/ss13g/ spessmeta on a spess serb

Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>some people left
>but who really cares
>the metaclub mournes their loss

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server
>Test server
>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


first for FUN cooking

>want to add space fishing
>similar to harvest moon mechanics
>all planned out
>too lazy to code it

I don't see how people find the motivation to code things, all the things I've contributed were just shit that subtly buffed roles I liked playing

Also this thread is dead

Third for medbay is a PURE job do not sully it so you can get attention

>that one time clown guessed nuke code and blew the station

>space fishing

>bartenders that only make basic alcoholic drinks
>bartenders that don't use space brewer
>bartenders that don't use mining, chemistry and botany for fancy drinks

no, actual features/mechanics, not just copy/paste of codes and sprites from metaclub members

Pick your favorite:
>Making a MoMMI army who have chloral and have chloral yourself on lowpop
>Be a wizard on lowpop and staff of change everyone into a borg with laws to not harm you and build a 1 GW engine

>Tfw Celt will never code space fishing because of the Hawaii Loophole

Quick post medbay lewds.

Whatever you say, slut

Honestly the chloral was less effective than just electric arm -> fire extinguisher to head.


>space brewer
Are you actual homosexual?

This round didn't go on for 3 hours after it was over so I'd say it was pretty good.

t. never played emagged MoMMI
electric arm doesn't stun long enough, the only way to kill someone without them having a chance to run away/kill you is stunning them, dragging them to a door and starting the doorcrush


Dean Bash is a living treasure

In all seriousness though, healslutting is gross and annoying and I really just wanna play healing roles without people ruining the reputation of healing roles because they don't get told enough IRL that someone loves them.
Pic related: 30 seconds of research to uncover the fucking scum of the earth. I don't really like hating people but I'm halfway willing to make an exception for these people

Oh, I meant to spoiler that picture as well

Once there was a highly immersed newplayer working in the medbay, so every round I walked up to him, told him to be ready for an emergency, and used one of the special item suicide commands.

>that image

Is it really a surprise that the most desperate, pathetic, and vapid people play a role that requires a lot of virtual interaction?

I want Joanna-chan to heal me!

arrestslut > heal slut
did I meme correctly

>No ancap law set for the AI
>No recreational nukes for violating the NAP

>he can't make gyro
>he can't make lifeline
>he can't make recharger

>TG gets fun mini antags to vary up rounds when it's succstended, stealthstended, wizdeadstended, and actually legitimate extended
>We get shitty game modes like rev, but it takes longer to fucking end and plays like extended

I like roleplay too but jesus christ you guys

I want to get absolutely hammered on Manly Dorfs with Joanna-chan and laugh the night away as we share stories and cigarettes before eventually falling asleep drunkenly laying against one another on a sofa!

d a t u m s

The electric arm stun lasts like 5 seconds
Just electric arm>beat two-three times>electric arm again and repeat until they're in crit

how'd you even know

A fan would know

just dropped out of college
I can't wait to become a full-time trialmin!

kek, seriously, it's like being a board janitor but you can actually get fired for doing your job

Any fresh waifus?

can newfags stop playing medbay? or at least read the wiki first you fucking mongoloids


That's not true, sometimes they self request bans for attention.

no, stop being a retard
you can play, just stop ruining rounds of other people and stop taking them out of the round because you're too incompetent

>Come into medbay
>Do adequate job, but don't follow the autistic pill coloring guide or the guide to cryo mix that is 8.5% more efficient

>Come into medbay
>Powergame the fuck out of it so people are getting healed and brought back into the round as fast as possible

>Be some dumb waifu in medbay
>Occasionally do something useful
>CMO: some dumb waifu
>Everyone unanimously agrees that waifu #3453225875 is the best CMO ever because one time they came into medbay and she spent half an hour bringing them back up from 299 damage and 12 blood and also fixing every bone in their body and replacing all organs just in time for the shuttle to leave the station

this game would be way more fun in 3D

i hope stationeers by Dean "DayZ was not my fault" Hall gives what we want. Seems like they want it to be as moddable as SS13 with .dll system and the game look as deep as SS13.

I hope you're aware that Stationeers is Dean Hall's *second* SS13 project.
He gave up the first.

>3d ss13

The only reason this game ever got any decent aiditions was due to how easy it is to mod it and how low effort it is to sprite shit, you make it 3d and nobody is going to update it, ever, no nerds here can use blender well and graphics wise itd look much much worse.

never seen anyone complaining about doctors healing people as fast as possible


>Come into medbay
>Powergame the fuck out of it so people are getting healed and brought back into the round as fast as possible
Thats because speed cloning every corpse that comes in is boring if it is easily salvageable.

