
What are the best ways to save money?


-Buy vs. Rent (depending on your

-PC Gaming is cheaper in the long run

-Buy small fuel efficient cars used. Make sure they're also cheap to insure/maintain beforehand.

-Only go to good public state colleges if you have grants/scholarships

-Work full-time anyway in college

-Make your food, don't eat out

-Drink with your friends at one of your guys' places, not a bar

-Don't buy cable

-Learn to enjoy cheap hobbies

-Learn to fix your own shit.

t. I'm super cheap.

Kek OP, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

fuck off fag



I unironically love this guy.

Stop shilling your worthless videos.

And get a god damn haircut

Buy the cheapest toothpaste/toilet paper ect
You could make your own wine and weed and sell it on the side of working 40 hours a weed.
Idk how to be cheap besides what other user said.

>been using the same razor blade for 2 years now
>only have 5 pairs of underwear
>only have one pair of casual pants, don't have any jeans that fit
>3 t-shirts
>live at home at 24
>don't pay for bills or food
>credit card bill is averaging $30 a month

Pretty good if I say so myslef. I'm job hunting though and a lot of that will change after I get one

>For cleaning & bathroom items, it's best to buy bulk. Absolutely.
>Phone bill, you shouldn't spend more than $50 a month, if you can help it.

Those are my only two tips

me 2 ahaha

You shouldn't be spending more than $20 a month on phone.


This is hysteical

>40 hours a weed
You seem like the right guy to party with

ok that one was hilarious

a) dont buy anything
b) when you do buy things, spend more money on them so they last


>-Learn to enjoy cheap hobbies
this so much

You literally live like a homeless person.

>>live at home at 24
>You literally live like a homeless person.
You are literally a retard.

>LIKE a homeless person
>Literally homeless
Choose one

>i don't know what literally means

I'm 24, and I live in my own home and pay a cheap mortgage.

I'm cheap, but at least I have a job and a house.

Saving money is a false path.
The right path is to earn more.
There's literally no point in saving money in a debt-based economy with fractional reserve banking system. You're just cucking yourself into a miserable life - in the name of what? Need to buy something or start a business? Take a loan. If it's successful you will repay it in no time with interest and make a decent profit. If not - declare a bankruptcy, get a job and start again after a few years. Need a house? Take a mortgage and figure out a way to earn more money, so the payments are not an issue.

>b-but muh fiscal responsibility muh debt slavery muh ebul banks
Saving money in the age of limitless fiat currency, QE programs and low interest rates (lowest in history atm) is a shitty meme. Literally the dumbest shit you can imagine. Sure, so ahead save and enjoy getting cucked by constant inflation and decline of purchasing power. We don't live in the 1950's ffs.

>saving money means putting it in a vault and leaving it there forever
Holy shit you are retarded.

Wipe with toilet paper roll

>piss on tp roll dries up
>infinite reuses

Frugal life is for plebs.

just cant help yourself

>You're just cucking yourself into a miserable life
Learn to be happier with simpler pleasures desu

c) if the thing isn't supposed to last, buy the cheapest thing

Woke up this morning...

That's what most people are doing though, because even itt no one said what are they saving FOR, it's just saving for the sake of saving. Or irrational fear or risk, of taking a loan, of earning more money. Then the majority just accumulates money in their bank account, where it loses value over time.

Nah, this "simpler life" meme is ok when you're young. When you're 20 it's okay to share a room with another student, eat junk food, enjoy cheap hobbies (like vidya) and drive a bicycle or an old car to work.
When you're over 30 you want more comfort, more luxury status items, expensive hobbies, good food and high quality of life. That is not compatible with frugalcuck existence.


You should try stop breathing. This way you can save up to 3.000 kcalories per day.


>live frugally in 20s and 30s to put back hundreds of thousands
>start a family in early 40s
>work again to account for unexpected costs
>enter late 50s with plenty of cash and assets
>can't enjoy shit
>die of a heart attack

the frugal life meme is the worst


Get cheap car insurance. Consider liability only if your car is paid off

Have fun working your entire life.


>-Work full-time anyway in college

Wealth will come to me. Fuck y'all

are we all posting to get these sweet 777777?

Yes we are :^)

What are you on about?
I just don't understand how you can work 40 hours a week while going to college and actually studying.

>implying frugalcucks can avoid working their entire life

At least normal people can afford shit and will enjoy their lives. You people will work and save on everything, always buying cheapest discount food and clothes, used cars, cheapest furniture and won't have any vacation. In the end all pennywise frugalcucks will spend more on medical bills because of substandard shit they were forced to consume.
This isn't even life, it's a miserable existence.

>oh vey if you don't buy organicâ„¢ free range products from Whole Foods and the newest BMW every year you'll get sick!

Who the fuck is this faggot

what does biz do for their mobile phone service?
I've been considering republic wireless.

Don't do this if you can afford to. I worked nearly 50 hours a week + 35 hours of classes (not to mention the time it took just to finish lab reports and assignments) and it's fucking excrutiating. It deefinitely took a toll and very likely affected my grades. I ended up with a 2:2 (though I got cucked out of an entire 13% of my grade,due to illegibility of one of my exam papers, and finished with a 59% average)

Even if you keep up with the study, the brain simply cannot function at full capacity on so little sleep.

Take all night classes.

I got my BS in Econ while working 40 hours a week in IT for a local hospital. You just have to have discipline.

