>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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that's lucna
Correction baybee: that's my wife
Your wife gets passed around here a lot.
She's my wife as well, user.
Azura a best
I got Hector, Tharja, Raven and Effie in one roll.
Does the game actually take pity on me ?
>2 posts, 1 IP
>announcing your reports
Maximum uh-oh.
learn to read the IP count newfag
or just use the Veeky Forums x feature if you can't figure it out on your own
This was a fun romp, can't wait until it's finished if it ever gets finished.
(You) are Robins from other outrealms with their own respective Rukinas, not necessarily my Rukina.
>There's people that don't timewheel everytime their units crit
Crits are just a crutch you hope for when you fuck up and one unit's about to end your shit.
>have twenty orbs
>urge to roll
>check the banners
>WTA is garbage and not worth rolling, already have Azura
>already got Hinoka from Lloyd and don't really need Ninian since I have Azura
>Rite of Shadows
>already have a red mage in Tharja, green in Nino and blue in Reinhardt
>already have plenty of healers, even if Genny is a really cute sheep
New banners with new units when?
>Don't tell me you've never soft resetted.
God knows how many times I've resetted Fuga's wild ride on lunatic, but there is a very distinct difference between soft resetting that shitpile of a map that is probably 1 hour long when you're more than halfway done than just going back the last turn.
Don't get me wrong, I'm loving Echoes so far and I don't mind the turnwheel, but it's just not a good FE game, a franchise marked by srpgs. It is however a great and unique jrpg, but many fans don't see it and Gaiden I guess by what they are, but compare it to the rest of the series
It's really contrasting to play SoV right after I've finished Conquest; the former feels like Valkyrie Profile to me, whereas the latter feels like playing Victoria II as a minor nation.
Your prince
Yusuke Kozaki
Isn't it weird how no matter what outrealm she's from, Lucina is still utter shit?
Exactly what are you looking for this point?
savage's feet
I reset if I get critted.
Does that count?
celica is better than tharja, do it for her
Another red Pegasus option since right now it's Palla and nothing else.
Either a good Axe Cav (Walhart) or another mounted Green Tome to displace Cecilia.
Maybe another mounted Red too, since I don't have Leo despite my best efforts.
I don't personally want more armors, but the game really does need more armor too.
It's not unfair to compare a game that's part of an srpg series to other srpgs.
If anything that's the expectation.
Holy War
>60 FPS
>256x224 in 1996
>Dynamic 2D Sprites
>Every playable unit has unique palletes for each of their available classes
>Horses jump in a badass way when they enter the battlefield
>Classes have multiple crit animations for when your swordmaster procs astra
>Tomes have beautiful animations that range from abstract visions to depicting dragons that take up the whole TV screen
>30 FPS
>400 x 240 in 2011
>Clunky 3D models
>Every player unit looks the same outside their base classes
>Horses barely move rigidly on a straight line, they don't jump
>Every class only has like 1 or 2 crit animations and they're all the same
>Tomes have lame, tiny animations blurred by the tiny size of the 3DS screen
Any other reason am I missing as to why FE4 has better graphics than awakening?
I have a feeling that Eirika would have ended up just like Celica if she didn't have Seth and Ephraim to bail her out.
Were you hard-pressed to get to the gaiden that ended up getting you Tanya? Was it hard to find her?
If I knew how to hack, I'd modify Echoes exp rates to be similar to what they were in Gaiden and see how it would go.
I'd like to see an Awakening villain banner.
It'd be rather red-heavy though.
Gangrel, Red Sword. Levin Sword+
Validar, Red Tome.
Aversa, Red Tome Flier.
Walhart, Green Axe Cav
I have like a 4% on that shit now. Fuck that banner.
FE4 characters have feet (lol
Honestly I didn't even know there were requirements for it, I just did my usual thing, thought it was mandatory, guess I just got lucky.
Do people actually like this shitty meme character? Tbh if Gangrel was just an unapologetic cunt who was pining for a bit of revenge, or even motivated by an extreme religious conviction he'd actually be the best villain in his game.
Is the Lightning sword supposed to suck near the end?
Did you have to get Tanya manually,
or did she just join your party?
remember that gacha will take your money to give you nothing
Fire emblem switch will be a first person action game.
most underrated echoes song tbqh
*sucks your wife's penis*
hmmm... very nice...
That girl looks hot, what's her name?
