to make the cancer first post trio perfect have this image
Xavier Johnson
Why are nelfs so great?
Juan Gray
kill yourself earwen
Brody Thompson
All the /a/nimes are going to get a chance to play together!
Kayden Cook
Unpopular opinion maybe, but I'd do things to a nelf's holes
Jaxson Evans
Literally who
Lucas Powell
why u posting cartoons?
Parker Walker
You're looking forward to it...right? Gosh, I only have 3 weeks to prepare...what should I wear? I hope MoH are nice people..
Ayden Ortiz
moh is dead, all the reddit and underage got burnt out and quit. it's just pedos left now
Adrian Lee
nice try auralsects
Sebastian Cox
>Earwen paid $350 for a drawing of his elf and his CL just to get loot priority
MoH everyone...
Lucas Walker
Jose Wright
Is it really an unpopular opinion?
Nolan Anderson
Earwen is some third world spic he doesn't have anywhere near that kind of money
Jaxon Myers
can you furry roleplayers fuck off from every wow thread
Lincoln Phillips
it was his birthday money
Jose Ward
don't be mean to earwen, he has pretty good english for a shitskin
Jacob Walker
I don't understand why he would brag about that in discord?
Colton Myers
post more and let's find out
Christian White
this thread isn't your image dump for anime porn retard
Thomas Morgan
this desu there's plenty of that shit in /wowg/
Aiden Roberts
Does this server hand out IP bans or only account bans?
Ayden Ramirez
Just starting out, what addons should I grab?
Nicholas Wright
This is a meme and it never happened. I'll eat my words if you post the picture or a link to it.
Justin King
Does anyone know when pig on a stick releases on Elysium? iirc it doesn't release right on AV but just wondering, next BRE/Spinal is mine but REEEEEE never drops.
Jeremiah Sanchez
it was the OP of last thread
Matthew Campbell
Yeah and it's not commissioned by Earwen. Nor did this picture cost 350
Chase Scott
i want to ___ madtii! i want to ___ earwen!
Charles Powell
Nathaniel Reed
Trannies would get upset if I posted more
Samuel Garcia
What's the most "toolbox" class, do you think?
I might go Warlock if the tales about tanking 5mans with siphon (or voidwalker?) are true. Are they?
Blake White
how much does this cost?
Robert Jones
filter filter
Jaxon Long
Druid They can tank, heal, or dps in 5mans. Only class that can do that.
No warlocks cannot tank 5mans, i don't know where you heard that.
Luis Miller
200-260 roundabouts. They are always negotiable but the rough prices are listed on the artist commission page
Samuel Hall
thats pretty expensive, do they take 40 hours to make them?
Sebastian Gutierrez
Toolbox =/= hybrid. I mean utility. Druids are for fags, sorry, I should have been more clear.
Jaxon Roberts
you think their time is $6.5/hour?
that said, line art without color tends to be 400% cheaper
Cooper Hughes
>tank hah >dps hah >heal not better than a priest
druids = worst class bar none
Ryder Martinez
>Druid >They can heal
Grayson White
muh flag carrying muh innervate
Leo Sullivan
I've always played druid on retail ever since vanilla, going to start on this server with a friend but he wants to play orc.
So i'm thinking maybe it's time to try something else, how's resto shaman in vanilla for dungeons/raids ?
Ethan Roberts
>artists >having a good income yeah I think their time is worth jackshit
Tyler Thompson
>innervate oh yeah, giving mana to the priests to heal people. >flag carrying >playing pvp
Ethan Sullivan
Taurens make my knees weak.
Nathaniel Sullivan
yeah ok
Gavin Williams
Ayden Powell
Easily one of the comfiest classes for raiding especially. At the end of the day if you actually enjoy healing, then you'll like it. Just be warned that pvping as a shaman (resto or offspec) is not that great/fun.
Blake Bailey
redpill me on master demonologist/soul link
Jack Miller
so about femdead abusing havetts, the 10 year old in mandate. How fucked is that?
