Why don't we privatize everything?

Including all the functions of government and regulations?

>unaccounted for technocrats will rule the country
What's exactly wrong with that? As long as there is peace and economic stability that's all what matters. A democratic system which changes economic policy every 4 years is just stupid and short sighted.

>there will be more monopolies
The strong trumps the weak. Clearly the monopoly provides a better service than its competitors if it is able reach monopoly status.

>there will be more poor people
I'm sure there would be plenty of opportunities for poor people to get out of poverty rather than relying on welfare. Indentured servitude is one example.

>b-but indentured servitude is bad...!
It would of course be regulated by independent regulators. It serves against the employers interests to create harsh working conditions for their employees. Furthermore I'm sure that Big Pharma would lobby employers to ensure health and safety standards are enforced. A healthy employee is not just a happy and productive worker, but also a cash cow for Big Pharma after all.

So you see Veeky Forums, everything balances out just fine in a privatized free market economy with 0 government interference.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because 99% of the populace would be forced to provide basic services they couldn't afford to use.

Then they get all angry and kill the 1% that can afford to live comfortably. Then they set up a government and give themselves the services they otherwise can't afford. Then retards like you pop up and pretend people can afford those services without the government. And the pendulum swings.

>People can't afford to buy things without government redistribution of wealth

You're a fucking idiot. Typically when the poors rise up it's to decapitate the corrupt government because bad government policies have reduced them to eating rats.

because small tyrannical groups would form mafias until they reach status of government all over again.


How many miles of road can you personally afford to produce?
how many firefighters can you afford? Policemen? Judges? How much sewer pipe can you personally afford to lay? How deep a well can you afford? What happens to you when your richer neighbor digs one deeper? How large is your personal army, and how are they armed? What kind of Navy and Air Force can you personally field?

you have to join with others to get these things done. And when you do, a government is formed.

sounds good senpai

>muh roads
>muh volunteer services
>muh militia

How did people even survive without big government stealing a third of their shit?

>How did people even survive without big government stealing a third of their shit?
outhouses, oil lamps, dirt floors, horses, farming, having 23 kids and 21 of them die, log cabins, death by flu, never traveling more than 10 miles from their home, never seeing money, malnutrition, gross ignorance, worked to death by 35, constantly being robbed and murdered.

it was glorious.


You having fallen for the classic fallacy of absolutes. Reality is not black or white.

Mafias, like any business, are a profit seeking entity. They profit out of goods and services made illegal by the government but is otherwise desired by some parts of the public. Remove the ban, and mafias would suddenly find themselves out of business or be forced to operate as ordinary businesses.

All of the above are perfectly achievable by private enterprises.

>you have to join with others to get these things done. And when you do, a government is formed.

There is nothing stopping private enterprises from working with each other if it is in their best interests to do so.

If something needs done, the free market will always find a way to get it done in the most efficient way possible.

>but who will pay the firefighters and police?

Funds and trusts set up by private corporations will.

Nice strawman, but what you are clearly describing are the results of actions by incompetent governments setting up incompetent and short sighted regulations and laws to prevent people receiving basic services.

There will always be a demand for law and order to be enforced. It is naive to think that only the government can provide it.

> I'm sure that Big Pharma would lobby employers to ensure health and safety standards are enforced.

Are you stupid or something?

I was unaware my taxes were used to cover my mortgage, car payment, utilities, and health care. I could have sworn I make payments to corporations for those things.

You have an extremely poor understand of mafias. Organized crime involves far more than selling illegal goods, it's thievery, forcing locals to pay up, beating and killing the competition, etc.

There zero mechanism is an anarcho-capitalist society to defend from mafias.
The only thing that defeats a mafia is a more powerful one.

non-state power brokers will also take care of people so that people are loyal. This idea that organized gangs operate solely on coercion is pretty laughable.

It doesn't matter. The state also provides services ("take care of people"). Anarcho-capitalism is so laughably naive

My point is that the way governments operate is the same way that gangs operate just on a larger scale.

You don't really need either though. Any services they provide can be provided by voluntary community organizations.

alright genius, outline the steps to make this dream a reality

It doesn't matter if you think you don't "need" them. They will exist and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
The problem then becomes what kind of state is best (for me, swiss democracy), not whether there should be a state, a non-enforceable scenario.

If the government disappeared tomorrow how would that actually affect you?

Because powerful people will be able to commit horrible atrocities and get away with it as long they remain useful/profitable to the establishment.

I prefer a world where a magnate can be jailed for a single crime and how much his business creates "good" for the world doesn't matter.

Just take it in terms of an argument against further government expansion. Currently there are services that the government doesn't provide but the private sector does provide. Instead of trying to expand government into those services we should probably just leave them alone.

man randroids really are still just the worst

in the context of an ageing population rife with underemployment, an absence of federal and state fiscal policy would lead to riots eventually

without a strong central navigator to subtly direct neoliberal gains the country would be eaten alive by hungry oligopolies and multinationals

immigration would quickly become uncontrollable beyond its current untenable number

energy cartels that dominate the country would ream the common man for all he's worth, the FIRE sector would swiftly move in a deregulated environment to control the public coffers, but I suspect that without public funding and policy direction the triggers that have been laid for recession in my country would fire, leading to a total and absolute shitfest, in economic terms

I'd be broke as a joke with no safety net and would probably see an emergency government formed within the month

F35 is a waste of government money vox.com/videos/2017/1/30/14382686/jet-fighter-f35-congress-trump

ITT: user slowly has it explained to him that a private corporation that acquires a monopoly on the use of force IS a government.

I don't see enought helicopters in your plan to be beilable

OP, you are a retarded dickface and more retarded than someone who watches alex jones show.

Are guys 14 years old, redneck yahoos, or just fucking stupid?

People who are all "muh free markets" are just as bad as the man children who want the government to do everything for them. Although the market approach is a better foundation then a big bloated government, it's not some all correcting magical force. At the end of it all its not the setup or the rules but people who try to get over and break the rules.

> prisons were privatized

look how that went.

Some things do need to run by an election of votes, not the direction of money.

>it's thievery, forcing locals to pay up, beating and killing the competition, etc.

Sounds a lot like goverment desu

A monarchy is a privatized government.

>Clearly the monopoly provides a better service
No, it doesn't. MAYBE it did before it became a monopoly, but monopolies are an economic inefficiency.


not in practice

It's good and bad, mixed pill.
Technically they would want to rule in their own self interest since the family would benefit from it.
But of course, some would undergo rent-seeking behavior to maximize profits in the short term for themselves.

>private companies being in charge is somehow not government

Without getting to far into politics
Using efficiency for wealth max as the presupposition. (rent seeking being the ultimate form of inefficiency and parasitism of wealth)

The monarchy will always be more efficient than the democracy. The general rule of thumb is private is always more efficient than public. This is shown to empirically be the case with regards to rent seekers.

The gov is a firm but a firm is not a gov.
for a firm to be a gov, it needs a monopoly on land and violence.

>it needs a monopoly on land and violence.
except the government doesnt own all the land. and they cant initiate violence without a good reason over their ow citizens ether

You know the government can effectively seize any land at any time under imminent domain right?

You know that there is only the illusion of reason involved when violence is initiated right?

Don't kid yourself.

except if they do they without good reason they get sued to death

Because feudalism was a terrible form of government.