Sister Fister Edition
Sister Fister Edition
Leblanc is a CUTIE and I wanna KNOCK HER UP!
People that actually get offended by "flaming" are a bigger problem than "flamers"
That's an odd title for a violently unholy person.
xth for cute fioraa
Face the facts, when e-sports isn't on this thread sucks major dick
People who believe there is a problem will never achieve enlightenment.
xth for Leona
Can't argue with facts
Only a week away from summer split though
People who play this game get offended for the weirdest reasons. Sometimes I don't even understand if they are actually offended or just being ironic because they sound like those conversations that autistic adults have between each other.
Talking shit is part of online video games. Hence the warning that game may be different when playing online on most games since the PS2
i want to befriend sej invite her over for a relaxing game night and treat her to a nice dinner that i made myself in my one room apartment only to have her say no and ask for dessert where i give her my last home made flan where she says "no, i want you" only to spill my spaghetti and have her overpower me while im trying to give an answer to her
and then wake up with a note next to me with sej missing saying "check the fridge" and checking the fridge shows a half eaten flan and another note saying "sharing is caring, ill be back tonight" then cry eating the last half of flan because i dont deserve someone so nice
Then why are you here? Go away until then.
What champion pisses you off the most?
Sona is the ideal breast waifu, you may not like it, but this is what peak milk production looks like!
xth for Syndra
How did he get 4 stacks on him in an instant after being stunned for that long? Since Renekton only had one stack to begin with
Oh he hits him once before he gets stunned. I didn't notice that before
>it's a support picks a mage and tries to be useful episode
Why do the most garbage players in the game take their shit down bot with mages? Just pick something with a shield or peel and let the adc do the work.
gotta get that DUDE DMG LMAO in
Because most people don't want to support and when forced into it will pick something that makes them feel more "involved", that is, actually fighting nonstop. Most people just fucking hate supporting dude, I don't know what to tell you.
I've been playing Support Malz, Veigar, and Lux and climbing
Then you aren't "most people" then. Mage supports are fine but you still have to you know, support.
We're transitioning back to season 1 meta
>First mages were adcs and adcs were mid
>Now mages are mid and adcs are bot
>Then Zyra came out and went from being a mid laner to a support
>After that other mid mages with cc were brought to support
>And every game it's usually a (melee) adc mid
>We also had Ziggs bot lane for some time
Those all have pretty good utility too. You also probably aren't garbage at support.
>Nobody looks at wards in gold, ECKS DEE
God i want to fucking kill myself sometimes
>go to ward river since Karma hasn't been doing so all game
>my Karma flashes on top of enemy lucian
>uses all spells
>"uhhhh, Kog??????
End my fucking life
>It's a "support auto attacks the cs and not in a helpful way, they're literally just standing there attacking all of the creeps" episode
I thought I got level 30 already?
Yeah that's true. I make sure they have at least 1 form of cc if I go bot with a mage.
This happens without fail for me but the opposite.
>Ping warning several times before I go to ward
>Walk away and ping careful again
>ADC decides to engage when I'm warding dragon
>"Where is my SUPPORT?"
without fail
>It's an ADC solo pushes a side lane with no vision episode
>seeing more and more people using angle brackets on other social platforms
why do normies have to ruin everything
Please don't play that rerun again. It comes on everyday
I'm in the mood to draw some loods
What male champions beat Fiora in lane?
blame reddit
captcha: bjergen thorndyke
>do you mean this shit
Can decide between Fizz, Hecarim and Anivia
Not many champs tilt me but these 3 in particular are the holy trinity of tilt for me
In my
Cutest cancer
>Enemy bruiser/assassin has been instakilling me the entire game
>Just want some god damn CREEPS
>Team is on the otherside of the map doing stuff at top looking like they're gonna fight
>Count 5 enemy circles on the minimap
>Go bot and hit creeps and push because I know no one is there
>Stop looking at the minimap because I need to actually see what I'm clicking on
>Within the 3 seconds I took my eyes off my minimap, all of my teammates are backing off/recalling and Riven is hopskotching her way into the lane to kill me
>"fucking stupid adc stop overextending"
Pretty sure we already have that "phreak lied" picture for that same situation.
I want to make Xayah drink my cum from a bowl like a dog. She isn't worthy of fellating me.
I vomit every time I get a Lux support on my team. These little shit eating fucks always feed in lane and do nothing during dragon fights but run around in the background waiting to pick someone off with ult
Zyra is fine because she actually does damage during lane and can 2v1
>30 mr
>she end 1/9/3
who could except that
also nocturne 4k dmg in 25 min game
why my team was full of trash?
It's a real shame his kit is the way it is, because I do enjoy the character. I was even happy to have the Atlantean skin at first.
fuck me i want to die
After playing the game since Season 1 no single champion really pisses me off anymore. Old Fiora and Old Poppy were rage inducing if you didn't know how to deal with them though.
