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Wargaming doesn't give a shit.

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whoops, forgot to delete
kys nigger fetishist cuckold

If you can pay to use gold non-stop, while free players have to make decisions when to use premium it is a pay to win advantage. Being able to buy it for in game currency is admittedly a saving grace, it turns what would otherwise be "fucking bullshit" into: "annoying but can deal".
Not having premium ammo would still be better, not only for a more even field between rich and poor players, but also for the overally game balance.
Give other shit to payers, make them advance in tier faster, let them unlock faster, these are absolutely fine, give them more slots and maybe god damn fireworks on the tanks they kill. Fuck it.

>wallet warriors are scrubs.
Doesn't. fucking. matter. All your god damn fucking arguments about "you can counter it if you're not brain dead" doesn't god damn fucking matter. It is an advantage. Plain. And. Simple.
If someone had double damage in counter strike you could also argue: "yeah but you can just headshot him so it's fine that his weapon is stronger than the others".
If someone was faster in a driving game, would you argue "yeah but faster makes it harder to take the corners, you can take him there if you're good enough"?
I get that you're invested in the game, we all are. But that doesn't mean you have to suck their cocks and say that it doesn't even taste that bad. Yes it tastes bad, It leaves an awful aftertaste.

>farming in type 64
>mom calls saying my buffalo boneless chicken wings and chocolate milk dinner are ready
>have to kill myself with only 1k damage because if i don't go get them now she'll throw the breaker

Imagine rounding a corner and going: youtube.com/watch?v=lcfoabh9-Cs

>tfw don't own a single Tier IX or X tank
The gameplay just gets too cancerous above Tier VIII (and with all the OP premiums Tier VIII is starting to lose my interest too). Tier VI-VIII is the sweet spot.

op tier ixs are funnerer. i just wish the t54 didn't cost 500k credits per game.

Good thread guys.

I would probably pay 20 bucks to drive around playing this on a TOG II in a timeline where Skorpions, Defenders, Libertés and Chrysler Ks didn't exist.

>cent AX
>top aesthetics

That would be the Chieftain.

Premium rounds are available to everybody fuckface. They are not exclusive to paying customers. I haven't had premium in months and I still use plenty of gold. The proof is in the pudding that gold rounds are fair because when they were only available for real money NO ONE FUCKING USED THEM.

People only use gold now because it's piss easy stay on top of the silver costs. The only advantage we gold users have over you apparently is money managment skills.

>butthurt xxhardcore_gamersxx having a meltdown because their opinions are different
Please no.

>in charge of reading.

one of you is arguing theory and one of you is arguing practice and neither of you seem to understand you're not arguing the same conditions. please stop being retarded

Tier IX is honestly the most fun tier in the game. Most Tier IX's are leagues better than a tier VIII while still being competitive against X's.

I think I've read something about this on WG's digital magazine. Probably not a surprise. Maybe it would be fine as long as the horns had a cooldown of sorts or if they could only be activated under specific conditions? Something like the Heavy Metal in MWO but with less pink paint.

I agree partially. I think the current situation in WoT has little to nothing to do with Premium ammo in itself; P2W concerns are mostly due to the dominance of newly-released OP Premiums at tier VIII, specifically in competitive modes. These tanks really should be given out as campaign rewards or something at some point, if the game is to maintain a semblance of competitive balance.

>The only advantage we gold users have over you apparently is money managment skills.
>using easy mode ammo
Why yes user, I do value your scrub opinion.

Not using the easy mode ammo seems exactly like the sort of thing a scrub would do, to be quite sincere.

t. Sirlin fanboy

>no Veeky Forums clans in OP
>no mentioning of the Veeky Forums channel
>forced meme/gimmick OP
>e-celeb bs
literally kys yourself OP

>skilled players play on easy mode

A common delusion of scrubs is that making it harder for yourself makes you better, but in the end you're still doing worse

>not using easy mode ammo

Why leave a penetration up to chance when for only 4,000 silver I can guarantee it. Try playing the without any gold T-54 fampai and you'll wonder why people think it's good.

just copy pasted the previous one fampachi. If I do the next one I'll make it better just for you :^)

>A common delusion of scrubs is that making it harder for yourself makes you better
Well, if you don't use gold ammo, you certainly have to get better at other aspects of the game in order to be competitive. Otherwise the game wouldn't be enjoyable at all.

