Treasure edition
Treasure edition
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destiny is bad
fuck new monarchy tbqh
FWC > everything else
fuck off with your e-celeb shit
oh nice, agility gives you a higher jump as well as governing speed
>The datto autist is back.
Take a chill pill.
All the menus and HUDs look really nice to me so far.
I like that they slimmed the results between PvP matches down and just overlay them instead of going to a dedicated screen.
Previously the worst looking parts on Titan armor were the legs.
Glad that this time around they get some nice greaves.
All I want in destiny 2 is to be held tightly against variks' chest by the comfort of his four arms
PvP HUD is too busy. If they can trim that down it'd be fine.
>grimgram is dead.
>Gen.2 will never know the joy of hunting dead ghosts.
All I want is an awoken girl to sit on my face
I thought they said you could decrypt things in the farm?
The fuck does that have to do with the grimoire and dead ghosts?
Oh sorry, mistook grimgram for engram for a second. Whoops.
how much of the legendary armor sets are just gonna be re-skins of these /dg/
>mfw those titan sets
Can't wait
what if the sentinel subclass for titan is actually a replacement for the sunbreaker subclass, changed to void.
And the void bubble has been changed to a fiery RAGE IN THE CAGE match with your titan and the unlucky lightless motherfuckers locked inside with you
glad they moved on from rubber suit shit to shaxx / zavala pants underneath
at least 2 per class
shame hunters don't get more variety in their shit
all the samey arms and legs
Is Shaxx black?
Why does sidhe even play this game when he gets upset every single time? He's not having fun.
Who knows, but we know we've seen more armor and weapon sets so far in the reveal than all of vanilla destiny. Faction armors look completely different geometrically from the vanguard armor, I think crucible has its own armor set as well, there will no doubt be a storyline armor like there was in RoI, and we've still not seen strike exclusive stuff, clan armor (if any) and raid armor. So regardless of how many reskins there are, I think its safe to say there will be a good variety.
Add D1 reskins to the pool and we're good
there better be. i'm not about to wait another 3 years for this game to get good.
I will rape your house and shit down your dog if you ever talk to me again motherfucker.
Of course.
Calm down Sidhe
>D1 reskins
how about just straight up imports of D1 models. hope you like finding "classic" guns in your Lost Sectors /dg/
>straight up imports of D1 models
The models itself dont bother me - its the same animations for every weapon of the class
>They'll finally realize their initial plan of making you find Thorn in an abandoned tomb
>Thorn is even worse now
Oh you know that shit is unavoidable.
I'm pretty sure bungie knows this is their last stand. D1 they had an excuse of team falling apart, lawsuit happening, resetting development six months before launch, being developed for last-gen, having kind of a semi-new genre on their hands and not anticipating the user demand for content etc...
Now they know exactly how much content is needed, how versatile the engine and the pipeline need to be, they had two years and three dev teams working on this thing. Its all on them now, no excuses.
>how about just straight up imports of D1 models.
What would be the issue here? Its not a jump from PS2 to PS4, they're just changing the engine, they'd look as good as the new guns in the new engine.
its fucking lazy? if they're going to pad out their inventory of guns by re-using guns we've been using for years, thats fucking lazy. can't wait to get rewarded with a gun i've already seen and used before.
>its fucking lazy?
>Finish making D2 content
>Have a little time left but not enough to make anything new
>Hey, lets add all the old stuff so they have more variety
Neck yourself.
sorry i'm not some shit eating faggot like you.
its lazy, end of story. budget your fucking time better.
I agree, I'm okay with reused models. Some of the legendaries that weren't meta are actually really good looking. Hopefully we'll see more use out of those non-meta models.
>with the removal of HMGs I'll never get to use the thunderlord again in D2
kinda makes me regret my pre order.
>wanting to use the same guns you used for 3 years again
just play Destiny 1 fag
One of the videos has a grenade launcher with the same aesthetic as current Iron Banner weapons.
Its not a matter of if, its a matter of how, the old stuff will make its way into D2, they're expanding the world not replacing it so its only natural, people crying against this never played destiny Y1, where people would have killed for more spaces and weapons.
I'm sure they'll come back, probably as primaries this time.
>You will never play Destiny 1 ever again
why live bros?
>One of the videos has a grenade launcher with the same aesthetic as current Iron Banner weapons.
no it has the same aesthetic as Gjallarhorn.
>I'm sure they'll come back, probably as primaries this time.
MGs aren't coming back either. Sweet Business is the gatling gun and thats just an exotic auto rifle.
>no it has the same aesthetic as Gjallarhorn.
What? no? If you're seeing a gjallarnhorn we're clearly talking about different weapons, stop being such a fucking confrontational faggot about everything.
>MGs aren't coming back either.
Why don't you fuck back off to /v/?
>sweet business
Is that the name? Fuck I really like that. Can't wait to read the flavor.
>>with the removal of HMGs I'll never get to use the thunderlord again in D2
>Bungie not re-using assets of an entire weapon class.
They'll be back.
>this is what Hawthorne looks like
ah you're this faggot, great. if MGs were coming back go ahead and show me the one they got to use in the PvP matches they played at the event, scaffolding guy.
"I love my job!" or something is the flavor text
Eh not great but not Reddit-tier autism humor either.
>This guy again.
Jesus dude do you have anything better to do than shit up the general?
He didn't say he saw a Gjallarhorn. But its an incredibly similar aesthetic. More similar to Gjallarhorn than the Iron Banner stuff.
Let me rephrase myself.