Actually, let's not waste an image on that. It's 2017 and people still don't understand that they can join a room "late" and not see what roles were called prior, that's just sad.
All I can think of is Renek
Why do they have to keep fucking with him? I'm triggered
Heh, too bad kid. Consider this image wasted. I hope you aren't too distraught, kiddo. In case you didn't catch it, I want sincere in that hope. I don't care if it distresses you.
Nothing personnel
I can't get out of plat 5
I can't get out of diamond 5
I can't get out of Challenger
I can't.
I can't get out of bronze 5
haha is this the birth of en epic new meme?
Not a meme if it's true
you, motherfucker, for posting this damn webm for the past month in every thread
I cant get out of gold 5
Pic related, its not my fault. Right?
You have 100% win rate with Darius. Just ride that wave Kek
which champion do you hate the most?
(lol got him!
Easiest (you)s of the day
How about this one?
Hey buddy, you didnt make that post. I did.
What did (you) mean by this?
Have another;)
i love the plant animist archetype but don't play support what do
This is getting interesting
Excuse me? I made that post.
Maybe you can play starbound and play that plant race or stellaris and build a plant empire
Take Zyra mid?
>OCE tonight
>holy shit the level of cunt and retard is staggering
>4 gold/plat elo games played like bronze games
>"sorry guys i had a bet with my brother he couldn't play a plat level game" - tf who went 2/15
Fuck off and die you absolute cunts, seriously just fucking end yourselves if you do this shit to people.
don't really have time to commit to another game
i heard that sucks
>it's an ADC doesn't respect Brand's damage episode
It's a shame, she'd have dominated bot lane otherwise.
When bad matches come around, at least I have my loot to look at and a Poro ward to keep me company. Although matches with teammates who are all bad are rare.
so i'm lvl 18 right now
how long do i have to play clown fiestas until people know which roles are required?
>Time to play Rengar jungle
>Fuck yeah tonight we hunt
>Realise I'm a fucking coward
>Build a Warrior Poaching Knife, ghostblade and go right into bruiser
>Become a ward bot that moonlights as an ult baiting suicide bomber
>Get carried
>/All Me: "Wow that was an easy game"
Pure fucking salt.
Alright I need help on Rengar or should I just fuck off back to being a tank baby?
probably le wind samurai of endless knock-ups
>Playing Zilean against a popstar Ahri
>sound like a good matchup, let's farm for a while
>bomb some minions
>suddenly popstar Ahri leaves lane
>everyone in all chat panics for a second
>our singed goes like "it's your fault Zilean"
>everyone starts call Singed an islamophobe
>saying he doesn't respect my culture
>saying his way of thinking caused the bombing
>they start spamming #prayformidlane in all chat
>apparently the enemy support was a streamer, and he's crying live on his stream
>live coverage from CNN and BBC defending me
>what the fuck
>keep pushing lane, taking towers and creeps
>everytime i do it, the process repeats itself
>no one do nothing to stop me
>eventually destroy nexus
>post chat games Ahri writes "I'm broken, but not defeated. We have love, and that's why you'll never win"
Dumbest thing I've ever read on Veeky Forums, and that's saying a lot
cait skin when
everything that isnt meta sucks, you still see shitters in sikver play ap malph though
in actuality there is a guy that took teemo jungle all thr way to masters, if he can do that then you could probably take a champ with decent ap scalings mid and still do well
as long as youre good enough at the base game and interactions you should be able to play anything and do well, soon youll be able to /mute all and then mute pings to and be able to fully focus on your own fun in the game
As soon as you leave normal games
Zyra was a mage to begin with. I have absolutely no idea why they started to take her bot. Yeah she has cc but it's barely reliable I think she's better for clearing waves and pushing lanes
you promise?
LOL he thinks people know which roles to play even in ranked. I've had an Oriana adc before
It doesn't matter people are trash all the way up to challenger so don't expect it to get any better
doesn't seem worth it sorry, her kit's not super interesting to begin with
Not in the mood for croc cock
Let's do a suspension and disbelief and put Darius then
Typical cursing and being rude shouldn't offend you. Words like Nigger or actual threats I can understand though. Riots report and ban system will always be shit though.
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
watching a chinese stream
why do they spam 777777777 in chat?
>Made new account
>In the 20s
>Tier 2 rune apges
>Only own 3 champs I actually use
>I somehow have Plat MMR
I just want free wins, fuck you Riot.
>implying plat isn't free
i want to look EXACTLY like irelia!
Finally realized how to reliably tank my mmr
Just need to open to torrent shit raising my ping then ping that in game when I die
>implying Plat is free
They are the most annoying games to play, wtf you on?