>Try playing the without any gold T-54 fampai and you'll wonder why people think it's good.
I don't fancy grinding for a tank that is only redeemed by its gold ammo.

So you play with warpack too?

This is Nathaniel_Horatio_Nutmeg, and I have an official message for all AWOO members.

If you are the color blue or higher, you are welcome to join PLSGO, include Veeky Forums in your application.

Thank you.

To clarify, being a scrub is less about skill level and more about mentality - a scrub is the sort of player who deliberately avoids playing a certain way because he deems it easier or unfair. In truth, the styles of play he so abhors are usually more effective, plain and simple. There is nothing necessarily wrong with being a scrub, but a scrub is bound to become frustrated when he faces players who do not limit themselves in such a fashion.

One of the dangers of this line of thought is that you might hamper your skill advancement by dismissing other, more effective players as 'ezmode noobs' or refusing to grind and play the best tanks in the meta. At which point do you stop? Would you play the Foch 155 in CW and fashion yourself superior to other players just because of your tank selection, even if they outperform you?

t. Sir 'Loins' Sirlin, tryhard extraordinaire

The T-54 is probably the best tier 9 medium in the game if you're willing to fire gold. It's an expensive tank to play but it's worth it imo

What's it with the severe increase in autism since the foch thing?

Streisand effect from kotaku articles and /v/ rage threads

i think there's just one retard that likes to type allcaps and gets in arguments a lot

thats just cognitive bias
because of the foch incident you paid more attention to things that you wouldve otherwise been dismissed but these these things were/are very autistic regardless of whether you paid attention to them

>eu has lost 20000 players

Wait what?

Who would win in a fight?

My dick

Having Nonna and Katyusha in the same tank is unfair. Erika could probably take Katyusha in her T-34-85, but Nonna would wreck her in her IS-2.



>Having Nonna and Katyusha in the same tank is unfair.

Katyusha can't do shit anyway.

So what's the best tier 7 TD, Jagdpanther or SU-122-44?

Probably the Jagdpanther the SU-122-44 gun is too derpy and has crap pen

today i met a 66% wr statpadder with half his games in a su-100. why?

What was the best tier 9 again?



maybe he just likes playing the su-100


>yfw 1 hp

jpanther, the 105 chews away everything and the prem ammo makes it a jpanther 2



ded game

ded thread

ded meme

>lowe pens my t32 straight through the mantlet
fuck this tank, so tired of its garbage gimmick
"impenetrable turret" at the cost of garbage everything else

the divide between regular tanks and overpowered tanks is pretty stark at that tier. i have 50k freexp and i'm thinking of using it to skip part of the t32 grind.

It really needs some combination of better pen, dpm, and/or gun handling.

All the t8 tech tree heavies feel real mediocre when you go against a premium nowadays

It's a bit ridiculous, even the IS-3 has problems with the premiums and that's a solid fucking tank

I've given up trying to play smart and safe with the T32, I've got half regular and half gold in the damn thing, I'm that asshole ruing the game so I can be competitive...

That's ignoring the 100.01 by the way, that is just as bad as the premiums

>have 60%+ WR in tier8/9 tanks
>have shit WR in tier10 tanks

I still have no idea what the hell is going on. I can consistently do well in a T-54, yet the Obj 140 is a pain in the ass to play.

>you have to suck their cocks and say that it doesn't even taste that bad. Yes it tastes bad, It leaves an awful aftertaste.

And yet, you still suck that cock. Fuck you, titty-baby.