I'm just on my phone now

I actually like it, it helps incentive me to get a good job. I used to wear pic related all the time in the house despite the giant holes in it because it was comfy. Besides when I get a job I'll be changing my wardrobe to where I'm wearing slacks all the time.

> BS in Econ

Well no shit, you could complete a degree in that shit with your eyes closed.

keep making biz vlogs plz. but i would recommend that you use more Veeky Forums/biz originated terminology so your youtube channel will be more similar to surfing Veeky Forums

words like:
-top kek
-moon mission
-"nocoiners on suicide watch"
-try r9k you frogposter

At least admit your shilling your own vids, faggot.

any sim free midrange android phone off amazon + straighttalk sim activation package

>While being a FULL TIME STUDENT

You will not even get passing grades unless you major in a shit degree.

>BS in Econ
baby shit degree
Come back and tell me that you work 40 hours as an engineering/ pre-med/ pre-law/ hard sciences student.

That's what i thought. Faggot.

You forgot the part where you work. How do you put back hundreds of thousands without working?

God damn you must be such a wagie that the thought of not-working full time throughout your 20s and 30s is unthinkable

grow your own food

collect rain water for watering

Make enough dinner to have another meal for leftovers

Preddy gubd op

>When you're over 30 you want more comfort, more luxury status items, expensive hobbies, good food and high quality of life. That is not compatible with frugalcuck existence.

I prefer mountain bikes to cars. Cars are boring.

A "sports car" of mountain bikes costs a fraction of a gaz guzzler.

Scandinaviabras did make his own blog..

You seem really mad. I can only imagine you've just emptied your savings account into a failed business venture and are now projecting. lmao.


This man commits suicide in 2 year once he gets in enough debt and realizes it doesn't all go away with bankruptcy.

Literally just save in the stock market and inflation helps you.

My problem is that I just wouldn't be able get to most of my lectures which would result in me not graduating because of low attendance.

Dump girlfriend before Valentines day.
If you have to buy something new, buy discount gift cards.

take a load of this guy

If you give a shit about your nutrition and want to avoid costly health-related expenses, these things freeze or keep for long periods of time and are actually good for you. buy in bulk, make several meals at a time + freeze them

>If you feel you must have mobile memes
Google Project fi is unltd talk/text for $20, if you have worthless girlfriend, family plan at $15/mo, then they charge $10/gb data however much you use is what you pay 1.8gb = $18.00, but there's wifi everywhere, so if you pay for internet you rarely use data. I use 1gb with so many hotspots so my bill is $25, just buy a used nexus 6p, great service, camera, newest android, no preinstalled crap, front speakers, etc.

>2 good pairs of jeans (darker hides small stains) for the past 3 years, I do labor jobs in them and take them out and still get complimented.

>Use pic related for fucking everything cleanin-related, costs $10 heavily concentrated and has lasted me months for laundry soap, dish soap, shampoo (no more acne either you dirty fuck), handsoap, sometimes mouthwash, wash your cat, enema...

>Tilapia + chicken Stock + mixed veggies + brown rice = good shit

>What are the best ways to save money?

by not spending money

He saves money on haircuts...
Typical beta

he could at least just cut it himself

>finance board
>people saying saving money is stupid

You have to treat yourself like a business. If your salary is $40k, You don't make $40,000 a year. That's just your revenue. Your actual profit is what you have left after your expenses. You can have a business that reinvests and grows every year, and when you die have libraries and hospitals named after you, or you can just keep treading water trying to impress other materialistic people.

>u living lik a homless man
Check your privilege. If you shower with warm running water and live in America, you are living a more luxurious life than even the wealthiest primitive kings. If that's not enough for you to be comfortable, you're never going to satisfy your bottomless pit of "comfort".

>invite friend over
>murder friend
>cut into pieces
>salt and cure
>save on meat based groceries for next 2-3 months

Changing your motor oil is the biggest scam. Go to any shop and they will give you their 'waste'oil for free. It will contain synthetic oil that lasts forever plus diesel oil that companies are required to change every 3k miles when this special blend will last you 50k miles plus

you can use it for cooking too

Deep frying for sure because of the high smoking point that burns off most of the 'lesser' oils.

At least primitive kings got a harem of nubile concubines. Where's my concubines?

I've been washing all my clothes in a bucket with a washboard and small amounts of detergent mixed with soap for about 7 months.

Who /extremefrugal/ here? :^)

if you don't value your time you will never be rich

>eat only grilled cheese sandwiches
>master the procedure for cooking a grilled cheese

>have friends over
>friends are hungry and expect you to be a good host by feeding them
>make them grilled cheese
>follow the procedure exactly, minus adding the cheese
>sandwich will taste just like a grilled cheese
>friends will enjoy their grilled cheese sandwich
>you will enjoy saving money on cheese slices

why do i keep seeing this ugly jew mug on Veeky Forums?

In this modern age you can hire prostitutes to suck your dick for only 7 hours minimum wage. We truly live in the land of plenty.

this kid is officially saged

These threads are always comedy gold

If you put milk in the freezer and make it very cold it's hard to tell if and how spoiled it is when you drink it

Even if the bottom has turned to cream you can still drink off the more fluid top because it's cold and you don't really taste it


If you are a femanon you get a fucking vaginal cup $24-$30 for 10 plus years.

I don't watch your video but I can tell you're a brave man, who publicly reveals real identity on a place like Veeky Forums. Props