Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Who the FUCK is this?
Play Josie's husband game
Millia Rage
>So fat he blocks the sun
Why the fuck didnt he play Birdie instead of Aladdin
kemono ears
>that feel when training a buddy to get better at fighters (albeit I only started a few months ago too)
>both cant stop laughing when a typical Darkseid player pops up in I2 online that LITERALLY wont do anything but spam omega beams and teleport into normal strings
why do people like this even come online? and why does NRS enable them with shit like OP projectiles?
Nina Williams
>Balrog """""""""""nerfs"""""""""""
Play blondes.
Sniff OPs. Best OPs.
why do you people always make 2 new threads at the same time
anything put in the way of the sun blocks it
you sayin thin people are transparent or some shit nigga?
Snifflords are just that desperate to take the OP spot
some guy always tries to beat the sniff op but it never works unless you make it very early
you laugh you lose
play ears!!
>not being transparent
I bet you can't even backdash cancel irl
Todd Howard can save SFV
How can anyone live like that? Holy shit, I suddenly feel like living in a castle.
If you own the beta you can see how many people are playing it in the community tab
live like...what exactly
I'm not seeing the problem
filia > millia
Nothing wrong with that. Everyone starts somewhere. As long as they keep trying and improving then who cares?
Imagine playing fighting games.
I wonder why Sony doesn't make player numbers public.
shut the fuck up highwaystar
Am I the only person that played that series primarily as a male character?
wud kemono!!
>dude is the fucking michelin man
>furniture thrown together from what he found on the streetside
>room clustered with shit
>walls plastered with anime posters
>not one but two japanese flags
microsoft doesn't make it public either
EU fightcade games anyone?
Preferably Super turbo but willing to play shit games also
No one cares about Xbox though, lmao.
>Nothing wrong with that.
yes there is, retards arent allowed to play team sports either
> Everyone starts somewhere
the training mode, not ranked
>As long as they keep trying and improving then who cares?
As long as it happens somewhere where their retarded shit wont annoy me/ waste my time
Ah that is a neat feature.
super turbo is pretty shit but i'll play. FC is altaccz
whats your name?
congratulations, you are officially a top player :^)
>b-but ms/nintendo
every time
what language does eddy gordo speak
>bad players
Just take the fucking points and move on, what the fuck.
Training mode doesn't teach you to fight human opponents. If you are winning in ranked then it is not wasting your time.
Yeah that seems odd. I'd think it's the kind of thing they could track considering that they know what people are playing at any given time.
>master and wakeup whiff supers still
lmao sfv and ranked fighting is a joke especially when i never see you win
can you try that again, without the meme lingo
looks like a generic college kids dorm room
whats the problem for real
its a race thing isn't it
>robbing an honorable Juri player of their hard-earned LP with that faggot character
you piece of shit
theres a difference between being bad and coming in ranked to waste everyones time when their experience ends with "I know the special moves this guy has"
It trains you to understand your characters toolset beyond literally mindless special spam, over and over and over again and apparently not figuring out they should stop if they get punished for it every time
bix nood
i wanna watch fukua fuk filia
the point is no console releases public player numbers. this isn't about console wars you idiot.
they do track player numbers or have the devs for the games do it for them. they don't release it publicly though for whatever reason. they only announce numbers in terms of sales or when they reach milestones.
Proud of you Broski
No, it doesn't going in to a ranked match or 3 and getting your shit pushed in is what teaches you that you need to go back and learn something else.
>super turbo is pretty shit
diaper post
>without the meme lingo
I tried to make it easy and simple to read, so that even someone like you would've been able to get the point.
Why would you spank her thighs instead of spanking her ass?
>the point is I dodge and point fingers
is fuhajin still garbo
why aren't you playing guilty gear?
the fucking michelin man
on the streetside
clustered with shit
what does this lingo mean
TTT2 is such an unbelievably shitty game.
how fucking retarded are you? it doesnt matter what fucking type of match it is, understanding your characters toolset doesnt change at ALL between CPU and real opponents fucking clown. The difference is that most beginners either have the good sense to stay out of online or for the very least ranked until they have an idea on how the game is played. I dont give a shit about winning a match against some turd that doesnt know what a punish is
Okay. So now that you have the highest status rank possible and done with SFV, what's the next fighting game you will be playing?