>What? no? If you're seeing a gjallarnhorn AESTHETICS we're clearly talking about different weapons, stop being such a fucking confrontational faggot about everything.
We good now? You really don't have to talk about yourself in third person.
you're shitting it up same as me, scaffolding guy.
Youtube compression makes it look like Borderlands
how come there are no white people in Destiny
White people are weak and died among the first during the Collapse
We want the (((PC))) playerbase.
>what you see is what you get
Swords weren't in the test build either but we know they are in game, grow up..
Not that guy. Don't jump to conclusions.
This seriously not the gun you're talking about? Looks pretty Gjallarhorn-esque to me.
>how come there are no white people in Destiny
Why did noone bother to SFM Amanda?
oh that the route you wanna go?
then show me the gameplay where they show MGs being used. i mean it exists for swords, must exists for them too right?
>he doesn't know.
Legit question, you never played destiny, did you?
>oh that the route you wanna go?
>then show me the gameplay where they show MGs being used. i mean it exists for swords, must exists for them too right?
>If it wasn't shown in the preview at all it doesn't exist.
Fuck as much as I hate to admit it this guy is right.
We should cancel our pre-orders, there will be no raid weapons or armors, there will be no trials weapons or armors, they lied about clan rewards because they clearly didn't show any. All the planets will be juist a single room where a camera spins around a lot. Hell I'm pretty sure the raid itself doesn't exist, they said they have it but they never showed it so its not real.
Destiny 2 confirmed for tech demo with no obtainable items past the 12 weapons shown in the gameplay.
At last you see!
>>If it wasn't shown in the preview at all it doesn't exist.
yeah that is my stance. seeing as your incredibly witty comeback was "well swords!!" and we know those are in the game.
so where are the MGs then dude?
btw i didn't read the rest of your shitpost.
>Raid weapons and armors don't exist.
His arguments are dumb but the leak saying that HMGs are gone is old news by now.
Where is destiny 2 dude?
Fuck off
eh. With that Suros gatling gun being in kinetic slot, I could see Thunderlord being in energy slot
it's not a OHK, after all
>Trials of osiris is gone.
>They literally said during fireteam chat interview trials is still a thing.
>completely bypassing the following line where it says its called Trials of the Nine
btw they just said Trials was a thing. they didn't say it was Trials of Osiris.
Sweet Business is an exotic.
of course they exist. but MGs don't.
refute my point with evidence or fuck off retard.
so is/was Thunderlord
Thunderlord is a machine gun, Sweet Business is an auto rifle.
do you see the difference now?
what I'm saying is, if they're okay with a gatling gun being classified as an auto rifle, then I don't see why they wouldn't for something like Thunderlord, despite its previous HMG designation
I'm not saying it's bound to be in there and we haven't seen it, but c'mon, old exotics etc. are such an easy surefire thing
>I'm not saying it's bound to be in there and we haven't seen it, but c'mon, old exotics etc. are such an easy surefire thing
this is such a stupid opinion. old shit should stay in destiny 1.
Legs and most helmets were shit on Titan, hoping that the good armor we've seen isn't cut like the first game
>Pokemon Gold/Silver just shouldn't have had Red/Blue as post-game
why, tho? Like, there's no upside "waah I don't want to use old gear", then don't, use some of the new gear
More is always better
Why would you not want a larger variety of options to pick from? Lol.
>dude this other game did it lmao!
fuck off.
not when your more is the same shit i've been using for 3 fucking years.
see above. more options don't mean shit if half of them are things i've already used and seen. i want new things, not gussied up old shit.
Would it kill Bungie to introduce ship battles?
All that CGI footage of shipbattles is just like a giant cocktease
consoles can't handle it.
>"It's called Trials of the Nine :)"
Alright, 5/10. Solid b8
Literally the only reason not to is to keep players from simply falling back on familiar territory instead of trying new things which won't be a problem if they're slowly rolled out. There's shitloads of exotics that never got a chance to shine or could use reworks.
Suck my dick
Choke on it
we're three months from launch, not a year and a half, it'd be insane to think there will be any sweeping changes between now and then
they're just polishing up for beta at this point
fuck off, retard
They're still in alpha, and some of the time armor we saw that was cut from D1 was being shown right up until the beta, but I am hoping that they don't do it though, I assumed they've learned
fucking consoles
no fuck those exotics. they couldn't make them work in destiny 1? tough titties.
fuck off retard
2 is not in alpha, fuck off retard.
>>completely bypassing the following line where it says its called Trials of the Nine
They confirmed trials of osiris is still a thing during the fireteam chat.
>of course they exist. but MGs don't.
No, no, you said if its not in the video it doesn't exist, raid gear doesn't exist, your argument not mine.
>2 is not in alpha, fuck off retard.
They literally said bungie employees have been alpha testing the game for months now.
They're not in beta yet, the people who have played the game stated it was still in alpha, and I'm pretty sure bungie addressed it as still in alpha
Then again, D1 didn't leave beta until like year 2
no, they said trials was still a thing and that we'd get it before the osiris DLC. nice try though.
>No, no, you said if its not in the video it doesn't exist, raid gear doesn't exist, your argument not mine.
no actually i didn't. you said swords must not exist since they weren't in the gameplay people got their hands on. then i said they were in the trailer and said if you wanted to prove MGs existed, point out a single solitary second of one in any of the gameplay.
you're jumping to retarded lengths to try and defend your position of them existing when they clearly don't. fuck off retard.
yeah no shit, but the game is 3 months out, its not in alpha and hasn't been for a while.
they played an alpha build. doesn't mean the game is in alpha retard.