>file taxes
>don't report all income
>get larger return
Literally free money.
>file taxes
>don't report all income
>get larger return
Literally free money.
>Be government employee
>Much of pay is tax exempt
>Pay for private sector stuff is tax exempt while overseas
>.gov pays for food and housing
>virtually all of my pay straight to the bank
Fraud is cute though.
You'd get a smaller refund.
You're all under arrest.
>implying all income has tax withheld.
hi IRS!
Haha, well done OP.
I do this also. Would other anons please share their stories? I'm VERY interested.
I'm genuinly interested in how people commit tax fraud. Just so I can have a conversation with people about this subject and not be autistic for once and be quiet during the whole time.
>implying Mithril pays taxes
>report all of my income
>still don't owe any more tax because poorfag
>I'm genuinly interested in how people commit tax fraud.
> Offshores
> Bitcoin
Easy boyo
I amve a business and i put my business income as $300 a month and i don't have to pay a penny in taxes.
t. Brazilian.
I checked that I had health insurance even though I didn't. They still sent me my monies. 3rd year in a row.
Eggsplain bettar.
Post a new thread when the IRS comes to fuck you.
You have to pay a fine for being poor in the US
A former co-worker that does taxes for H&R Block says they can't enforce that shit. Treat it like the online purchase box; click that box with a straight face.
Hell yeah, thanks Obama.
I got whacked with the fee last year but finally had health insurance this year.
No free healthcare, just more taxes and fees for those too poor to afford their bills AND insurance.
I have also heard that currently the only way they have to take that money from you is from your return.
>people under 26 without decent parents get fucked
>can't leverage "You don't have to pay for my health care, boss" for super entry-level jobs mostly for industry experience before hopping to something nice anymore
Yet, the young crowd keep voting Democrat.
>Siphon gas from neighbours car when they're asleep
>Drive for free
>Steal tp from public washrooms
>Free poos
cash tip industries commit tax fraud because nobody reports the actual amount they made that day
nice try ATF wait this isnt /k/
>government slave
>couldn't leave even if you wanted to
>How to get audited in three easy steps: the thread
>hire jews to do taxes
>never pay taxes or get audited even though make almost six figures
>pay them 800 good goy bucks per year to keep larger fed jews off my back
literally don't even know what they do lol
the best part is they dont give a shit unless you have huge assets. they know self employed people get away with that all of the time.
I wish this was true
they just tell the fed jews you're a good goy who dindu nuffin
as a jew, to not trust another jew's word is absolutely haram
>not starting a company and buying stuff as expenses
reminds of that scene from "The Accountant."
If you have your own business you can write off almost anything as a business expense
>paying a jew to avoid getting jewed
sounds like a jew prisoner's dilemma
>Could quit job and fly out to anywhere in the world, and live there.
Get a good accountant fucktard and get paid in cash a lot if you have a business.
My family cleared ~350K last year and paid about 20K in taxes.
>le write off meme
Expenses still cost money user. You just don't have to pay taxes on the cost of the expense.
Aghh hahaha hahahahahaha
May as well start slinging dope u fucking idiot. Stop fucking my country
Fuck obama
Do you pay for internet service? Cell phone service? Cell phones? It's about writing off purchases you would otherwise make anyway.
You still have to pay for them though.
If a cell phone is $500 and you bought it normally you'd have to pay $500 plus sales tax
If you bought it through your business and wrote it as an expense your business still has to pay $500 they just dont pay additional tax
So it's not like you're getting free shit but it is a nice way to save money
Throw your return ina trash and pocket the 800.
>Siphon gas from neighbor's car when they're asleep
Jesus christ lol
>steal tp from bathrooms
Figured this one out in college.