Celica is a fucking idiot
It doesn't feel like an srpg, it barely even plays like one. If anything, it's a traditional video game rpg with very weird mechanics
make sure to grind those kozaki quests for easy 5 stamina hero merit points.
Anyone have links to Echo's OST?
She auto-joined after Boleslav crit Magnus.
>tfw Berkut's GF is Azura
Did you step on the special tile that has her talk to you in the first place?
Christ, it's sad that a fucking 3DS game couldn't properly render feet.
This is your bride tonight. Say something nice!
cute butt
Why do most of the characters in Awakening and Fates have chins that could slice a pizza?
Sorry but I already have a wife
whats that for again
>Every player unit looks the same outside their base classes
I hate this shit. Echoes is doing it too with the Overclass things, but at least they're pretty much irrelevant to the main game
Nope, I just finished the stage and she joined, unless the stairway in the boss room is what you're talking about then yeah, I parked the swordmaster lady on it just in case reinforcements would come out from it.
I wonder if they will keep the nude woman if they do a FE4 or FE5 remake.
I hand her pink hair dye.
That's my wife but why did she dye her hair orange? It should be blonde.
So is "Plot-Important Blue-Haired Character Gets Set On Fire" an official FE trope like Jagens, Navarres, etc?
>4.8k in arena
>still barely clinging to ~40% on Tier 18
jesus h christ, how can people spend so much cash on a mobile game
Of course not, not nu-tendo and specially not their puritanical American branch that sees all its costumers as children buying toys.
>Ferdnand & Berkut battle in chapter 3
>Fucker is surrounded by cavaliers
>A mage too
>3 Archers and more upwards
>Intense fight, dodged several killshots
>had to rely on Nosferatu landing to shake off Bercunt
>Battle ends
>"There were only three of them-"
Oh fuck off, game
I'm honestly surprised how many people seem to dislike Boey. He is a subpar unit but his brain is in the right place.
4,8k is not even close to enough to go to Tier 19. You're getting kicked down for sure
He's cute
I want to fuck his brains out desu
>subpar unit
That'll do it.
I guess they didn't plan on having a second army join them on the map there
It should be "Hel".
When raising from 4* to 5* do the skills learned get reset? I have 700sp I just wanna know if I can spend it before I advance to 5*.
I pulled my second Azura today and she's +spd. What should I do with her? My first Azura was +atk so I'm not really sure what to do with this spare.
Welp, in that case I have a bug to fix. Other than that how was everything?
Story units balance maps, anything you have a comment on really.
RIP Ninian.
Not that I needed her.
i know, that's my point
I'll probably keep going up and down between 17-18 because there's no way to maintain your tier after 18.
Why they would?
If anything it's better raise some unit from 3* for Sp than getting a 5*, assuming that you can afford the feather cost.
It says Hell right there on-screen.
The other user is saying the fan translation should have used "Hel"
Titania class' boob window is more ridiculous that Camilla's.
Anyone good with understanding the AI? I thought they were always supposed to move toward your unit unless they were using an assist skill, but in the first special map, it went like this for a turn: Effie move forward, Olivia dances, Effie skips turn entirely. She wouldn't even have been in range of a unit that would've killed her if she had moved forward.
Kiran please stick to Heroes of the opposite gender.
>Luthier and Clive so worthless I just leave them at the start
I'm tempted to use them as meatshields.
Didn't they say they did that on purpose for whatever reason?
>While we think the turnwheel is bad, everyone and their mother outside /feg/ cant stop praising it
That's because the vast majority of Fire Emblem's fan base is full of shitters who don't want to take responsibility for their shitty skills.
Where do you get Bonewalker Oil? I've found 1 of them, but don't remember where I got it. I'm hoping it's not a random drop from bonewalkers because I probably killed like 300 of those things my first playthrough and only ever found one oil.
she either couldn't move forward because of another unit (entirely possible since she has 1 mov) or she used smite on someone and you didn't realize
Did you try forging it?
It sure is. Same goes for Gargoyle Ears. Have fun!
They're pretty much just fates sorcs mashed with dark fliers.
I have like 7 of those things. Get back to grinding faggot.
>I will call it Outer Heaven
Boey is decent if you give him at least 2 of the initial speed points in celica's route. That route only has slow shitters and myrms, who you'd never double as a mage
Welp, fuck all that then. One Draco Shield is enough.
What do you guys think of Camus' voice? Camus is one of my all time favorite FE characters, and I love his voice in Echoes. I think it fits him perfectly.