>Speedcloning is literally the fastest way to get someone back up and playing
>Is also widely frowned upon and seen as TG shittery when chosen as opposed to putting them through 20 minutes of the wild ride

There is difference between speed cloning pile of corpses on wild ride and speedcloning everyone because you can't do anything else. There is nothing wrong with defibing and operating miner that got mauled by goliath when there is no emergency.

I have yet to download this, and I've seen the recommended review.

How much of a time commitment is the game? Having to balance vidya with Uni, Life and Work is already a bit tight.


This is one of the most fun games and also one of the most addictive. I honestly wouldn't recommend it if you get easily addicted to games. That said rounds last around 1-2 hours and no one will fault you if you leave early after the hour mark.

rounds are usually around 90 minutes, but can be anywhere from 20 to 120
you can join or leave a round in progress most of the time

>but can be anywhere from 20 to 120
What did he mean by this?

>20 minutes in
>Fucking raiders is shit

>120 minutes
>God fucking damn it it was extended?


Here's the real question, is space fishing actually fun or is it just fishing in a video game?

delet this

>actually survived my first session of SS13

Thank you bucket, you were truly my greatest ally

>xenovix applied for admin

Which Cryo Mix is Autist-approved?

Did he just admit to tracing?

>apply for prayermin in march 2017
>get denied
>apply for trialmin in april 2017
>get denied
>apply for trialmin in may 2017


You ever wonder why the heads of staff always seem to be super incompetent, or just plain assholes? It's because the kind of people who volunteer for shit like this are typically the last people you'd want to do it.

check the pastebin

>Taxi Outpost
What are you, a masochist?

there is no cryo mix in it, only suggestions

30 cryox
30 clonex
10-15 alk
5 rye
2 or more antitox

fishing in a video game

>5 rye
Don't walk into my medbay ever again.

the "wait it was extended?" bit only comes up when people shit things up as nonantag and everyone is surprised because they were sure it was not extended

>5 rye

have you read the pastebin?

There's a reason extended is called shitter safari, user.

>Enabling geneshitters
I play geneticist and that's still disgusting.
Rye doesn't remove disabilities and powers anyway, just suppresses them

>able to wrap various fish you caught in paper
>sit next to the lake with your comfy pals
>talk the shit and smoke blunts fishing
>tfw you will never be able to do this

The real problem is you will never use 1u of rye in an entire batch of cryo, let alone 5u. It is a waste of space.

The problem isn't the ryetalyn, it's the 5, brainlets.

Are you familiar with the cutoff? It's a few months old at this point, I think. You need at least half of the metabolism rate to get anything of use.
For rye, half of metabolism is 0.1u. For a 100u mix, that's 10 uses. For a 95u mix, I guess it'd be 9 uses.

Probe isn't head of trialmin anymore

the grudge is dead at last

You see non autist players, the joke to my previous post was that even though a cryomix of just cryox and clonex is perfectly fine, autists will endlessly argue over how to make it slightly more efficient when it ultimately doesn't matter.

>100u mix

>95u mix
1u from 100u is easier to show the results of than 1u from 95u.
100u is the better outcome if you wanna be an autist with rye

it's only been a month though, if probe denied him for a certain problem its unlikely the problem has been fixed in a month. it just makes him look desperate for power which is not wht admins should be or they turn out badmins.

>cryomix of just cryox and clonex is perfectly fine
>no alkysine
Stay out of medbay, for everyone's sake. Last thing we need is fresh clones falling over, unable to use machines and yelling about pin pointers because you couldn't handle a basic mix.

it's not perfectly fine
stop playing medbay if you think it's perfectly fine

If I walk into medbay and see a "cryomix" of just cryox and clonex I'm breaking into chemistry and making a new one.
Not before making some chloral and stripping and disposaling you though, of course.

This is why no one likes you, medbay autists

I'm just pointing out that making your mix 100u ruins your 10u reagents since they will be under 10.1%

Don't play medbay then if you think doing even the bare minimum is autistic.

If you can't handle doing 10-15 seconds more work to make someone's round more pleasant after they were just murderboned then you shouldn't be helping people in medbay. It isn't rocket science.

They're worse than the autmosians honestly, at least the pipe jugglers aren't assholes about it.

>goldsteel and xenovix trying to become the new metaclub admins

Great I can't wait for justsumguy, kolith, sawbones, and dragonbro to support them both!

just stay out of medbay

>30 clonex
>30 cryox
>12-15 alkysine
>1 ryet
Nothing more and nothing less
I was wondering if peridaxon would be useful, but I never bothered to find good dose

Your desperately need friends and not virtual companionship.

that's a waste of large beaker desu