Why are there so many fucking panzer variants that all look identical and combine into the same lines at tiers IV and V, whats the point?

fodder for germanboos to bait them into the worst tech tree in the game

Wasting your credits/XP, also gameplay diversity and entertainment for history enthusiasts.



Which direction should you go? I'm genuinely confused at what the difference is between these tanks and which I should go for, the autistic german naming conventions don't help

more diverse targets for superior soviet machines )))))

don't play german tanks if you're new.

I'm playing Americans, but I wanted to branch out a bit and try some other nations now that I have my Sherman and Chaffee.

Skoda and t-10 are the best

Play Russians then.

But they're smelly

Well, if you're determined to play Germans, I'd recommend working your way up the Maus line through the Pz.IV H, VK 30.01 (P) and VK 100.01 P. Real keepers at tiers IV, V, VIII and X.

I know some people favor the Leopard 1 but it seems to be seriously under-performing at the moment, even at high skill levels. Nice gun, though.

I'm not determined to play the Germans, I'm just trying out a few different tier III's and IV's to see what playstyles mesh with me, thank you though I'll take a look at the Pz IVs. As for the Russians I've working towards a KV-1 now and really enjoying the T-28.

speaking of germans, whats the better path to a Leopard 1, the light or medium line?


captcha 1100 1100

>light line
I like the way you think, but no, you should probably play the Mediums. The German LT line under performs even compared to other LT lines (except for the Luchs and tier V Leopard - cute little bastards are secretly OP).

Idk about the lights, but the medium line is good/ok

Indien is a support medium/sniper, has surprisingly good armor, gun handling was buffed recently

PTA is just the Leopard with lower dpm, also with a terrible grind to the 10.5. With so many tier 8s, it seems like its top tier upwards of 2/3rds of the time.

Nothing better than shitting all over defenders with instant hit APRC

>dude literally just sits in base and orders his teammates around the entire game, doesn't fire a single shot
>starts screaming about how he'll report everyone for losing

That's a pretty good technique, I'll be sure to try it out myself

without all chat I just turned chat off completely and it helps so much.

Lmao what a tard.

I had some dude send me a voice message on PSN saying I was hacking the game and he would have all my tanks removed because I circled him to death in a Bulldog GF while he remained tracked in place in a regular Bulldog.

Like if you can't figure out how to aim in front of a tank don't cry about it. I'm 99% certain hacking this game is impossible on console.

should have spent the round pushing him into a lake or spinning circles around him

Second hand story but once some SPG player decided (with help of that efficiendy addon thing) that the match was going to be lose and he suicides into a lake. Poster of the story led their team to victory and SPG player starts demanding that the victory must be disqualified (he wasted up x5 first win bonus)

I had a sherman do that to me today (while he was top tier), why do people think a 0 exp loss is better than a loss where they try their best? Even assuming that having a bad team is an automatic loss, you're just making your stats worse.

>ANOTHER pay2win tank
nice game

The NA playerbase collectively shits its pants after midnight doesn't it

I was about to say it's a French TD so it couldn't possibly be a good Premium but
>FCM 36 Pak 40
Clearly, Premium French TDs are allowed to be broken OP if also hopelessly flawed.

Wait, they released ANOTHER fucking premium? I meant the American superheavy that everyone lost their fucking minds over.

I don't think its out yet, everyone expects it to be garbage because like he said, it's a French TD


Well, Wargaming has been releasing tons of Premiums lately. Next up is (probably) the AMX Canon d'assaut de 105, currently found on the supertest server.

You say that but the FCM36Pak40 is a fucking monster whether you like it or not.
Now what I'd love to see is another French SPG, because the first one was so ridiculous they removed it from sale a la Type 59

They're not gonna stop releasing premiums as long as people keep buying them.

And they shouldn't, new tanks are always nice, and a lot of them will be given away to free players at some point

>given away to free players

they're constantly giving away premiums, on holidays, for events and through tankrewards, hell they accidentally gave a bunch of people the japanese tiger for free last year.