
Wyatt Sanchez
Hmm ok.
Jacob Barnes
He obviously deleted them.
Eli Williams
Says the shitter that likes toko?
Anthony Moore
I want to shove Toko in an air tight box and force fed her refried beans
Aaron Harris
Touko is precious. You disgust me.
Blake White
Could Ouma out-trap Fujisaki?
Sebastian Stewart
Don't mind me. Just came to post some freshly baked tulpas.
James Morales
Not with Hiro Shimono voicing him he couldn't.
Aaron Gomez
Sorry I meant Tenko
Logan Lee
Yahallo dudes, I'm back. You guys probably don't wanna be reminded of it, but truly sorry for participating in the shitstorm back in that one thread. I practically sounded like I was asking for the ban, kek. Like Kuzu, I'll try to tone down my avatarfagging as well. >tfw missed some genuinely good discussion >tfw at the same time the ban was good for me since I was able to get things off from my backlog, which has gotten me pretty busy as well
On another note, my Saihara/Angie lewdfic is finally halfway through done. Same with the Saiouma family fanfic. I'm also stocked up on some more Angie art too!
Fuck mustard. Out of the holy trinity (mustard, mayo and ketchup) I hate it the most.
Gabriel Stewart
Andrew Sullivan
is that even a question?
Carter Martinez
trips declare it to be so. touko is precious.
Colton Baker
Probably not. His figure isn't feminine enough.
Alexander Jenkins
Leo Carter
Jonathan Sanders
In that case, that's pretty good. Damn right.
Connor James
The only girl in V3 unattractive enough to make her a lesbian.
Carter Stewart
She's so cute here.
Kevin Morales
Which guy would look the best with dark skin?
Robert Nguyen
I want tan sprite edits of every boy. Dark skin a best.
Luis Roberts
I want to ask normie Toujo out and make her all embarrassed!