>Just take the fucking points and move on, what the fuck.
No, I'm good at a videogame and want to be a dick about it. That's why I sink so much time into them.
it will be over soon user
How do you know the guy didn't try it two more times and then go back to practice mode to figure something else out BECAUSE he got beat?
You're not learning the game from practice mode but from playing other people and getting some feedback, whether it's actual advice or just losing a lot. Like you're literally saying you're TRAINING someone who's new to the genre yourself. Go leave him sitting in practice mode and see how well he does.
Full version here gaylord
why do you only get 35 points at such a high level
>try kof14 on PC
>wait 20 minutes for an american player to show up
>game hard crashes in the middle of the second round
>wait another 20 minutes for another american to show up
>hangs on the loading screen between round 1 and 2, eventually says connection lost
>wait another 5 minutes for the same person to show up again
>this time the game is moving in slow motion even though we picked the same stage and the same characters
with quality like this no wonder this is the premier fighting game of objectively horrible places to live like china and brazil
You're right. I'm goign to turn off my ps3 and play some Danganronpa.
That reminds me, I need to get a code somewhere to get it for cheap.
> understanding your characters toolset doesnt change at ALL between CPU and real opponents fucking clown
is this a joke? against CPU you can do shit like gief lariat spam and have them walk into it every time
even the best AI can only react to things you do, it can't think or make guesses on what you're going to do even though that's the fundamental thing that all fighting game tactics/gameplay springs from. to know how you should use moves against other players you either have to hope there's a lengthy wiki you can read (not a thing for a new game) or play other people
you sound like a salty scrub lil bitch tbqhwu
it's just a beta user
I have 21 hours in guilty gear xrd -sign-, which is my only fighting game ever played.
I am going to shit up rev 2 soon, anyone wants to shit up with me?
also should I buy a cheapo fighting stick to get the true experience or just stick with controller? I get sore thumbs with a controller
Congrats champ!
honestly kill yourself
Think you might just be autistic desu
>playing jive
>playing jive ONLINE long enough to rank up to the max
put your trip back on
I'm not having any disconnect issues ever since the last patch dropped but for some reason the room searcher is fucking dead and barely finds anything even when I'm sure there are other rooms
You're still too poor to travel to offline tournaments.
Because the game isn't out.
>using a sweat drop emoji
What are you Broski, fucking German?
>Go leave him sitting in practice mode and see how well he does.
Probably as well as I did seeing that MKX was the first fighter I properly started playing and my ranked stats are sitting at a nice 50/50. Link related is me randomly matching up against one of the top 30 players, id like to think im doing okay for a few months of practice mode and random matches against people with thousands of hours in fighters.
The people who think coming online to spam projectiles and teleport are just as laughable as some jock trying to go into a boxing ring and then getting knocked out in one punch. Nobody wins
Are you retarded? Understanding your characters tools has nothing to do with what the CPU falls for. Also your average very hard CPU is better than 99% of players youll ever meet since they force you to punish and stay safe. An AI doesnt need to make "guesses" because it either knows the optimal move for you to do regarding your position or reads your inputs if it feels like it.
The only difference between AI and real players is that you cant play mindgames with AI, but they also dont have the flaw of making unwanted errors or incorrect inputs. How the fuck do you think knowing the range of your jabs or knowing how X setup works changes between real and imaginary players?
What is it with retarded namefags on this board?
go back to /v/
>the fucking michelin man
He's fat.
>on the streetside
Furniture people were throwing out, so it doesn't look like they belong together.
>clustered with shit
He hasn't tidied up in forever. There's all sorts of rubbish on each surface or under shit.
>what does this lingo mean
You mean these common English phrases?
I'm busy playing the superior ArcSys game instead.
>sf v
not everyone is a citizen of Detroit pal
this desu
Why did they change the goober gear online system and separate lobbies from rooms? It was cooler the way it was before...
It's a trip you stupid bitch
Vega is sooooooooooooo weak