Brandon Scott
Bagnon Cartographer Auctioneer Xpcount
Charles Price
You tried, Luthien.. 1/10 for effort
Josiah Ross
Blake Morgan
Druids tank well. Yes, druids do low dps. Healing as a druid is completely viable. You just have to be good
most people who complain about druid healing are asspullers and morons who dont care about learning tacts. >just hit the things and they die lmao
druids have utility.
stop bullying druids please
Dylan Cooper
>strongest PvP spec in the game for 1v1 fights only maybe loses to Shadow Priest >best Arathi Basin base anchor bar none >can win 1v2 and 1v3s if the lock outgears the opponent >fucking bullshit resistances and 30% damage to pet makes it ridiculously frustrating to attack >Every guild needs one to tank one of the Twin Emperors in AQ40
Jacob Cruz
I miss Ogtucker...
Wyatt Reyes
How do I get madti to notice me if I'm not a warrior? I feel like her motherly instincts don't carry over to the other classes...
Lincoln Reed
I like to imagine I'm the daddy of my pet and Madti is the mommy. We have a nice happy family together!
Cooper Jones
Do you have a pet boar?
Connor Williams
b-but its not fair... I don't want to imagine things... I want madti to hold me and comfort me, to tell me everything's gonna be okay. She only does this to the warriors... ITS NOT FAIR REEEEEEEEE MADTI I LOVE YOU PLEASE HEAL ME
Lucas Bennett
That one permanently mad guy in your guild, who is he /elyg/?
Angel Hall
leave her alone
Jaxon Bennett
dads is a treasure
Caleb Williams
tfw I want to be friends with madti but I think it has autism...
Jacob Flores
message me ingame not on Veeky Forums and see what happens
Charles Morales
is this blizzlike
Daniel Thomas
Madti... If t-this is r-really y-you...
*sighs* Why do I even bother, of course it's not you...
tfw madti will NEVER be your motherly gf tfw you will NEVER wake up next to madti and cuddle her tfw madti will NEVER press your face into her chest and just let you sob WHY LIVE BROS..... JUST END IT NOW... I should've rolled a warrior...
Gavin Lee
it is now kill yourself
Chase Harris
madti please stop
Brody Wood
Andrew Anderson
I'm here
John Rodriguez
Nicholas Harris
this meme has gone too far
Anthony Gray
sorry, she's busy erping with me
Henry Green
wtf skills cost 50 silver at level 24 i can't afford SHIT
James Smith
who here /regretsrollinghorde/ simply due to the fact madti will never cuddle you...
I'm a big orcbull warrior if she's into that kind of stuff... M-maybe one day she will let me GREEN her...
Blake Williams
Erp for cash.
Adrian Price
what is your problem
Aaron Turner
she's already been taurened bro...
Carson Martinez
madti is a guy dude
Noah Sullivan
Ain't nobody on Horde to ERP with.
Alexander Powell
Jose Jackson
Neat. I'm guessing it's obvious that Ruin is far more of a DPS boost than Soul Link? If so, would there be any point in having Demon Sacrifice and Master Demonologist in PvE? I noticed a DS with Succ is 15% shadow damage, but DM with succ is 10% to all.
Lucas Johnson
t. literal who >implying she doesn't use a voice changer so people don't start unironically orbiting her
Nathaniel Sanders
Does the old Nos client work for Elysim?
James Nelson
Ryder Myers
I wish I had someone to erp with
Juan Ramirez
every time
Isaac Sullivan
Which server provides the best experience, groups guilds, etc?
Jonathan Campbell
Jackson Thompson
Thats where i am now, how is Elysium?
Jordan Baker
Henry Thompson
Ill stick with Anathema then thanks user
Liam Hill
tfw no orc waifu
Jaxson Wilson
go tauren
Jackson Parker
you're the femdead of /krog/ go alliance before its too late
Luis Wilson
if you're serious my best advice is to go to a therapist